Command Line Summary
This section summarizes the commands available in the command-line interface for the Gigamon Visibility and Analytics Fabric. Commands are listed in alphabetical order with a summary of their syntax.
Command |
Command |
aaa authentication aaa authentication |
aaa accounting changes default stop-only <tacacs+> |
aaa authorization
aaa authorization
apps asf
apps asf <alias <alias>> |
apps exporter
apps exporter alias <alias>
source interface ip-interface l4 port destination l4 protocol <tcp | udp> l3 ip ver6 ver4 ttl <1-255> dscp <0-63> protocol <ipv4 | ipv6 | auto> gsgroup <add | delete> |
apps enhanced slicing apps enhanced-slicing alias <name> protocol add <protocol fields> offset <offset-length> [flow-session <inner | outer> skip packet-count <1-50> [action <slice | drop>] [timeout <value>]] protocol delete <rule-id> max-sessions <max session entries> exit |
apps enhanced asf apps enhanced-asf alias <name> flow-session <outer | inner> timeout <value in seconds> max-sessions <max session entries> rule add transport <tcp | udp> app <application protocol> field <application field> match-pattern <regex profile alias> action <pass | drop> rule delete <rule-id> exit |
apps gtp whitelist apps gtp-whitelist alias <GTP whitelist file alias> add imsi <IMSI number > |ran <mcc.mnc.eci < eci number> | mcc.mnc.nci <nci number>> <create | delete> imsi <IMSI number> | ran <mcc.mnc.eci < eci number> | mcc.mnc.nci <nci number>> | all destroyfetch <add | delete> <URL for a GTP whitelist file> |
apps gtp backup
apps gtp-backup |
apps hsm
apps hsm <alias <alias>> hsm-ip <HSM server IP address> hsm-port <port number> type luna-hsm server-username <name> server-password <*****> partition-label <name> partition-password <*****>
apps hsm-group
apps hsm-group <alias <alias>> type luna-hsm/ncipher-hsm comm <comment> add <HSM alias> delete <HSM alias> hsm-set rfs-sync ipv4-addr <rfs-server-IP> auto <time-period> fetch-now keymap add server-ip<address> [server-port <port> ] [[key-name <name>] | [key-token <name>]] delete [all | rule-id <id>] fetch keymap <URL> |
apps inline-ssl
apps inline-ssl version < above | below > below min-version <no-decrypt | drop> above max-version <no-decrypt | drop > profile alias <alias> inbound tool-early-inspect <enable | disable> inbound tool-early-inspect connection timeout <1-10 sec> split-proxy [enable | disable] server non-pfs-ciphers [enable | disable] tool early-engage [enable | disable] one-arm [enable | disable] monitor <disable | enable | inline> timewait-timeout <0-300 sec> fetch replace < decryptlist <URL for profile decrypt list file> | nodecryptlist <URL for profile no-decrypt list file> |
apps keystore apps keystore |
apps listener
apps listener alias <alias> l4 protocol <tcp | udp> l3 protocol <ipv4 | ipv6 | dual> mode l3 <promiscuous | interface> gsgroup <add | delete> |
apps netflow
apps netflow |
apps regrex-profile
apps regrex-profile alias <name> pattern add <"regular expression"> pattern delete <pattern-id> exit |
apps sip-whitelist
apps sip-whitelist alias <SIP whitelist file alias> add ip-addr <ip-address> create |
apps split-dns
apps split-dns profile alias <alias> collector add dns <ip-address> rule add dns <ip-address> domain <domain-name> collector edit dns <ip-address> rule edit id <rule id> dns <ip-address>| domain <domain name> rule delete id <rule id>| all exit |
apps ssl
apps ssl key alias <alias> |
banner banner |
battery battery battery test [ execute | cancel ] [ID] |
battery optimization
battery optimization <policy> <port-group-id | port-group-list > <level> |
battery optimization global #battery optimization global cpu-hibernate <value> sleep-time <value> |
bond bond <bonding interface>
boot (missing or bad snippet)
card <all [box ID] | slot <slot ID>> |
card TA series card slot <slot ID> mode <48x | 56x | 64x> |
chassis chassis buffer
tag-mode <single | double> migrate box-id <box ID> [serial-num <serial number>] |
clear clear destination stats all interface stats [alias <alias> | all] load-balance port-group stats <alias <alias> | all> |
cli cli |
clock clock |
Cluster cluster |
Configuration configuration |
Configure configure terminal |
Coreboot coreboot install |
Crypto crypto acme client clear cert-req-msg acme issue box-id <box-id> domain <> ca-url <url> |algorithm <rsa-2048 | rsa-4096 | ec-prime256v1 |ec-secp384r1>| |renew-days <1-365>| |root-cert <certificate_name>|
ca-list default-ca-list name <CA list name> [system-self-signed] private-key pem fetch <url> |
debug debug generate dump box-id <box-id>
email |
fabric advanced hash fabric advanced-hash portsrc protocol ingressport none
file file |
filter template filter-template alias <alias>
gigasmart engine <port-id> proxy-server-profile attach <<Proxy server Alias> interface |
gigastream gigastream |
gigastream advanced-hsh gigastream
gsgroup gsgroup alias <alias> port-list <port-list> ingress-rate <50-100> |
gsop gsop alias <alias> asf enhanced <enhanced asf alias> port-list <gsgroup name> asf <ASF alias>
inline-ssl <inline SSL profile alias> user-name command-code session-id end-to-end id hop-by-hop-id app <<5g> metric hashing key <supi | pei | gpsi>> application-id
tunnel-decap type tcp add <listener> vxlan <portsrc <1-65536> portdst <1-65536> vni <0~(2^24-1) ipdst | ip6dst <ipv4/ipv6 address>> |
gsparams gsparams gsgroup <GigaSMART group alias> apptcp-lb <enable | disable> apptcb-lb <application | control> <broadcast | drop> cpu utilization type total rising <20-99%> dedup-action <count | drop> eflow interval <0- 3600> eflow packet-count <integer> eflow packet-ratio <0-100> eflow logging <enable | disable> eng-watchdog-timer <<60-600> | disable> erspan3-timestamp format <gs | none | x12-ts> 5g-flow timeout <1-6000 in unit of 10 minutes> gpfcp-profile add gpfcp_cpn_2upn gpfcp-delay interval 10 gtp-randomsample <disable | enable> gtp-randomsample interval <12-48 hours> gtp-flow timeout <1-6000 in the unit of 10 minutes>
gtp-whitelist <add <GTP whitelist file alias> | delete> 3gpp-node-role [control | user [<1-12000> standalone] | disable][ 5G | LTE ] [<1-10000>]| [<1-12000> standalone] resource inline-ssl standalone <enable | disable> sffp-profile <add | delete> <sffp-profile alias> sip-nat <disable | enable> |
halt |
hb-profile hb-profile <alias <alias> | default> |
header-strip header-strip box id <box id|all> vxlan aging-interval <300 to 1000000 seconds and 0 to disable> mpls add <mpls labels> mpls delete <mpls labels | all> |
hostname hostname <hostname> |
ib-pathway |
image image |
inline-network inline-network alias <alias>
inline-network-group inline-network-group [alias <alias>] |
inline-serial inline-serial alias <alias> |
inline-tool inline-tool alias <alias> |
inline-tool-group inline-tool-group alias <alias> |
interface interface <interface> |
ip ip |
ip interface ip interface alias <alias> |
ipv6 ipv6 |
job job <job ID> |
ldap ldap ssl ca-list <none | default-ca-list> |
license license install box-id <box ID> key <license key> |
logging logging <hostname, IPv4 or IPv6 address> [tcp <0-65535> [ssh username <username>]] | port <severity level> local <severity level> process <process> <severity level> trap <severity level> |
map map alias <alias> encap-tunnel <tunnel name> fstype rotational timer <value> offset <value> flowsample add 5g<dnn<pattern>> [comment <comment>] <pei<number[*]>> <supi<number[*]>>
tag <<1-4000> | auto> rewrite-dstip <x.x.x.x> rewrite-dstmac <xxxx.xxxx.xxxx | xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx> rewrite-srcip <x.x.x.x> rewrite-srcmac <xxxx.xxxx.xxxx | xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx> vlan-op add <vlan id> tpid <value> to <port-id | port-alias | port-list | gigastream-alias | gigastream-alias-list | inline-tool-alias |one-arm| | flowWhitelist-ol | flowWhitelist-sip | flowWL-5g | flowSample-5G] add 5g <dnn <pattern>| type <supi | ran | all > add sip <all | callee-id | caller-id | dest-ip | ip-addr | src-ip> |
map rule rule add <drop | pass> portdst <0-65535 | x..y> portdst-subset <even | odd> vlan-op add <vlan id> tpid <value> |
map gsrule gsrule add <drop | pass> dscp <any | pos <1-3>> <value <af11 | af12 | af13 | af21 | af22 | af23 | af31 | af32 | af33 | af41 | af42 | af43>> pmatch RegEx <value> <offset | begin..end> |
map-group map-group alias <alias> |
map-passall map-passall alias <alias> |
map-scollector map-scollector alias <alias> rewrite-dstmac <value> | rewrite-<value> rewrite-dstip <value> | rewrite-srcip <value> vlan-op add <vlan id> tpid <value> roles <assign | replace> <role> [to <role list>] |
map-template rule add <drop | pass> bidir portdst <0-65535 | x..y> portdst-subset <even | odd> vlan-op add <vlan id> tpid <value> |
nhb-profile nhb-profile alias <alias> |
no service no service <tcp-small-servers | udp-small-servers> |
no traffic no traffic |
notifications notifications |
ntp ntp |
ntpdate ntpdate <hostname, IPv4 or IPv6 address> |
onie onie reboot mode <debug | reinstall | uninstall | update> |
pcap pcap alias <alias> dscp <af11 | af12 | af13 | af21 | af22 | af23 | af31 | af32 | af33 | af41 | af42 | af43 | ef> ethertype <2-byte-hex> inner-vlan <vlan> ipdst <IP address> <netmask> ipfrag <no-frag | all-frag | all-frag-no-first | first-frag | first-or-no-frag> ipsrc <IP address> <netmask> ipver <4 | 6> macdst <MAC address> <MAC netmask> macsrc <MAC address> <MAC netmask> portdst <0-65535> portsrc <0-65535> protocol <ipv6-hop | icmp-ipv4 | igmp | ipv4ov4 | tcp | udp | ipv6 | rsvp | gre | icmp-ipv6> tcpctl <1-byte-hex> ttl <ttl> |
ping ping [-LRUbdfnqrvVaA] [-c count] [-i interval] [-w deadline] |
ping6 ping [-LUdfnqrvVaA] [-c count] [-i interval] [-w deadline] |
pld The pld command for GigaVUE‑HC3, GigaVUE‑HC1-Plus, and GigaVUE-HCT has the following syntax: pld The pld command for G-TAP A Series 2 has the following syntax: pld |
policy policy |
port port <port-id | port-alias | port-list> header-strip <vxlan | mpls-l3 | mpls-advanced> brief [port-list <port list>] vlan <value> tag-protocol-id <TPID value> threshold [rx | tx] [drop | error] [count | percent] [value <value>] timestamp l2gre-id <L2GRE identifier> vxlan-id <VXLAN identifier> zr-optics <add-tx-opt-pow | app-code | grid-frequency | grid-spacing | part-number> |
port-group port-group alias <alias> |
port-pair port-pair alias <alias> |
ptp on GigaVUE-HD series ptp |
ptp on GigaVUE-TA200 Devices Use the following syntax to configure PTP globally for a device: ptp Use the following syntax to configure PTP globally for a cluster: ptp |
radius-server radius-server |
redundancy-profile redundancy-profile alias <alias> |
reload reload |
reset reset factory <all | all-with-halt | keep-all-config | keep-only-syslog | keep-ports | only-traffic> |
serial serial |
sffp profile gpfcp-profile alias <alias> add port-list <port number> type <control | user> ips <interface> |
show show <command> matching <regex> |
sleep sleep <number of seconds> |
snmp-server snmp-server throttle event [gsproxyserverconnectionstatus interval <interval in seconds>] |
spine-link spine-link alias <alias> |
ssh ssh ciphers <aes128-cbc | aes128-ctr | aes128-gcm | aes192-ctr | aes256-cbc | aes256-ctr | aes256-gcm> user <username> <authorized-key sshv2 <public key> | identity <rsa2 | ecdsa> <generate | private-key ciphers <aes128-cbc | aes128-ctr | aes128-gcm | aes192-ctr | aes256-cbc | aes256-ctr | aes256-gcm> |
stack-link stack-link alias <stack alias> |
sync sync |
system system process <process name> security legacy security log martian security passwords stacking-mode legacy ztp |
system-health system-health
tacacs-server tacacs-server |
terminal terminal |
timestamp timestamp |
tool-mirror tool-mirror <alias <alias>> |
traceroute traceroute [ -46dFITUnrAV ] [ -f first_ttl ] [ -g gate,... ] [ -i device ] [ -m max_ttl ] [ -N squeries ] [ -p port ] |
L2-Circuit Tunnel tunnel alias <alias> encap l2-circuit |
L2GRE Tunnel for Encapsulation tunnel alias <alias> encap l2gre ipdst <destination IP address> exit |
VXLAN Tunnel for Encapsulation tunnel alias <alias> encap vxlan ipdst <destination IP address> l4srcport <layer4 source port number> exit |
tunnel-endpoint tunnel-endpoint te-id <tunnel endpoint ID> |
uboot uboot install |
username username <username> |
vport vport alias <alias> |
web web |
write write |