Upgrade with GigaVUE‑FM as the Image Server

This section provides the steps for upgrading the GigaVUE nodes and clusters, and GigaSMART cards when GigaVUE‑FM is used as the file server instead of an external server.

Note:  Only H Series and TA Series devices can be upgraded using GigaVUE‑FM as the image server.

To upgrade a node, a cluster or a GigaSMART card using internal image files, do the following:

1.   Download the images from the Gigamon website and place them where they can be available for uploading to GigaVUE‑FM.

To obtain software images, register on the Gigamon Customer Portal and download the software. You must provide the serial number for each node you want to update.

To view the chassis serial number, login to GigaVUE‑OS and select Chassis from the navigation pane. Click List View.

2. On the left navigation pane, click , and then select Physical > Nodes..
3. On the Physical Nodes page, select one or more nodes or clusters to upgrade.
4. Select Actions > Image Upgrade. Under Selected Nodes, the disk space, software version, and hardware type of all the nodes are displayed. When you upgrade a GigaSMART card, under Selected Nodes, additional details like the GigaSMART Build Number, Related GigaSMART Group, GigaSMART Version, GigaSMART Build Date, and GigaSMART Build Release of all the nodes are also displayed. If a device has multiple engine ports then, the GigaSMART card details for all the ports will be displayed.

Note:  If the disk space of the selected node or a node in the cluster is low, a message will be displayed indicating that the node will not be upgraded due to low disk space.

5. Enter the relevant upgrade information as described in the Image Upgrade table.
6. Click Upgrade.

Table 1: Image Upgrade



Task Name

The name of the upgrade task.


Select a type:

Software - To upgrade the software.
GigaSMART Signature - To upgrade the protocol signature in the GigaSMART card. (This lightweight option allows you to update the Application Intelligence protocols on a specific module without needing to perform a complete OS upgrade on the full chassis. This option is used in conjunction with the GigaSMART Module gs-image file on the Software Downloads portal.)

Image Server

The location from where the image can be uploaded.

Do the following:

1. Choose Internal Server.
2. From the Version drop-down list, select the version to which you want to upgrade.
3. Click Add Image Files.
4. In the Add Image File quick view, click Choose Files and select the image files that you downloaded in Step 1. Click Add.

Note:  If there is an image file missing in a cluster configuration, the Image file missing error is displayed.

Update uboot

The check box to update the binary bootloader or coreboot included with the active/boot image. Coreboot only applies to a GigaVUE-TA100,

GigaVUE‑HC3, or GigaVUE‑HC1 node.

A reboot is required after the update.

Backup Config Before Upgrade

The check box to back up the configuration changes prior to performing the upgrade.

Reboot After Upgrade

The check box to reboot the server after performing the upgrade.

If you do not select Reboot After Upgrade, you must reload the node manually.

To reload the node manually, select the node on the Physical Nodes page and click Actions > Reboot.


The time for performing the upgrade.


Immediate—The upgrade is performed immediately.
Scheduled—The upgrade is performed at a scheduled time. Select the date and time.

Note:  When the GigaVUE‑FM IP address is changed through the jump-start configuration, the GigaVUE‑FM internal database and in-memory caches are not updated. The database continues to have the old GigaVUE‑FM IP address, and attempting an image upgrade with the internal server option does not work. To fix this, you must restart the GigaVUE‑FM instance.