Acquire Traffic using Traffic Mirroring – GigaVUE-FM Orchestration

This section outlines the workflow for acquiring traffic with Traffic Mirroring and deploying GigaVUE Fabric Components using GigaVUE-FM. It provides step-by-step guidance on configuring traffic acquisition, processing, and forwarding to your desired destination.

Note:  When GigaVUE-FM and the workload VMs requiring monitoring are in different AWS accounts, you must configure a load balancer. Refer to Acquire Traffic using Customer Orchestrated Source with Network Load Balancer or Acquire Traffic using Customer Orchestrated Source with Gateway Load Balancing for configuration steps.

Step No Task Refer the following topics


Install GigaVUE-FM on AWS

Install GigaVUE-FM on AWS


Configure the required permissions in AWS

Minimum Permissions Required for Acquiring Traffic using Traffic Mirroring


Create the AWS Credentials

Create AWS Credentials


Create a Monitoring Domain

  • Ensure that the Use FM to Launch Fabric toggle button is enabled.
  • Select VPC as the Traffic Acquisition Method.

Create a Monitoring Domain


Configure and deploy GigaVUE Fabric Components

You can configure a prefilter and determine the VPC endpoint traffic that is mirrored. For more information on prefiltering, see Configure a Traffic Pre-filter.

Configure GigaVUE Fabric Components in GigaVUE-FM


Create Monitoring session

Create a Monitoring Session (AWS)


Add Applications to the Monitoring Session

Add Applications to Monitoring Session (AWS)


Deploy Monitoring Session

Deploy Monitoring Session (AWS)


View Monitoring Session Statistics

View Monitoring Session Statistics (AWS)