Configure UCT-V in AWS

UCT-V should be registered via the registered UCT-V Controller. You can configure more than one UCT-V Controller for a UCT-V, so that if one UCT-V Controller goes down, the UCT-V registration will happen through another Controller that is active.

Note:  Deployment of UCT-Vs through a third-party orchestrator is supported for both Linux and Windows platforms. Refer to Linux UCT-V Installation and Windows UCT-V Installation for detailed information.

To register UCT-V using a configuration file:

  1. Install the UCT-V in the Linux or Windows platform. For detailed instructions, refer to Linux UCT-V Installation and Windows UCT-V Installation.

  2. Log in to the UCT-V.
  3. Create a local configuration file and enter the following user data.

    • /etc/gigamon-cloud.conf is the local configuration file in Linux platform.
    • C:\ProgramData\uctv\gigamon-cloud.conf is the local configuration file in Windows platform.
    • If you are using multiple interface in UCT-V and UCT-V Controller is not connected to the primary interface, then add the following to the above registration data:
      localInterface:<Interface to which UCT-V Controller is connected>
    • User and Password must be configured in the User Management page. Refer to Configure Role-Based Access for Third Party Orchestration for more detailed information. Enter the UserName and Password created in the Add Users Section.
        groupName: <Monitoring Domain Name>
        subGroupName: <VPC Name>
        user: <Username>
        password: <Password>
        remoteIP: <IP address of the UCT-V Controller 1>,
        <IP address of the UCT-V Controller 2>
        sourceIP: <IP address of UCT-V> (Optional Field)
        remotePort: 8891
  4. Restart the UCT-V service.
    • Linux platform:
      $ sudo service uctv restart
    • Windows platform: Restart from the Task Manager.

The deployed UCT-V registers with the GigaVUE-FM through the UCT-V Controller. After successful registration the UCT-V sends heartbeat messages to GigaVUE-FM every 30 seconds. If one heartbeat is missing, UCT-V status appears as 'Unhealthy'. If more than five heartbeats fail to reach GigaVUE-FM, GigaVUE‑FM tries to reach the UCT-V and if that fails as well then GigaVUE‑FM unregisters the UCT-V and it will be removed from GigaVUE‑FM.