Role Based Access Control

The Role Based Access Control (RBAC) feature controls the access privileges of users and restricts users from either modifying or viewing unauthorized data. Access privileges in GigaVUE Cloud Suite work on the same principles of access privileges in GigaVUE-FM in which the access rights of a user depend on the following:

  • User role: A user role defines permission for users to perform any task or operation
  • User group: A user group consists of a set of roles and set of tags associated with that group. When a user is created they can be associated with one or more groups.

To access the resources and to perform a specific operation in GigaVUE Cloud Suite you must be a user with fm_super_admin role or a user with write access to the following resource category depending on the task you need to perform.

Resource Category

Cloud Configuration Task

Infrastructure Management: This includes the following cloud infrastructure resources:

  • Cloud Connections
  • Cloud Proxy Server
  • Cloud Fabric Deployment
  • Cloud Configurations
  • Sys Dump
  • Syslog
  • Cloud licenses
  • Cloud Inventory
  • Configure GigaVUE Cloud Components
  • Create a Monitoring Domain and Launch Visibility Fabric
  • Configure Proxy Server


Traffic Control Management: This includes the following traffic control resources:

  • Monitoring session
  • Threshold Template
  • Stats
  • Map Library
  • Tunnel library
  • Tools library
  • Inclusion/exclusion Maps
  • Create, Clone, and Deploy Monitoring Session
  • Create and Apply Threshold Template
  • Add Applications to Monitoring Session
  • Create Maps
  • View Statistics
  • Create Tunnel Endpoints

Third Party Orchestration: This includes the following resource:

  • Cloud Orchestration

Note:  Cloud APIs are also RBAC enabled.

Refer to the GigaVUE Administration Guide for detailed information about Roles, Tags, User Groups.