Configure GigaVUE Fabric Components in AWS using Third Party Orchestration - Integrated Mode
This section provides step-by-step information on how to register GigaVUE fabric components using AWS GUl or a configuration file.
You can also upload custom certificates to GigaVUE V Series Nodes, GigaVUE V Series Proxy, and UCT-V Controller using your own cloud platform when deploying the fabric components. Refer to Install Custom Certificate for more detailed information.
Before deploying GigaVUE Fabric Components in AWS, you must create a Monitoring Domain in GigaVUE-FM with Use FM to Launch Fabric toggle button disabled. Refer to Create a Monitoring Domain for more detailed information.
Points to Note:
- When you deploy the fabric components using third party orchestration, you cannot delete the monitoring domain without unregistering the registered fabric components.
- When using Traffic Mirroring as the traffic acquisition method, you must add a key and value when deploying the respective fabric components in the AWS orchestrator. The key must be GigamonNode, and the value can be anything, but it must not contain numbers or special characters.
- GigaVUE V Series Node must have a minimum of two Networks Interfaces (NIC) attached to it, a management NIC and a data NIC. You can add both of these interfaces when deploying the GigaVUE V Series Node in AWS. Refer to Launch an instance using the Launch Instance Wizard topic in Amazon EC2 Documentation for more detailed information on how to add network interfaces when launching an instance.
In your AWS EC2, you can configure the following GigaVUE fabric components:
- Configure UCT-V Controller in AWS
- Configure UCT-V in AWS
- Configure GigaVUE V Series Nodes and GigaVUE V Series Proxy in AWS
What to do Next:
After deploying the GigaVUE Fabric Components in AWS, you must create Monitoring Session. Refer to Configure Monitoring Session for detailed instructions on how to create a Monitoring Session, tunnel end points, add applications to the Monitoring Session, and deploy a Monitoring Session.