Auto Refresh Tags in Visualizations 
In Fabric Health Analytics, the data is saved as index patterns in the Elastic Search database and is fetched into the various fields in the visualizations. However, when you add tag ids dynamically in GigaVUE-FM and associate the tags to the various resources, the tag ids are not automatically refreshed in the visualizations. To add the new tags in visualizations:
Create new tag key and tag values from the tags page. Refer to the Create User-defined Tag section in the GigaVUE Administration Guide.
- Associate the resources to the tag keys and tag values. For example, to add tag key and tag values to the physical nodes, refer to the Add New Physical Node or Cluster to GigaVUE‑FM
- Click on
Refresh Index Pattern icon for the newly added tags to get reflected in the visualization filters in the system and custom visualizations.