Configure Email Notifications

To configure automatic email notifications:

1.   On the right side of the top navigation bar, click .
2. On the left navigation pane, select System > Notifications.
3. Select the notification/notifications for which you want to configure email alerts.

4. Click on the Actions menu and select:
o   Configure: To set the automatic email notification to a single event. Enter the email addresses of the recipient or recipients in the Recipient(s) field and click on Save
o   Unconfigure: To remove the configuration for a specific recipient. Select the notification and click on the Unconfigure ,the configuration will be removed.




Allows you to add recipients to the selected notification(s).

Select a notification from the Description list and then click Configure to open the Configure Notification page, where you specify the recipient or recipients in the Recipient(s) field for that notification.


Allows you to remove recipients from all selected notification(s). Click Unconfigure to delete the email notification for a recipient or recipients


The list of notifications that can be emailed to recipients as alerts. Table 1: GigaVUE‑FM Notifications provides more information about these notifications. You can toggle notifications to display in descending or ascending order by clicking the label.

Email Recipients

Email addresses of the people to be notified. Each email address should be separated by a comma. You can toggle the order of the email recipients to display in descending or ascending order by clicking the label.

The following table describes all GigaVUE‑FM notifications.

Table 1: GigaVUE‑FM Notifications



Node Series

Apply Device Configuration

The configuration was applied to a managed node.

H Series

Authentication failure

A user login attempt failed on the indicated GigaVUE G Series node.

G Series

AWS License Expire

The AWS license is close to expiry.


Battery level changed

The battery charge in a G-TAP A-TX21 tap changed. Traps are generated at 25% increments as the available battery charge falls - 75%, 50%, and 25%.

Traps are also generated when the available battery charge falls to 15% and the system closes the tap relays, falling back to passive mode.

A Series

BPS Failover

An inline bypass failover has occurred.

H Series

Buffer usage exceeds configured threshold notification is the Edge/Level Triggered Event

Buffer threshold can be set by going to Node IP > Ports > Ports > Configure. When using the drop down on Configure, you can set the buffer threshold for each port.

H Series

GigaSMART CPU Temperature

GigaSMART CPU temperature is above an acceptable level


Cluster added

A cluster is added to the GigaVUE‑FM instance.

H Series

TA Series

Cluster creation failed

The cluster failed to form successfully.

H Series

TA Series

Cluster creation started

The cluster creation has started.

H Series

TA Series

Cluster image install finished

Installation of a new image on the indicated cluster of nodes began.

H Series

TA Series

Cluster image install started

Installation of a new image on the indicated cluster of nodes began.

H Series

TA Series

Cluster reboot finished

A reboot of the specified cluster completed.

H Series

TA Series

Cluster reboot started

A reboot of the specified cluster was initiated.

H Series

TA Series

Cluster Removed

The indicated cluster of nodes was removed from GigaVUE‑FM.

H Series

TA Series

Cluster Updated

The indicated cluster of nodes was updated in GigaVUE‑FM.

H Series

TA Series

Configuration saved

The configuration of a node was saved to local storage (for example, by using the write memory command).


CPU Temperature

The CPU temperature is above the threshold limit.


CPU utilization is high

CPU utilization on the indicated node exceeded a hard-coded threshold.


Device config backup

GigaVUE‑FM performed a configuration backup for the indicated node(s).


Device config deleted

GigaVUE‑FM deleted a backed-up configuration file for the indicated node(s).


Device config restore

GigaVUE‑FM restored a configuration file to the indicated node(s).


Device Health changed

The health status of the device is changed based on the health status of ports, cards, fan tray, power module, memory utilization, and CPU utilization.

H Series

TA Series

Device image install failed

Installation of a new image on the indicated node failed.


Device image install finished

Installation of a new image on the indicated node completed at the indicated time.


Device image install started

Installation of a new image on the specified node began at the indicated time.


Device Operational mode changed

The cluster or standalone node is in Safe or Limited mode.

H Series

Device reboot finished

Reboot of the specified node began at the indicated time.


Device reboot started

Reboot of the specified node finished at the indicated time.


Disk space low

The available disk space on the indicated node fell below a hard-coded threshold.


Evaluation License Expire

The evaluation license for GigaVUE‑FM has expired.


Exhaust Temperature

Exhaust temperature is above the acceptable level.

H Series

Fabric Node Down

The GigaVUE V Series node is down


Fabric Node Reboot Failed

The GigaVUE V Series node has failed to reboot.


Fabric Node Rebooted

The GigaVUE V Series node is rebooted.


Fabric Node Replacement Launch Failed

The GigaVUE V Series node upgrade failed to launch the new version.


Fabric Node Replacement Launched

The new version of GigaVUE V Series node is launched and the old version is removed.


Fabric Node Restart Failed

The GigaVUE V Series node failed to restart.


Fabric Node Restarted

The GigaVUE V Series node restarted.


Fabric Node Unreachable

The GigaVUE V Series node is unreachable.


Fabric Node Up

The GigaVUE V Series node is up.


Fan tray changed

The Fan Tray in GigaVUE H Series node was removed and reinserted.

H Series

Firmware changed

The system booted and detected that its firmware has been updated from the previous boot.

G Series

FM image install Finished

Installation of the image file for GigaVUE‑FM completed installation


FM Image Upgrade Completed

GigaVUE‑FM was successfully upgraded from the installed image.


FM Image Upgrade Failed

Upgrade of GigaVUE‑FM from the installed image failed.


FM Image Upgrade Started

An upgrade of GigaVUE‑FM has started.


FM Server config backup

Backup of GigaVUE‑FM has completed.


Gigamon Discovery

An email notification is sent to all configured destinations each time a new Gigamon discovery neighbor is discovered or Gigamon discovery information for an existing neighbor is changed or expired.


GigaSMART Application Core Crash

A GigaSMART application core crash occurs due to a back trace trigger or a soft reset being initiated.


GigaSMART CPU Utilization

GigaSMART CPU utilization is above the rising threshold.


GigaSMART Packet Drop

A packet drop was detected by GigaSMART.


GigaVUE-VM came online

The indicated GigaVUE-VM node came online and was detected by GigaVUE‑FM.


GigaVUE-VM for Datacenter install completed

A bulk deploy of GigaVUE-VM nodes from GigaVUE‑FM completed.


GigaVUE-VM for Datacenter install interrupted

A bulk deploy of GigaVUE-VM nodes was interrupted before the installation completed.


GigaVUE-VM for Datacenter install started

A bulk deploy of GigaVUE-VM nodes from GigaVUE‑FM began.


GigaVUE-VM install completed

Installation of the indicated GigaVUE-VM node completed.


GigaVUE-VM install started

Installation of the indicated GigaVUE-VM node began.


GigaVUE-VM pinned to host

GigaVUE-VM was pinned to the host.


GigaVUE-VM unpinned from host

GigaVUE-VM is no longer pinned to the host.


Inline Bypass State Change

Forwarding state changed on an inline network.

H Series

Inline Tool Recovery

An inline tool recovered from failover.

H Series

Link state changed

An GigaVUE H Series node detected that either:

■   A port’s link status has changed from up to down or vice-versa.
■   A port’s speed has changed.

NOTE: This trap is not sent when the Management port’s link status changes.

NOTE: The link state polling interval is 1 second. If a link state change is detected during the poll, a trap is generated.

H Series

Manual link added

A link was added to the Topology manually.


Manual link removed

A manually added link was removed from the Topology.


Manual link updated

A manually added link in the Topology was changed.


Manual node added

A node was added to the Topology manually.


Manual node removed

A manually added node was removed from the Topology.


Manual node updated

A manually added node in the Topology was changed.


Module changed

A GigaVUE node has detected a change in line card/module type from the last polling interval. This typically happens when a line card/module is pulled from a slot or inserted in an empty slot.

G Series H Series

Node added

A new physical node was added to GigaVUE‑FM.


Node cold start

A GigaVUE node restarted with a possible configuration change.


Node failed to join cluster

The nodes failed to join the cluster.


Node failed to remove from cluster

The nodes failed to leave the cluster.


Node joined to cluster

The nodes joined the cluster.


Node Link down

The link status on the indicated port changed from up to down.


Node Link up

The link status on the indicated port changed from up to down.


Node removed

A physical node was removed from GigaVUE‑FM.


Node removed from cluster

The nodes are removed from the cluster.


Node state changed

The status of a physical node in GigaVUE‑FM changed from up to down (or vice-versa).


Node warm start

A node restarted without changing its configuration.


Packets dropped

A node detected dropped packets on the indicated port.


Port link changed

A G Series node detected that a port’s link status changed from up to down or vice-versa.

NOTE: The portlinkchange trap is not sent when the Management port’s link status changes.

NOTE: The link state polling interval is 1 second. If a link state change is detected during the poll, a trap is generated.

G Series

Port Optics Temperature

Port optics temperature is above the acceptable level.

H Series

Port utilization below threshold Change

The utilization of the port is below the threshold limit.


Power module changed

A G Series node detected either:

■   One of the two power supplies was powered on or off.
■   Power was lost or restored to one of the two power supplies.

G Series

Power source changed

The power source used by an A Series tap changed (for example, from Primary AC to Battery).

A Series

Process CPU utilization is high

An email notification is sent to all configured destinations each time the control card CPU utilization exceeds the pre-configured process threshold values.

H Series

TA Series

Process Memory utilization is high

An email notification is sent to all configured destinations each time the control card memory utilization exceeds the pre-configured process threshold values.

H Series

TA Series

System CPU utilization is high

An email notification is sent to all configured destinations each time the control card CPU utilization exceeds the pre-configured system threshold values.

H Series

TA Series

System Memory utilization is high

An email notification is sent to all configured destinations each time the control card memory utilization exceeds the pre-configured system threshold values.

H Series

TA Series

Resource Extreme High Usage Problem Cleared

An email notification is sent to all configured destinations each time the disk usage percentage falls below the extreme high usage threshold.


Resource Extreme High Usage Problem Detected

An email notification is sent to all configured destinations each time the disk usage percentage exceeds the extreme high usage threshold.


Resource High Usage Problem Cleared

An email notification is sent to all configured destinations each time the CPU and memory utilization falls below the high usage threshold.


Resource High Usage Problem Detected

An email notification is sent to all configured destinations each time the CPU and memory utilization exceeds the high usage threshold over the period of 2 minutes.


Scheduled task [%s] created

Any new task that is created under All Nodes > Inventory > More Actions, will trigger a notification.

H Series

Secondary Flash Boot

A boot partition next operation has occurred.


Service Status Down Detected

A service monitored by GigaVUE‑FM is down.


Service Status Up Detected

A service monitored by GigaVUE‑FM is up.


Stack image install finished

Install complete of a new image on the indicated stack of G Series nodes.

G Series

Stack image install started

Install start of a new image on the indicated stack of G Series nodes.

G Series

Stack reboot finished

A reboot of the specified stack of G Series nodes completed.

G Series

Stack reboot started

A reboot of the specified stack of G Series nodes was initiated.

G Series

Switch CPU Temperature

The switch CPU temperature is over the threshold limit.


System Reset

A node has started, either as a result of cycling the power or a soft reset initiated by the reload command (H Series) or the reset system command (G Series).


System Reset by Watchdog timer

A node detected that the watchdog monitor had to reset a failed process on the system.

H Series

TAP Relay changed

A G Series node detected a GigaTAP-Tx module’s relays switched from active to passive or passive to active, as a result of the config port-params taptx command.

G Series

Thresholds exceeded

The utilization threshold configured for a port was exceeded:

■   GigaVUE G Series – The threshold configured with config port-alarm was exceeded for five consecutive seconds.
■   GigaVUE H Series – The threshold configured with port <Port list> alarm utilization-threshold <percentage> was exceeded for six consecutive seconds.

G Series H Series

Transmit / Receive error

G Series node received one of the following physical errors on a data port:

■   Undersize error
■   Fragment
■   Jabber
■   CRC or Alignment errors
■   Unknown errors

G Series

Unexpected shutdown

A H Series node shut down unexpectedly (for example, because power was lost and subsequently restored).

H Series

User authentication failed

A user login has failed on a H Series node.

H Series

VM Instance Running

A VM instance is running


VM Instance Stopped

A VM instance is stopped.


VM Instance Terminated

A VM instance is terminated


Vmm Error

An error related to VMware ESXi inventory occurred.