Configure Monitoring Session Options

In the Monitoring Session page, you can perform the following actions in the TRAFFIC PROCESSING tab.

■   Apply Threshold Template
■   Enable User-defined applications
■   Enable Distributed De-duplication

To navigate to TRAFFIC PROCESSING tab, follow the steps given below:

  1. Go to Traffic > Virtual > Orchestrated Flows > Select your cloud platform.
  2. Select a Monitoring Session from the Monitoring Sessions list view on the left side of the screen and click TRAFFIC PROCESSING tab.

You can perform the following actions in the TRAFFIC PROCESSING page:

Apply Threshold Template

To apply threshold, follow the steps given below:

  1. In the Monitoring Session TRAFFIC PROCESSING page, select Thresholds under Options menu.
  2. Select the template you wish to apply from the drop-down. Click Apply. Refer to Traffic Health Monitoring section for more details on Threshold Template.

Enable User Defined Applications

To enable user defined application, follow the steps given below:

  1. In the Monitoring Session TRAFFIC PROCESSING page, click User Defined Applications under Options menu.
  2. Enable the User-defined Applications toggle button. Refer to User Defined Application section for more detailed information.

Enable Distributed De-duplication

Enabling the "Distributed De-duplication" option identifies duplicate packets across different GigaVUE V Series Nodes when traffic from various targets is routed to these instances for monitoring. Refer to Distributed De-duplication section for more details.

  • Distributed De-duplication is only supported on V Series version 6.5.00 and later.
  • From version 6.9, Traffic Distribution option is renamed to Distributed De-duplication.