Migrate Application Intelligence Session to Monitoring Session

Starting from Software version 6.5.00, Application Intelligence solution can be configured from Monitoring Session Page. After upgrading to 6.5.00, you cannot create a new Application Intelligence Session or edit an existing Application Intelligence Session for virtual environment from the Application Intelligence page. The following operations can only be performed using the existing Application Intelligence Session:

  • View Details
  • Delete
  • Forced Delete

It is highly recommended to migrate the existing sessions to Monitoring Session for full functionality. GigaVUE-FM will migrate all your virtual Application Intelligence sessions and their connections seamlessly. All sessions will be rolled back to their original states if the migration fails.

Points to Note:

  • You must be a user with write access for the Traffic Control Management Resource in GigaVUE-FM to perform this migration. Refer to Create Roles for more detailed information on how to configure roles with write access for the Traffic Control Management resource.
  • If any of the existing Application Intelligence Session is in PENDING or SUSPENDED, then the migration will not be triggered. Resolve the issue and start the migration process.
  • If any of the existing Application Intelligence Session is in FAILED state due to incorrect configuration, then the migration will not be triggered. Resolve the issue and start the migration process.
  • If an existing Monitoring Session has a same name as the Application Intelligence Session, then the migration will not be triggered. Change the existing Monitoring Session name to continue with the migration process.
  • If any of the existing Application Intelligence Session has Application Filtering configured with Advanced Rules as Drop Rule and No Rule Match Pass All in the 5th rule set, you cannot continue with the migration. In the Monitoring Session either only Pass All or Advanced Rules as Drop is supported in the fifth Rule Set. Please delete this session and start the migration.
  • When migrating the Application Intelligence Session, in rare scenarios, the migration process might fail after the pre-validation. In such cases, all the Application Intelligence Session roll back to the Application Intelligence page. Contact Technical Support for migrating the Application Intelligence Session in these scenarios.

To migrate your existing Application Intelligence Session to Monitoring Session Page, follow the steps given below:

  1. On the left navigation pane, select Traffic > Solutions >Application Intelligence. You cannot create a new Application Intelligence Session from this page.
  2. When you have an existing virtual Application Intelligence Session in the above page, the Migrate Virtual Application Intelligence dialog box appears.
  3. Review the message and click Migrate.
  4. The Confirm Migration dialog box appears. The list Application Intelligence Session that will be migrated appears here.
  5. Review the message and click Migrate.
  6. GigaVUE-FM checks for the requirements and then migrates the Application Intelligence Sessions to the Monitoring Session Page.
  7. Click on the Go to Monitoring Session Page button to view the Application Intelligence Session that are migrated to the monitoring session page.

All the virtual Application Intelligence Sessions in the Application Intelligence page are migrated to the Monitoring Session Page.