Deploying Gigamon CloudSuite on OpenStack to scale-in and scale-out monitoring tools (5.12)


Organizations are adopting Software-Defined Data Centers (SDDC) to be more efficient in managing their expenditures and to be more agile in responding to the increasing demand for bandwidth. The elasticity offered by SDDC lets resources (compute, networking and storage) to be scaled up and down as needed. As compute resources are scaled, the traffic between the workloads on the same host can escape the scrutiny of the monitoring tools for any lateral movements of malicious traffic. GigaVUE Cloud Suite not only provides the visibility in to such traffic, but also enables optimizing the traffic before monitoring and enables seamless scale-in and scale-out of the security tools stack. The following Gigamon Validated Design (GVD) illustrates deploying the solution on a Red Hat OpenStack Platform with OVS Mirroring.

Design Overview

The following figure depicts deploying OpenStack OVS traffic mirroring using the G-vTAP agents. The acquired traffic is aggregated at the V Series node and optimized by removing duplicate packets before forwarding to the tools such that:

  • All IPv4/Ipv6 traffic is load-balanced among the Network Detection and Response (NDR) tools, NDR1 and NDR2.
  • Web traffic is load-balanced among the Application Performance Monitoring (APM) tools, APM1 and APM2.


Figure1: Logical topology of GigaVUE Cloud Suite for OpenStack using G-vTAPs on OpenVSwitch

To learn more about this solution, read complete details on the Gigamon Community: Deploying-Gigamon-CloudSuite-on-OpenStack-to-scale-in-and-scale-out-monitoring-tools-5-12.