Application Filtering Intelligence

Required License: Application Filtering Intelligence

Supported Devices : GigaVUE- HC1 Gen 2, GigaVUE- HC1 Gen 3,GigaVUE- HC3 Gen 2, GigaVUE- HC3 Gen 3 ,GigaVUE- HC1 Plus,GigaVUE-HCT.

Refer to Supported GigaSMART Operations for more details on the devices that support GigaSMART operations.

Application Filtering Intelligence functionality on GigaSMART allows filtering of traffic based on the application (such as YouTube, NetFlix, Sophos, or Facebook) or application family (such as antivirus, web, erp, or instant-messaging).

Application Filtering Intelligence (AFI) supports filtering for 4300 applications. When filtering encrypted applications, GigaVUE‑FM will add eight applications (SSH, SSL, IPSEC, ISAKMP, TOR, TOR2WEB etc.) by default as a filtering criterion. These application works as base of top-level applications like HTTPS. Application Filtering Intelligence will filter all valid applications which have either of the eight applications in their protocol path.

You can upgrade the protocol signature by upgrading the image file on the GigaSMART card, and by uploading the GigaSMART card image to GigaVUE-FM from the Internal Server or External Server. To select the image, follow the steps:

  • Internal Server—Upload the GigaSMART card image to GigaVUE-FM from the internal server and select the image that you need to upgrade from the selected GigaSMART card.
  • External Server—Provide the location of the image in the external server that you need to upgrade from the GigaSMART card.

For more information on upgrading the image, refer to the following topics:

Elephant Flows in Application Filtering Intelligence

An elephant data flow is a single session (TCP Session) with a relatively long-running network connection that consumes a large or disproportionate amount of bandwidth, buffers, and queues. Because of this nature, elephant flows can cause packet drops in other traffic and significantly increase the mean-time-to-completion (mttc) of smaller flows (mouse flows)1.

Elephant flows are considered to affect the traffic in the following ways:

■   Disproportionately affects mouse data flows mean-time-to-completion (mttc).
■   Causes significant issues to tools, detecting problems with applications and next-generation firewall (NGFW), as it causes high CPU spikes and bandwidth consumption.
■   Elephant flows are often related to high use low inspection traffic, for example, backups, database replication, VM migrations, data migrations, etc., inside the data centers that impact network bandwidth for minutes or hours or more.