Manage Volume-Based Licenses

This section provides information on how to manage active and inactive Volume-Based Licenses in GigaVUE-FM.

Manage active Volume-Based License

To manage active Volume-Based License (VBL):

  1. On the left navigation pane, click .
  2. Go to System > Licenses. From the top navigation bar, select the VBL from the Activation drop-down list and click Active.

    This page lists the following information about the active Volume-Based Licenses.




    Unique identifier associated with the license.


    Bundle to which the license belongs to.


    Total daily allowance volume.


    License start date.


    License end date.


    Type of license (Commercial, Trial, Lab, and other license types).

    Activation ID

    Activation ID.

    Entitlement ID

    Entitlement ID. Entitlement ID is the permission with which the acquired license can be activated online.

    Reference ID

    Reference ID.


    License status.

  3. Note:  The License Type and Activation ID are displayed by default in the Active tab in the VBL page. To display the Entitlement ID field, click on the column setting configuration option to enable the Entitlement ID field.

Manage Inactive Volume-Based License

To manage inactive Volume-Based License (VBL):

  1. On the left navigation pane, click .
  2. Go to System > Licenses. From the top navigation bar, select the VBL from the Activation drop-down and click Inactive.

    This page lists the following information about the inactive Volume-Based Licenses.




    Unique identifier associated with the license.


    Bundle to which the license belongs to.


    License end date.

    Deactivation Date

    Date the license got deactivated.

    Revocation Code

    License revocation code.


    License status.

Note:  The License Type, Activation ID and Entitlement ID fields are not displayed by default in the Inactive tab of VBL page. To display these fields, click on the column setting configuration option and enable these fields.

Use the following buttons to manage your VBL.



Activate Licenses

Use this button to activate a Volume-Based License. Refer to Activate Volume-Based Licenses for more information .

Email Volume Usage

Use this button to send the volume usage details to the email recipients.


Use this button to narrow down the list of active Volume-Based Licenses that are displayed on the VBL active page.


Use this button to export the details in the VBL active page to a CSV or XLSX file.


Use this button to deactivate the licenses. You can only deactivate licenses that have expired.

For more detailed information on dashboards and report generation for Volume-Based Licensing refer to the following table:

For details about: Reference section Guide
How to generate Volume-Based License reports

How to Generate Volume-Based License Usage Reports

GigaVUE Administration Guide
Volume-Based License report details Volume Based License Usage Reports GigaVUE Administration Guide
Fabric Health Analytics dashboards for Volume-Based Licenses usage

Dashboards for Volume-based Licenses Usage

GigaVUE-FM User Guide