Compatibility and Interoperability Matrix

The GigaVUE-OS Compatibility and Interoperability Matrix provides information about the compatibility and interoperability requirements for the Gigamon devices.

Download the file to view the matrix in Excel format:

Note:   This guide is only available in Excel format at this time. Check the Documentation Library for updated versions of the matrix and additional resources.

The following table describes what is covered in each section of the matrix.

Section What is covered
Clustering Matrix

Clustering support for 10G, 25G, 40G, 100G, 4x10G, 4x25G, and 2x40G ports across platforms and modules.

Fanout Matrix

Fanout support for 4x10G, 4x25G, and 2x40G ports, including protected BPS ports across platforms and modules.

Inline Port Matrix

Inline tool and inline network support for 10G, 25G, 40G, 100G, 4x10G, 4x25G, and 2x40G unprotected ports across platforms and modules.

Transceiver Support for Modules

Transceiver support for GigaVUE-H Series and GigaVUE-TA Series Modules.

Transceiver and Cable Matrices

Transceiver and cable specifications for GigaVUE-H Series and GigaVUE-TA Series Modules.

o Transceiver and Cable Matrix for GigaVUE-H Series and GigaVUE-TA Series Modules
o Transceiver and Cable Matrix for GigaVUE-H Series Fiber TAP Modules
o Transceiver Specifications—Rules and Notes
o Cable Naming Conventions
Supported Interoperable Combinations for SFP-502T, SFP-503T, SFP-532T and SFP-533T

The supported list of interoperable combinations for SFP-502T, SFP-503T, SFP-532T and SFP-533T. The combinations not listed here are not supported.