Install and Upgrade GigaVUE-FM

You can install and upgrade the GigaVUE® Fabric Manager (GigaVUE-FM) on cloud or on-premises.

  • Cloud—To install GigaVUE-FM inside your AWS environment, you can deploy GigaVUE-FM using the AWS CloudFormation Templates (CFT) found in the AWS Marketplace or manually deploy the latest GigaVUE-FM instance using the public images (AMI) through the AWS EC2.
    For the GigaVUE-FM installation procedures, refer to Install GigaVUE-FM on AWS Install GigaVUE-FM on AWS
  • On-premises—To install and upgrade GigaVUE-FM in your enterprise data center, refer to GigaVUE-FM Installation and Upgrade Guide available in the Gigamon Documentation Library.

For GigaVUE-FM upgrade issues, refer to Troubleshoot AWS Cloud Issues.

Starting with release 5.14, GigaVUE-FM introduces several significant changes, which include improvements in usability and performance. These changes include upgrading and replacing databases and changing the underlying operating system. So, you must migrate your existing configurations and data such as audit logs, events, syslogs, and statistics from your current GigaVUE-FM version (either 5.7 or lower) to GigaVUE-FM 5.14. You cannot directly upgrade your GigaVUE-FM instance to release 5.14. You must first upgrade to GigaVUE-FM, a special release that provides the tools to manage and perform the migration. You can then upgrade to GigaVUE-FM 5.14. For details about migrating your GigaVUE-FM instance on AWS platform, refer to the GigaVUE-FM Migration Guide.