Create Monitoring Domain

You must establish a connection between GigaVUE‑FM and your Azure environment before you can perform the configuration steps. After a connection is established, you will be able to use GigaVUE‑FM to specify a launch configuration for the G-vTAP Controllers, GigaVUE V Series Proxy/Controllers, and GigaVUE V Series nodes in the specified VNet and Resource Groups. GigaVUE‑FM connects to Azure using either an Application ID with the client secret or the MSI method of authentication. After the connection establishment, GigaVUE‑FM launches the G-vTAP Controller, GigaVUE V Series Proxy/Controller, and GigaVUE V Series 1 or 2 node.

To create a monitoring domain for GigaVUE Cloud Suite for Azure in GigaVUE‑FM:

  1. From the left navigation pane, select Inventory > VIRTUAL > Azure > Monitoring Domain. The Monitoring Domain page appears.
  2. In the Monitoring Domain page, click New. The Azure Monitoring Domain Configuration wizard appears.
  3. Enter or select the appropriate information for the monitoring domain as described in the following table.



    Use V Series 2

    Select Yes for V Series 2 configuration.
    Select No for V Series 1 configuration.

    Configure HTTP Proxy

    Select Yes to add a proxy server. Proxy server enables communication from GigaVUE-FM to the Internet, if GigaVUE-FM is deployed in a private network. On selecting a Proxy Server, enter the following information:

    • Proxy Server—Select a list of proxy servers already configured in GigaVUE-FM. For more information on adding the proxy servers before configuring the Azure connection, refer to Configure Proxy Server.
    • Add Proxy Server—Add a new Proxy Server. For field information, refer to Configure Proxy Server.

    Monitoring Domain

    An alias used to identify the monitoring domain.

    Authentication Type

    Select an authentication type for the connection.

    Managed Services Identity: MSI registered with required roles assigned for the resource group in your Azure platform. Refer to Managed Identity (recommended) for detailed information.
    Application ID with Client Secret: Connection with Azure with a service principal. Enter the values for Subscription ID, Tenant ID, Application ID, and Application Secret values required for GigaVUE-FM to connect to Azure. Refer to Application ID with client secret for detailed information.

    Region Name

    Azure region for the monitoring domain. For example, West India.

    Traffic Acquisition Method

    For V Series 2 configuration:

    Select a Tapping method. The available options are:

    ■  G-vTAP: If you select G-vTAP as the tapping method, you must configure the G-vTAP Controller to monitor the G-vTAP Agents.
    ■  Tunnel: If you use select Tunnel as the tapping method, you can select the tunnel as a source leader in a bidirectional clock relationship (formerly master) where the traffic is directly tunneled to V Series nodes without deploying G-vTAP Agents or G-vTAP controllers.

    For V Series 1 configuration:

    ■  G-vTAP: If you select G-vTAP as the tapping method, you must configure the G-vTAP Controller to monitor the G-vTAP Agents.

    Virtual Networks

    Select one or more Virtual Networks (VNets) required.

    Resource Groups

    Select the Resource Groups of the corresponding VMs to monitor.

    Traffic Acquisition Tunnel MTU
    (applicable for V Series 2 solution only)

    The Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) is the maximum size of each packet that the tunnel endpoint can carry from the G-vTAP Agent to the GigaVUE V Series node.

    For VXLAN, the default value is 1450. The G-vTAP Agent tunnel MTU should be 50 bytes less than the agent's destination interface MTU size.

    Secure Mirror Traffic (applicable for V Series 1 solution only)

    Check box to establish secure tunnel between G-vTAP Agents and GigaVUE V Series nodes for traffic across VNets.

    Use FM to Launch Fabric

    Select Yes to Configure GigaVUE Fabric Components in GigaVUE-FM or select No to Configure GigaVUE Fabric Components in Azure.

  4. Click Save and the Azure Fabric Launch Configuration wizard appears.