UCT-C and GigaVUE‑FM Interaction

Following are the interactions between UCT-C and GigaVUE‑FM:

UCT-C Registration

When UCT-C comes up in the Kubernetes environment, UCT-C registers itself with GigaVUE‑FM.

Check the network requirements for the registration to be successful. For more information, refer to Network Firewall Requirements.

UCT-C only supports IPv4 protocol. For more information, refer to Deploy UCT-C in Kubernetes.

UCT-C Deregistration

When UCT-C is terminated normally, UCT-C sends the deregistration message to GigaVUE-FM. If UCT-C goes down abnormally, it will get deregistered when the GigaVUE-FM misses to receive couple of heartbeats.

UCT-C Heartbeats

Periodically, UCT-C sends heartbeats to GigaVUE-FM. By default, the status of UCT-C is marked as Connected. The following are the various scenarios where the UCT-C status changes:

  • If 3 consecutive heartbeats are missed, GigaVUE-FM marks the status as Disconnected.
  • If 2 consecutive heartbeats are missed, GigaVUE-FM marks the status as Pending.
  • GigaVUE-FM purges disconnected or terminated UCT-C taps after 30 days.

Monitoring Domain and Traffic Policy

You can configure and manage the Monitoring Domains, Connections, Source Inventories, and Traffic Policies of UCT-C in GigaVUE-FM. For more information, refer to Configure UCT-C through GigaVUE-FM.

Refer to the GigaVUE API Reference for detailed information on the REST APIs of UCT-C

  • A Traffic Policy is a combination of Rules and Tunnels.
  • A rule contains specific filtering criteria that the packets must match. The filtering criteria lets you determine the target instances and the (egress or ingress) direction of tapping the network traffic.
  • A tunnel is a communication path in which the traffic matching the filtered criteria is routed to the destination.