Application Metadata Exporter

Refer to the following topics for more detailed information on the various ways to configure AMX:

Export AMI output by AMX

Application Metadata Exporter(AMX) application converts the output from the Application Metadata Intelligence (AMI) in CEF format into JSON format and sends it to the cloud tools and kafka.

The AMX application can be deployed only on a GigaVUE V Series Node and can be connected to Application Metadata Intelligence running on a physical node or a virtual machine. The AMX application and the AMI are managed by GigaVUE-FM.

Export of 3G/4G/5G Control Plane Metadata by AMX

The AMX application can also export the 3G/4G control plane metadata received from the GTP Correlation engine and 5G control plane metadata received from the 5G CPN engine in either Flat or Hierarchical JSON format to the cloud tools and Kafka in Flat JSON format.

The AMX application can be deployed only on a GigaVUE V Series node and can be connected to a GTP Correlation / 5G CPN engine running on a physical node.

Refer to the following topics for more detailed information and configuration: