Step 2: Deploy V Series nodes on VMware ESXi

This chapter describes how to create a monitoring domain for deploying V Series node in VMware ESXi hosts. You must establish a connection between GigaVUE-FM and your vCenter environment before you can perform the configuration steps for V Series node. After a connection is established, GigaVUE-FM launches the configuration for the V Series node.

Refer to the following sections for details:

Connect to VMware vCenter

To configure VMware vCenter in GigaVUE-FM:

  1. In GigaVUE-FM, from the left navigation pane, select Inventory > VIRTUAL > VMware > Monitoring Domain. The Monitoring Domain page appears.
  2. On the Monitoring Domain page, click New. The VMware Configuration page appears.
  3. In the VMware Configuration page, enter or select the following details:



    Monitoring Domain Name of the monitoring domain
    Connection Alias Name of the connection
    Virtual Center IP address or FQDN of the vCenter
    Username Username of the vCenter user with minimum privileges as described in Required VMware Virtual Center Privileges section.
    Password vCenter password used to connect to the vCenter
    Traffic Acquisition Method

    Select a Tapping method.

    Note:  When using AMX application select the traffic acquisition Method as Customer Orchestrated Source.

    Setup NSX-T Enable to setup NSX-T and the fields of NSX-T to appear. Refer to Configure V Series Node on NSX-T for detailed information.
  4. Click Save.

VMware Fabric Launch Configuration

To deploy V Series Nodes, follow the steps given below:

  1. After VMware Configuration in GigaVUE-FM, you are navigated to the VMware Fabric Launch Configuration page.
  2. You can also open VMware Fabric Launch Configuration page from the monitoring domain. To launch the VMware Fabric Launch Configuration from the Monitoring Domain, click Fabric and then select Deploy Fabric from the drop-down. The VMware Fabric Launch Configuration page appears.

  3. On the VMware Fabric Launch Configuration page, enter or select the following details:



    DatacentervCenter Data Center with the ESXi hosts to be provisioned with V Series nodes


    Cluster where you want to deploy V Series nodes


    Select the ESXi hosts for V Series deployment.

    Select Import Host Info from file or Add Host Info Manually.

    Import Host Info from file:

    To import host details from a .csv file:

    1. Download the .csv template file.
    2. Enter the required values in the Excel sheet and save the file.
    3. Click Browse and select the .csv file saved in the previous step.

    Add Host Info Manually:

    Select the ESXi hosts for V Series deployment.

    The Common Configuration drop-down wizard appears. Select the Datastores or Datastore Clusters and enter the required values. Click Apply to all to apply the selected values to all the selected hosts.

    Select the IP type as Static if you wish to deploy a node using a Static IP address.

    Note:  The Tunnel Gateway IP field is optional.

    V Series Node Image

    Select the OVA file uploaded in the Upload GigaVUE V Series Node Image into GigaVUE-FM, from the drop-down menu.

    Form FactorInstance size of the V Series node. Refer Prerequisites for Integrating V Series Nodes with VMware vCenter for more information.
  4. Click Deploy. After the V Series node is deployed in vCenter, it appears on the Monitoring Domain page under Fabric tab of the selected Monitoring Domain.

To view the fabric launch configuration specification of a fabric component, click on a V Series Node, and a quick view of the Fabric Launch Configuration appears on the Monitoring Domain page.

Upgrade V Series Node in GigaVUE-FM

To upgrade V Series Node in GigaVUE-FM:

Before upgrading the V Series Nodes, ensure the following:
  1. In GigaVUE-FM, on the left navigation pane, select Inventory > VIRTUAL > VMware > Monitoring Domain. The Monitoring Domain page appears.
  2. Select a deployed monitoring domain and click Fabric. From the drop-down list, select Upgrade Fabric, the V Series Node Upgrade dialog box appears.
    The V Series Node Upgrade dialog box displays the current version of the V Series Node image. Select the latest V Series Node OVA image from the Image drop-down list. If you want to modify the form factor (instance) size, click the Change Form Factors check box. When you are upgrading more than one V Series node, you can modify the form factors of each V Series nodes individually using the drop-down list.

    Note:  All the V Series node with Static IP address retain their old IP address even after the upgrade.

  3. Enter the required information for all the available V Series nodes and click Upgrade to launch the V Series Node upgrade.

Note:  Both the new and the current V Series nodes appear in the same Monitoring Domain until the new nodes replaces the current and the status changes to Ok.

You can view the status of the upgrade in the Status column of the Monitoring Domain page.

To view the detailed upgrade status click Upgrade in progress or Upgrade successful, the V Series Node Upgrade Status dialog box appears.

  • Click Clear to delete the monitoring domain upgrade status history of successfully upgraded nodes.
  • If the V Series Node Upgrade failed or interrupted for any reason, under Fabric drop-down click Continue Fabric Upgrade to continue the V Series Node upgrade process.

Note:   You cannot modify the form factor or the V Series image when you are using the Continue Fabric Upgrade option. GigaVUE-FM uses the same values defined in the initial fabric upgrade configuration.