Configure Application Metadata Exporter Application
To add AMX application:
- Go to Traffic > Virtual > Orchestrated Flows and select your cloud platform. The Monitoring Session page appears.
- Click New Monitoring Session to create a new monitoring session. Refer to Create a Monitoring Session section in the respective cloud deployment guide for more detailed information on how to create a Monitoring Session.
- In the Monitoring Session Canvas page, drag and drop Application Metadata Exporter from APPLICATIONS to the graphical workspace. The Application quick view appears.
- Enter the Alias for the application.
- In the Ingestor section, enter or select the following details. Click
to add another ingestor to add multiple inputs to the AMX application and click
to remove an existing ingestor.
Enter name for the Ingestor.
Enter the port number to which the Application Metadata or the Control Plane metadata must be ingested.
Select any one of the following:
AMI - Select this option if the input is AMI.
Mobility Control Plane - Select this option if the input is Control Plane Metadata.
- Enter or select the following details in the Metadata Enrichment section:
You can use the Actions button to add multiple Metadata Enrichment. Keep in mind the following when configuring multiple Metadata Enrichment:
- You can only configure either Mobility or Workload enrichment
- You can only configure one Metadata enrichment with either Mobility or Workload as the Type
- You can only configure a maximum of 5 Metadata enrichment with Others as the Type.
Enrichment Name
Enter a unique name for each enrichment.
Use this option to enable the enrichment.
Type Select the type from the drop-down menu.
o Mobility o Workload o Others Mobility
Attribute Fields
Select the attributes from the list. You can use the Select All option to select all the available attributes. Refer to Attributes for GigaVUE Enriched Metadata for Mobile Networks. for more detailed information on the list of available attributes and their description.
Select the platform in which your Workload Virtual Machines are present.
VMware vCenter AWS Azure Attribute Fields
Select the attributes from the list. You can use the Select All option to select all the available attributes. Refer to Attributes for GigaVUE Enriched Metadata for Cloud Workloadsfor more detailed information on the list of available attributes and their description.
Advanced Options
The advanced options allow you to configure additional details like interval and delay.
Click Add. Enter the following details:
o Enter the Key. o Enter the Value. Source Information
Enter the details of the source.
Name: Enter a unique name for each Source Information. The name should be unique across the ingestor and the source information.
Key: The default keys for each platform are listed as follows. Click + to add more keys.
AWS: Refer to Manage access keys for IAM users section in AWS documentation for more detailed information on how to create an access key ID and a secret access key.
■ aws_access_key_id ■ aws_secret_access_key ■ aws_region Azure: Refer to Register a Microsoft Entra app and create a service principal section in Azure documentation for more detailed information on how to configure client ID, client secret, tenant ID, and subscription ID in Azure.
■ azure_client_id ■ azure_client_secret ■ azure_tenant_id ■ azure_subscription_id VMware:
■ url - The URL of VMware vCenter. ■ username - Username of the VMware vCenter ■ password - vCenter password used to connect to the vCenter ■ self_signed_certificate Note: The default inventory_fetch_interval value for VMware ingestors is 300 seconds.
Value: Enter the value for the keys. This field is editable after saving the changes.
Secure Keys: Use this option to mask the value. After saving the changes, Secure Keys and Key fields are disabled and the value is masked.
to add another Source Information and click
to remove a Source Information. You can add multiple Source Information if your workloads are across different vCenters, AWS Accounts, or Azure Subscriptions. You can create an individual Source Information for each of the vCenters, AWS Accounts, or Azure Subscriptions.
Others: Use this setting to perform custom mapping for advanced use cases. For details contact Gigamon Support.
Attribute Fields
Click Add and enter the attribute.
Click Add and enter the details.
- Enter or select the following details in Cloud Tools Export section:
Enter the alias name for the cloud tool export.
Cloud Tool
Select the Cloud tool from the drop-down menu.
Type Select any one of the following: ami - Select this option to export AMI.
mobility_control - Select this option to export control plane metadata.
ami_enriched - Select this option to export enriched metadata for cloud workloads.
Account ID
Enter the account ID number of the selected Cloud Tool.
Enter the API key of the Cloud Tool.
Source IP Address Source IP Address is needed when the egress interface is configured with multiple IP addresses. Configure the source IP address which is connected to the Cloud Tool. Both IPv4 and IPv6 are supported. This field is optional. Enable Export
Enable the box to export the Application Metadata Intelligence output in JSON format.
Enable the box to compress the output file.
Note: Enable this field when using New Relic as the cloud tool.
The time interval (in seconds) in which the data should be uploaded periodically. The recommended minimum time interval is 10 seconds and the maximum time interval is 1800 seconds.
Parallel Writer
Specifies the number of simultaneous JSON exports done.
Export Retries
The number of times the application tries to export the entries to Cloud Tool. The recommended minimum value is 4 and the maximum is 10.
Maximum Entries
The number of JSON entries in a file. The maximum number of allowed entries is 5000 and the minimum is 10, however 1000 is the default value.
Backoff Reset Window
With a non-zero value, the exporter keeps trying to reach the tool as many times as the retry. The default setting is 0, and the Backoff Reset Window is disabled at this value.
Request Timeout
This is the time exporter waits for a response back from the tool. The default value is 10 seconds.
Click Add. Enter the following details:
o Enter the Key . o Enter the Value. Note: Refer to the deployment guides of the respective cloud tools for configuring the Key and Value.
- Enter or select the following details in the Kafka exports section:
Enter the alias name for the Kafka Export.
The topic name to push JSON streams to, which is generally given to users part of the Kafka administration. Type Select any one of the following: ami - Select this option to export AMI.
mobility_control - Select this option to export control plane metadata.
ami-enriched - Select this option to export enriched metadata.
The URL that contains the Kafka cluster endpoints. Click to add another broker and click
to remove an existing broker.
Source IP Address Source IP Address is needed when the egress interface is configured with multiple IP addresses. Configure the source IP address which is connected to the Kafka Broker. Both IPv4 and IPv6 are supported. This field is optional. Enable Export
Enable the box to export the Application Metadata Intelligence output in JSON format.
Enable the box to compress the output file.
The time interval (in seconds) in which the data should be uploaded periodically. The recommended minimum time interval is 10 seconds and the maximum time interval is 1800 seconds. The default time interval is 30 seconds.
Parallel Writer
Specifies the number of simultaneous JSON exports done.
Export Retries
The number of times the application tries to export the entries to Kafka. The recommended minimum value is 4 and the maximum is 10.
Maximum Entries
The number of JSON entries in a file. The maximum number of allowed entries is 5000 and the minimum is 10, however 1000 is the default value.
Backoff Reset Window
With a non-zero value, the exporter keeps trying to reach the tool as many times as the retry. The default setting is 0, and the Backoff Reset Window is disabled at this value.
Click Add. Enter the following details:
o Enter the Key. o Enter the Value. Producer Configurations Click Add to enter the authentication details if a Kafka broker needs authentication.
For Example:
- security.protocol=SASL_SSL
- sasl.mechanism=PLAIN
- sasl.username=username
- sasl.password=password
- Click Deploy to deploy the monitoring session. The Select nodes to deploy the Monitoring Session dialog box appears. Select the GigaVUE V Series Node for which you wish to deploy the monitoring session.
- After selecting the GigaVUE V Series Node, select the interfaces for the REPs deployed in the monitoring session from the drop-down menu. Then, click Deploy.
Application Monitoring Options
You can configure the traffic health monitoring for this application in the THRESHOLDS tab. You can select an existing template from the Threshold Templates drop-down menu or provide the threshold values. For more details on Traffic health monitoring and how to create threshold template, refer to
You can view the configuration health status and the traffic health status of the application in the HEALTH STATUS tab. For more details on configuration health and traffic health, refer to
You can view the statistics of the application in the STATISTICS tab. Refer to View Application Statistics for Application Metadata Exporter for more detailed information.