Required Command-Line Mode = Configure
Use the map command to configure flow maps and map parameters.
Note: SNAP/LLC packets are not supported in GigaVUE‑TA400.
The map command has the following syntax:
map alias <alias>
a-to-b <<ordered list of inline tools and inline tool groups> | bypass | same | reverse>
b-to-a <<ordered list of inline tools and inline tool groups> | bypass | same | reverse>
comment <comment>
encap-tunnel <tunnel name>
add <drop | pass> gtp <imsi | imei | msisdn> <number[*]> [comment <comment> | interface <Gn | S11 |
S5 | S10> | version <1 | 2>]
delete <all | rule-id <rule ID>>
fstype rotational timer <value> offset <value>
add 5g<dnn<pattern>> [comment <comment>] <pei<number[*]>> <supi<number[*]>>
<gpsi<number[*]>> <nsiid <SST | SST.SD>> <nci><pattern><tac><pattern>< plmn-id> <mcc.mnc> <5qi><percentage <percentage range>>
<qci <value>> <version <1 | 2>>
add gtp <apn <pattern>> [comment <comment>] <imei <number[*]>> <imsi <number[*]>>
<interface <Gn | S11 | S5 | S10>> <msisdn <number[*]>> <eci><pattern>
<plmn-id> <mcc.mnc> <tac><pattern> <percentage <percentage range>>
<qci <value>> <tac-5g> <nci> <snssai> <version <1 | 2>>
add sip <caller-id <caller ID>> <percentage <percentage range>>
delete <gtp | sip> <all | priority-id <rule ID>>
insert <after | before> <priority index> <gtp> <apn <pattern>> [comment <comment>]
<imei <number[*]>> <imsi <number[*]>> <msisdn <number[*]>> <interface <Gn | S11 | S5 | S10>>
<percentage <percentage range>> | <qci <value>> <version <1 | 2>>
insert <after | before> <priority index> <sip> <caller-id <caller ID>> <percentage <percentage range>>
from <port-id | port-alias | port-list | gigastream-alias | gigastream-alias-list | inline-network-alias |
inline-network-group-alias | vport-alias>
add <drop | pass> <criteria>
delete <all | rule-id <rule ID>>
no-rule-match pass
oob-copy from <inline-network alias | through-list item> [dir <a-to-b | b-to-a>] to <tool port list> tag <none |
param traffic control
priority <after <map name> | before <map name> | highest | lowest>
roles <assign | replace> <role> [to <role list>]
add <drop | pass> <criteria>
copy-from template <template alias>
delete <all | rule-id <rule ID>>
edit rule-id <rule ID> <comment <comment> | drop <criteria> | pass <criteria>>
tag <<1-4000> | auto>
rewrite-dstip <x.x.x.x>
rewrite-dstmac <xxxx.xxxx.xxxx | xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx>
rewrite-srcip <x.x.x.x>
rewrite-srcmac <xxxx.xxxx.xxxx | xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx>
vlan-op add <vlan id> tpid <value>
to <port-id | port-alias | port-list | gigastream-alias | gigastream-alias-list | inline-tool-alias |one-arm|
inline-tool-group-alias | inline-serial-alias | bypass | vport-alias | null-port>
encap-tunnel <tunnel-alias>
type <firstLevel | flexInline | inline | regular | transitLevel| secondLevel>
firstLevel [byRule]
flexInline [byRule | collector]
inline [byRule]
regular [byRule]
secondLevel [byRule | flowFilter | flowSample | flowSample-ol | flowSample-sip | flowWhitelist |
| flowWhitelist-ol | flowWhitelist-sip | flowWL-5g | flowSample-5G]
use gsop <gsop alias>
add 5g
<dnn <pattern>| type <supi | ran | all >
add gtp <apn <pattern> | interface <Gn | S10 | S11 | S5> | version <1 | 2>> | type <imsi | ran | all >
delete all
add sip <all | callee-id | caller-id | dest-ip | ip-addr | src-ip>
map priority <map names>
The following table describes the arguments for the map command:
Argument |
Description |
alias <alias> |
Specifies the name of the map. The alias must be unique and can contain up to 128 characters. Aliases are case-sensitive. For example: (config) # map alias map1 (config map alias map1) # The following are reserved keywords that cannot be used in map aliases with any character case:
For example, using these keywords in a map alias displays an error message: % Invalid alias 'Rule'. 'Rule' is a reserved word. or % Invalid alias 'MAP'. 'MAP' is a reserved word. |
a-to-b <<ordered list of inline tools and inline tool groups> | bypass | same | reverse> |
For flexible inline arrangements, specifies the sequence of inline tools or inline tool groups through which the traffic will be guided between the respective inline network ports, as follows:
Separate each alias with a comma. For example: (config map alias flexmap1) # a-to-b IT1,IT2,IT3,IT4 |
b-to-a <<ordered list of inline tools and inline tool groups> | bypass | same | reverse> |
For flexible inline arrangements, specifies the sequence of inline tools or inline tool groups through which the traffic will be guided between the respective inline network ports, as follows:
Separate each alias with a comma. For example: config# map alias flexmap2 # b-to-a IT3,IT4,IT1,IT2 |
comment <comment> |
Supplies an optional comment for this map. The comment will appear in show map output. For example: (config map alias map1) # comment “to SanFran” |
enable |
Enables the specified map. Maps with rules can be enabled or disabled. For all map enable and disable actions, only regular maps and first level maps are supported. Other maps (such as map-passall, second level maps, and inline maps) are not supported. When a map is disabled, traffic is not passed to the tool ports. When a map is disabled, the map rules are still present, but the map is marked as disabled. Map rules consume resources even if the map the disabled. Map statistics are not updated when a map is disabled. For example: (config) # map alias map1 enable |
encap-tunnel |
Enables the encap tunnel configuration in a specified map. For example: (config) # map alias encap-tunnel encap1 |
flowrule add <drop | pass> gtp <imsi | imei | msisdn> <number[*]> [comment <comment> | interface <Gn | S11 | S5 | S10> | version <1 | 2>] delete <all | rule-id <rule ID>> |
Configures map rules for GTP correlation. The arguments are as follows:
To specify version, use the following:
To specify EPC interfaces, use the following:
Note: Version and interface cannot be specified in the same flowrule. Examples: (config) # map alias map1 flowrule add pass gtp imsi 21345* (config) # map alias map1 flowrule add pass gtp imsi 21345* interface S5 (config) # map alias map1 flowrule add drop gtp imsi 21345* version 1 The maximum number of GTP flowrules is 32 per map (16 pass and 16 drop rules). The procedure for creating a GTP flowrule for specified IMSIs is as follows: Create a GigaSMART group and associate it with one or more GigaSMART engine ports. For example: (config) # gsgroup alias gsg1 port-list 1/1/e1 Create a GigaSMART operation using flow-ops flow-filtering gtp and assign it to the GigaSMART group. For example: (config) # gsop alias gtp_sf flow-ops flow-filtering gtp port-list gsg1 Create a GigaSMART virtual port and assign it to the same GigaSMART group. For example: (config) # vport alias vp1 gsgroup gsg1 Create a first level map directing GTP traffic from physical network ports to the virtual port created in the previous step. For example: (config) # map alias to_vp (config map alias to_vp) # type firstLevel byRule (config map alias to_vp) # to vp1 (config map alias to_vp) # from 1/1/x3 (config map alias to_vp) # rule add pass portsrc 2123 (config map alias to_vp) # rule add pass portsrc 2152 (config map alias to_vp) # exit Create a second level map that takes traffic from the GigaSMART virtual port, applies the flow-ops GigaSMART operation, matches IMSIs specified by a flowrule, and sends matching traffic to physical tool ports. For example: map alias IMSI-list1 (config map alias IMSI-list1) # type secondLevel flowFilter (config map alias IMSI-list1) # use gsop gtp_sf (config map alias IMSI-list1) # to 1/1/x4 (config map alias IMSI-list1) # from vp1 (config map alias IMSI-list1) # flowrule add pass gtp imsi 22222222222223* (config map alias IMSI-list1) # exit Refer to the “GigaSMART GTP Correlation” section in the GigaVUE Fabric Management Guide for more information. |
fstype rotational timer <value> offset <value> |
Configures map rules for GTP rotational flow sampling. The arguments are as follows:
flowsample add gtp <apn <pattern>> [comment <comment>] <eci><imei <number[*]>> <imsi <number[*]>> <interface <Gn | S11 | S5 | S10>> <msisdn <number[*]>><plmn-id> <qci <value>> <tac> <5qI <pattern>>< version <1 | 2>> <tac-5g> <nci> <snssai> <percentage <percentage range>> delete <gtp> <all | priority-id <rule ID>>
insert <after | before> <priority index> <gtp> <apn <pattern>> [comment <comment>] <imei <number[*]>> <imsi <number[*]>> <msisdn <number[*]>> <interface <Gn | S11 | S5 | S10>> <percentage <percentage range>> | <qci <patttern> <value>> <version <1 | 2>> |
Configures map rules for GTP flow sampling. The arguments are as follows:
Note: Version and interface cannot be specified in the same flowsample rule.
Examples: (config) # map alias map1 flowsample add gtp imsi 21345* percentage 30 (config) # map alias map1 flowsample add gtp imsi 21345* interface Gn percentage 30 (config) # map alias map1 flowsample add gtp imsi 21345* imei 66* version 2 percentage 30 (config) # map alias map1 flowsample add gtp apn *ims* percentage 50 (config) # map alias map1 flowsample add gtp apn *ims* qci 5 percentage 50 You can put IMEI, IMSI, and MSISDN numbers in a single rule. The rule will only be matched if the IMEI, IMSI, and MSISDN match.
(config) # map alias map1 flowsample delete gtp all (config) # map alias map1 flowsample delete gtp priority-id 2
Examples: (config) # map alias map1 flowsample insert after 12 gtp imsi 22345* percentage 70 (config) # map alias map1 flowsample insert after 12 gtp imsi 22345* interface S10 percentage 70 (config) # map alias map1 flowsample insert before 11 gtp imsi 22345* version 1 percentage 70 Note: When a flowsample rule is inserted, it will appear as an addition in the output of the running configuration. Note: The maximum number of GTP flowsample rules is 20 per map. Up to ten (10) flow sampling maps can be configured per vport. Refer to the “GigaSMART GTP Whitelisting and GTP Flow Sampling” section in the GigaVUE Fabric Management Guide for more information.
Configures map rules for 5G flow sampling. The arguments are as follows: |
flowsample add 5g<dnn<pattern>> [comment <comment>] <pei<number[*]>> <supi<number[*]>> <gpsi<number[*]>> <snssai <SST | SST.SD>> <nci><pattern><tac><pattern>< plmn-id> <mcc.mnc><percentage <percentage range>> delete 5g<dnn<pattern>> [comment <comment>] <pei<number[*]>> <supi<number[*]>> <gpsi<number[*]>> <percentage <percentage range>> > insert <after | before> <priority index> <5g> <dnn<pattern>> [comment <comment>] <pei<number[*]>> <supi<number[*]>>
Configures map rules for 5Gb flow sampling. The arguments are as follows:
Note: Version and interface cannot be specified in the same flowsample rule.
Examples: (config) # map alias map1 flowsample add 5G nci f12345678 percentage 100
(config) # map alias map1 flowsample delete 5G all
Examples: (config) # map alias map1 flowsample insert after 5G imsi nci f12345678 percentage 100 Note: When a flowsample rule is inserted, it will appear as an addition in the output of the running configuration. Refer to the “GigaSMART 5G Whitelisting and 5G Flow Sampling” section in the GigaVUE Fabric Management Guidefor more information.
flowsample add sip <caller-id <caller ID>> <percentage <percentage range>> delete <sip> <all | priority-id <rule ID>> insert <after | before> <priority index> <sip> <caller-id <caller ID>> <percentage <percentage range>> |
Configures map rules for SIP flow sampling. The arguments are as follows:
(config) # map alias map1 flowsample add sip caller-id * percentage 50
(config) # map alias map1 flowsample delete sip all (config) # map alias map1 flowsample delete sip priority-id 2
(config) # map alias map1 flowsample insert after 12 sip caller-id * percentage 50 Note: The maximum number of SIP flowsample rules is 20 per map. Refer to “GigaSMART SIP/RTP Correlation” in the GigaVUE Fabric Management Guide for details and examples. |
from <port-id | port-alias | port-list | gigastream-alias | gigastream-alias-list | inline-network-alias | inline-network-group-alias | vport-alias> |
Specifies the source(s) for packets matching this map. Use one of the following:
Note: You can add a maximum of 324 ports, if the ports are not attached to a GigaStream. Refer to the “Associating Inline Networks with Inline Tools Using Inline Maps” section in the GigaVUE Fabric Management Guide for details on inline-network-alias and inline-network-group-alias. For example: (config) # map alias map1 from port1 |
gsrule add <drop | pass> <criteria> delete <all | rule-id <rule ID>> |
Adds or deletes a gsrule (GigaSMART rule). GigaSMART rules use Adaptive Packet Filtering to match specified packets in a second level map receiving traffic from a GigaSMART virtual port (vport). The overall procedure for creating a gsrule is as follows:
(config) # gsgroup alias gsg1 port-list 1/1/e1
(config) # gsop alias gsfil apf set port-list gsg1
(config) # vport alias vp1 gsgroup gsg1
(config) # map alias to_vp (config map alias to_vp) # type firstLevel byRule (config map alias to_vp) # to vp1 (config map alias to_vp) # from 1/1/x3 (config map alias to_vp) # rule add pass ethertype 8906 (config map alias to_vp) # exit
map alias m1 (config map alias m1) # type secondLevel byRule (config map alias m1) # use gsop gsfil (config map alias m1) # to 1/1/x1 (config map alias m1) # from vp1 (config map alias m1) # gsrule add pass pmatch string "\xff\xff\xfe" 29 (config map alias m1) # exit Note: The maximum number of gsrules that can be specified in a map is 5. Refer to the “GigaSMART Adaptive Packet Filtering (APF)” section for more information. |
no-rule-match pass |
Specifies what to do with traffic that does not match any rule in a map that only has drop rules. This argument changes the default behavior of drop to pass in a drop-only map. If you do not use this argument and there are only drop rules in a map, the default behavior is that all traffic not matching the rules will be dropped, or, if a shared collector is configured, traffic will be sent to the shared collector. However, if you use this argument and there are only drop rules in a map, traffic will be passed rather than dropped. For example: (config) # map alias m1 (config map alias m1) # type regular byRule (config map alias m1) # from 1/1/x1 (config map alias m1) # to 2/1/x2 (config map alias m1) # rule add drop ipver 4 (config map alias m1) # no-rule-match pass (config map alias m1) # exit When managing map rule resources, note that using this argument consumes one extra map rule. |
oob-copy from <inline-network alias | through-list item> [dir <a-to-b | b-to-a>] to <tool port list> tag <none | as-inline> |
For flexible inline arrangements, configures an out-of-band (OOB) map by copying from a flexible inline map as follows:
Note: All sources of an OOB copy configuration must be a member of the flexible inline map, either an inline network in the from parameter or a single member of the a-to-b or b-to-a inline tool list.
For example: (config) # map alias flexmap oob-copy from iN1 dir a-to-b to it1 tag as-inline |
param traffic control |
Specifies an option to pass GTP control traffic (GTP-c) to all GigaSMART engines in a GTP engine group. A GTP engine group has multiple GigaSMART engine port members. For example: (config) # map alias to_vp_ctrl param traffic control Refer to “GTP Engine Grouping” section in the GigaVUE Fabric Management Guide for details. Also refer to the “GigaSMART GTP Correlation” and the “GigaSMART GTP Whitelisting and GTP Flow Sampling” sections in the GigaVUE Fabric Management Guide. |
priority <after <map name> | before <map name> | highest | lowest> |
Sets the priority of the map relative to other maps. A packet matching multiple maps is sent to the map with the highest priority. For example: (config) # map alias map1 priority before map2 |
roles <assign | replace> <role> [to <role list>] |
Assigns a user role to a map access list or replaces a map access list. For example: (config) # map alias map1 roles assign monitor to listen_roles |
rule add <drop | pass> <criteria> |
Adds map rules (drop or pass), as follows: add—Creates a new pass rule. drop—Creates a new drop rule. Packets matching drop rules are dropped immediately without being sent to any configured shared collector or compared to any pass rules. Within a map, drop rules have precedence over pass rules. So, if a packet matches both a pass and a drop rule in the same map, the packet is dropped rather than passed. Both pass and drop rules have a wide variety of packet-matching criteria available, including MAC/IP addresses, application ports, VLAN IDs, and so on. Refer to map rule for rule criteria details. For example: (config) # map alias map1 (config map alias map1) # from 1/1/q1 (config map alias map1) # to 1/1/q2 (config map alias map1) # rule add pass vlan 100 comment “comment for rule” (config map alias map1) # comment “comment for whole template” (config map alias map1) # exit |
rule copy-from template <template alias> |
Copies map rules from a template to create a map.
For example, (config) # map alias map1 (config map alias map1) # from 1/1/q1 (config map alias map1) # to 1/1/q2 (config map alias map1) # rule copy-from template my_rule_template (config map alias map1) # exit |
rule delete <all | rule-id <rule ID>> |
Deletes map rules, as follows:
(config) # map alias add_header_1 rule delete rule-id ?<Integer> Rule Id13101112 You can also obtain the rule ID using the following command and pressing the Tab key after the rule-id keyword. For example: (config) # map alias add_header_1 rule delete rule-id1 3 10 11 12
(config) # map alias add_header_1 rule delete rule-id 1
(config) # map alias add_header_1 rule delete rule-id 1,3,10
(config) # map alias add_header_1 rule delete rule-id 10..12
(config) # map alias add_header_1 rule delete rule-id 1,3,10..12 You can also obtain the rule ID for a specified map rule with the show map alias <alias> command. |
rule edit rule-id <rule ID> <comment <comment> | drop <criteria> | pass <criteria>> |
Edits a specified map rule in a map by rule-id. You can obtain the rule ID using the following command and typing the question mark (?) after the rule-id keyword. For example: (config) # map alias dedup_1 rule edit rule-id ?<Integer> Rule Id12 You can also obtain the rule ID using the following command and pressing the Tab key after the rule-id keyword. For example: (config) # map alias dedup_1 rule edit rule-id1 2 Once you have the rule-id, the following can be edited:
Refer to map rule for rule criteria details. Maps with a subtype of ol, for overlap, such as flowSample-ol or flowWhitelist-ol, do not support map editing. |
For flexible inline arrangements, configures an external VLAN tag for a flexible inline map, as follows:
The tag value is unique to each flexible inline map. For example: (config) # map alias flexmap1 tag 100 |
rewrite-dstmac <value> | rewrite-srcmac<value> no rewrite-dstmac | no rewrite-srcmac |
For MAC Address rewrite ,configure the destination and Source fields as follows:
To unconfigure MAC Address rewrite for map based configuration use the below:
To delete a rule based MAC address re-write utilize the rule edit or delete command. |
rewrite-dstip <value> | rewrite-srcip<value> no rewrite-dstip | no rewrite-srcip vlan-op add <vlan id> tpid <value> |
For IP Address rewrite, configure the destination and Source fields as follows:
Note: The IP addresses,, and multicast are not accepted. To unconfigure IP Address rewrite for map based configuration use the below:
To delete a rule based IP address re-write utilize the rule edit or delete command. |
vlan-op add <vlan id> tpid <value> |
For VLAN manipulation, configure a VLAN ID and TPID value as follows:
To unconfigure VLAN manipulation for map-based configuration use the below:
to <port-id | port-alias | port-list | gigastream-alias | gigastream-alias-list | inline-tool-alias | one-arm| inline-tool-group-alias | inline-serial-alias | bypass | vport-alias | null-port> |
Specifies the destination(s) for packets matching this map. Use one of the following:
Refer to the “Associating Inline Networks with Inline Tools Using Inline Maps” section in the GigaVUE Fabric Management Guide for details on inline-tool-alias, inline-tool-group-alias, inline-serial-alias, and bypass. For example: (config) # map alias map1 to 2/1/x1 |
encap-tunnel <tunnel-alias> |
Attaches the tunnel created for encapsulating the traffic. For example: (config map alias <map-name>) # encap-tunnel <tunnel-alias> To attach an encap-tunnel, ensure that you configure at least one circuit port in the to parameter. |
type <firstLevel | flexInline | inline | regular | | transitLevel| secondLevel> firstLevel [byRule] flexInline [byRule | collector] inline [byRule] regular [byRule] secondLevel [byRule | flowFilter | flowSample | flowSample-ol | flowSample-sip | flowWhitelist | flowWhitelist-ol | flowWhitelist-sip] |
Specifies the map type, as follows:
Also specifies the optional map subtype, as follows:
For example: (config) # map alias map1 type inline byRule |
use gsop <gsop alias> |
Includes a named GigaSMART operation as part of this map, applying the associated GigaSMART functionality to packets matching any rule in the map (for example, slicing, de-duplication, Header Stripping, and so on). Note: Important— GigaSMART operations must be added to the map before destination ports (to). This option is only available on nodes or clusters with GigaSMART features available and licensed. Refer to the “Working with GigaSMART Operations” section in the GigaVUE Fabric Management Guide for details on creating GigaSMART operations. For example: (config) # map alias map1 use gsop gsfilter |
whitelist add gtp <apn <pattern> | interface <Gn | S10 | S11 | S5> | version <1 | 2> | type <imsi | ran |all | wl-alias <alias name> >> delete all add 5g<dnn<pattern> | type <supi | ran |all | wl-alias <alias name>> delete all
Adds or deletes a rule in a forward list map as follows:
Note: By default, SUPI or IMSI is value is used for the DB lookup, if no type is configured.
To specify an APN, use a pattern, with or without a wildcard prefix or suffix, up to a maximum of 100 case-insensitive characters, as well as period (.), hyphen (-), and wildcard (*). APN is not supported on GigaVUE-HB1. To specify version, use the following:
To specify EPC interfaces, use the following:
For example: (config) # map alias map1 whitelist add gtp version 1 (config) # map alias map2 whitelist add gtp interface S5 Note that in the examples above, map1 and map2 would have to be associated with two different gsgroups. Other examples: (config) # map alias map3 whitelist add gtp apn ** (config) # map alias map1 whitelist delete all Refer to the “GigaSMART GTP Whitelisting and GTP Flow Sampling” section in the GigaVUE Fabric Management Guide for more information. |
whitelist add sip type <all | callee-id | caller-id | dest-ip | id | ip-addr | src-ip> |
Adds a rule in a forward list map as follows:
For example: config) # map alias sip-whitelist-map add sip type ip-addr Refer to the “GigaSMART GTP Whitelisting and GTP Flow Sampling” section in the GigaVUE Fabric Management Guide for more information. |
map priority <map names> |
Reorder map priority on an existing chain of maps. For example: (config) # map priority map1 |
Related Commands
The following table summarizes other commands related to the map command:
Task |
Command |
Displays all maps. |
# show map |
Displays map accessibility. |
# show map access |
Displays detailed information for a specified map, including its mapping and rules. Note: The existing 'show map' command is enhanced to display the 'SVT mode' as enabled only when Single Tag mode is enabled on Flexinline-SSL maps. |
# show map alias map1 |
Displays detailed information on all maps. |
# show map all |
Displays map assignment. |
# show map assignment |
Displays map assignment for a specified map. |
# show map assignment alias map1 |
Displays all maps in a table format. |
# show map brief |
Displays map mode. |
# show map mode |
Displays priority of all maps. |
# show map priority |
Displays priority of a specified map. |
# show map priority alias map1 |
Displays statistics for a specified map. |
# show map stats alias map1 |
Displays statistics for a specified rule. |
# show map stats alias map1 rule 2 |
Displays all map counters. |
# show map stats all |
Displays all flexible inline maps. |
# show map-flexinline |
Displays detailed information for a specified flexible inline map. |
# show map-flexinline alias FLEX1 |
Displays all flexible inline maps. |
# show map-flexinline all |
Deletes a specified map. Note: When you delete auto-generated maps (created while deploying solutions through GigaVUE‑FM) via CLI, a warning message will be displayed along with a confirmation about the impact on solutions deployed in GigaVUE‑FM. |
(config) # no map alias mymap |
Deletes the comments for a specified map. |
(config) # no map alias mymap comment |
Disables the specified map. |
(config) # no map alias mymap enable |
Modifies sources configured for a specified map. The delete must be followed immediately by the new from configuration. |
(config) # no map alias mymap from (config) # map alias mymap from 1/1/x1 |
Deletes the option to pass traffic to tool if there is no matching rule. |
(config) # no map alias mymap no-rule-match pass |
Deletes the option to pass GTP control traffic (GTP-c) to all GigaSMART engines in a GTP engine group. |
(config) # no map alias mymap param traffic control |
Deletes an assigned role from a specified map. |
(config) # no map alias mymap roles assign monitor |
Deletes all assigned roles from a specified map. |
(config) # no map alias mymap roles assign all |
Deletes all destinations configured for a specified map. |
(config) # no map alias mymap to |
Deletes the GigaSMART operation associated with a specified map. |
(config) # no map alias mymap use gsop |
Deletes all maps. |
(config) # no map all |
Deletes the configured destination and source MAC Address. |
(config)# no rewrite-dstmac | no rewrite-srcmac |
Deletes the configured destination and source IP Address. |
(config)# no rewrite-dstip | no rewrite-srcip |
Deletes the configured VLAN manipulation from a specified map. |
(config)# no vlan-op |