View Health Status

You can view the health status of the Monitoring Session on the Monitoring Session details page. The health status of the Monitoring Session is healthy only if both the configuration health and traffic health are healthy.

View Health Status of an Application

To view the health status of an application across an entire Monitoring Session:

  1. After creating a Monitoring Session, go to Traffic > Virtual > Orchestrated Flows and select your cloud platform. Select a Monitoring Session and navigate to TRAFFIC PROCESSING tab.
  2. Click on the application for which you wish to see the health status and select Details. The quick view page appears.
  3. Click on the HEALTH STATUS tab.

This displays the configuration health and traffic health of the application and also the thresholds applied to that particular application.

Note:  The secure tunnel status is refreshed for every 5 minutes, and the GigaVUE‑FM does not display UCT-V secure tunnel status that is older than 7 minutes. If the secure tunnel in the UCT-V is removed, it takes up to 7 minutes to reset the status on the GigaVUE‑FM.

View Health Status for Individual GigaVUE V Series Nodes

You can also view the health status of the view the health status of an individual GigaVUE V Series Node. To view the configuration health status and traffic health status of the V Series Nodes:

  1. On the Monitoring Session page, click the required Monitoring Session from the list view.
  2. In the Overview tab, you can view the health status of the required GigaVUE V Series Node from the chart options.