Interface Mapping

You can change the interface of individual GigaVUE V Series Nodes deployed in a Monitoring Session. After deploying the Monitoring Session, if you wish to change the interfaces mapped to an individual GigaVUE V Series Node, you can use the Interface Mapping button to map the interface to the respective GigaVUE V Series Nodes. To perform interface mapping:

  1. Go to Traffic > Virtual > Orchestrated Flows and select your cloud platform. The Monitoring Sessions landing page appears.
  2. Navigate to V SERIES NODES tab and click Interface Mapping.
  3. The Deploy Monitoring Session dialog box appears. Select the GigaVUE V Series Nodes for which you wish to map the interface.
  4. After selecting the GigaVUE V Series Node, select the interfaces for each of the REPs and the TEPs deployed in the Monitoring Session from the drop-down menu for the selected individual GigaVUE V Series Nodes. Then, click Deploy.

Note:  When using Raw and Tunnel In, Interface Mapping is mandatory before you deploy the Monitoring Session.