GigaVUE-FM CLI Commands

This section describes the commands for the GigaVUE-FM Command-Line Interface (CLI) related to installation and upgrade processes.


Use the fmctl command to manage GigaVUE-FM-related configurations.

The fmctl command has the following syntax:


configuration [backup|restore][<absolute pathname of backup file>]


fetch <download URI> [<filename>]

list [details] [<filename>]

install <filename> [next|location {1|2}]

boot [next|location {1|2}]

delete [force] <filename>

{move|rename} <old filename> <new filename>


logging [<fqdn>[:<port>]] [facility <facility>] [priority <priority>] [udp|tcp|tls]

no logging <fqdn>[:<port>]

reset factory halt

set UI admin password <new password>

{get|show} interface [{mgmt|management}]

set interface {mgmt|management} <interface name>

[options{--help|--interface <interface name>}]

set mapping <fqdn> <IP address>

{get|show} {ip|ntp|hostname|domain|fqdn}

set [ip|ip6] dhcp

set [ip|ip6] [static] <address/cidr> [<gateway> [<dns1>[,<dns2>[,...]]]

set {ip|ip6} route {add|remove} address/cidr gateway

set ntp {disable|[enable] <server1>[,<server2>[,...]}

set hostname <hostname>

set domain <domain>

set fqdn <hostname> <domain>

set/get/show searchdomains [<domain1>[,<domain2>[,...]]]

set/get/show nameservers [<dns1>[,<dns2>[,...]]]

show backup [<absolute pathname of backup file>]

unlock UI <username>

Note:  You must reboot the GigaVUE-FM, when there is a change in the IP address of the GigaVUE-FM.

The following table describes the arguments for the fmctl command:



configuration [backup|restore]

Backs up and restores the configurations such as management interface, hostname, domain, IP, search domains, and NTP.

For example, use the following command to back up the system configurations:

fmctl configuration backup <absolute path name of backup file>

Use the following command to restore the system configurations from the backup:

fmctl configuration restore <absolute path name of backup file>

image fetch <download URI> [<filename>]

Retrieves an image file from a remote host. Use HTTP(S), FTP, or SCP to retrieve the file. The format for the download URL is as follows:


For example, the following command retrieves the image file named myimage from the FTP server at using the robh account with the xray password:

fmctl image fetch ftp://robh:xray@

You can also use the <filename> argument to give the retrieved file a new name on GigaVUE-FM. For example, the following command retrieves myimage and names it newconfig:

fmctl image fetch scp://bbochy:catch1@ newconfig

Note:  You cannot retrieve a file with the same name as an existing configuration file.

image list

Provides the list of image file names available in GigaVUE-FM.

For example:

fmctl image list

image install <filename> [next|location {1|2}]

Installs the image file.

For example, use the following command to install the image file on the next partition:

fmctl image install gigamon-gigavue-fm-5.8.00-160194-trial.img next

Use the following command to install the image file on the specified partition:

fmctl image install gigamon-gigavue-fm-5.8.00-160194-trial.img location 1

Note:  Ensure that your current partition is not the same as the partition you specified for installation. Else, an error is displayed.


image boot [next|location {1|2}]

Boots the image file on the specified partition. Ensure that the partition has the installed image file.

For example, use the following command to boot the image file on the next partition:

fmctl image boot next

Use the folloaing command to boot the image file on the specified partition:

fmctl image boot location 1

Note:  GigaVUE-FM reboots immediately.

image delete [force] <filename>

Deletes the named image file.

For example:

fmctl image delete myimage

image {move|rename} <old filename> <new filename>

Moves or renames the specified image file. For example, the following command renames myimage as newimage:

fmctl image rename myimage newimage

image show

Displays the last boot partition.

For example:

fmctl image show

logging [<fqdn>[:<port>]] [facility <facility>] [priority <priority>] [udp|tcp|tls]

Configures the logging server for sending events and audit logs to the remote server.

For Example1:

fmctl logging facility auth priority debug tcp

Example 2:

fmctl logging tcp

Note:   Don’t use '*' in the command. It is the default one for facility and priority .

Until software version 6.2.00, you can only use the UDP and TCP protocols for logging the audit logs and Syslogs to a remote server. Starting from software version 6.3.00, GigaVUE-FM allows you to configure the logging of audit logs and syslogs using tls. You must perform specific configurations in the remote server to enable logging using TLS.

Refer to the Configure rSyslog Server for Receiving TLS/SSL Packets section for more details.

no logging <fqdn>[:<port>]

Removes the logging server configuration.

For example:

fmctl no logging

reset factory halt

Resets the GigaVUE-FM instance to the default configuration and shuts down the system.

For example:

fmctl reset factory halt

set UI admin password <new password>

Configures a new admin password for the GigaVUE-FM UI only.

For information on setting the GigaVUE-FM password, refer to Setting the GigaVUE-FM Admin Password .

{get|show} interface [{mgmt|management}]

Displays the management interface configured for the GigaVUE-FMinstance.

For example:

fmctl get|show interface management

set interface {mgmt|management} <interface name>

Configures the management interface for the GigaVUE‑FM instance, which has more than one ethernet interface.

For example:

fmctl set interface management eth1

Note:  You cannot use the --interface syntax with the set interface management argument.

--interface <interface name>

Allows various configurations that can be set for the management interface. This is an optional argument.

For example, use the following command to ensure that eth1 management interface uses DHCP:

fmctl --interface eth1 set ip dhcp

[options{--help|--interface <interface name>}] set mapping <fqdn> <IP address>

Maps the FQDN with the IP address of GigaVUE-FM.

For example:

fmctl --interface eth1 set mapping fm

Use the following command to remove the mapping:

fmctl --interface eth1 set mapping fm

[options{--help|--interface <interface name>}] {get|show} {ip|ntp|hostname|domain|fqdn}

Use to either fetch or display the IP address, NTP configurations, host name, domain name, or FQDN .

For example:

fmctl --interface eth1 get {ip|ntp|hostname|domain|fqdn}

fmctl --help show {ip|ntp|hostname|domain|fqdn}

[options{--help|--interface <interface name>}] set [ip|ip6] dhcp

Configures the management interface to use DHCP.

For example:

fmctl --interface eth1 set ip dhcp

[options{--help|--interface <interface name>}] set [ip|ip6] [static] <address/cidr> [<gateway> [<dns1>[,<dns2>[,...]]]

Configures the static IP address and gateway on the management interface. You can also choose to configure DNS.

For example:

fmctl --interface eth1 set ip static

[options{--help|--interface <interface name>}] set {ip|ip6} route {add|remove} address/cidr gateway

Adds or removes the IP address and gateway for the management interface.

[options{--help|--interface <interface name>}] set ntp {disable|[enable] <server1>[,<server2>[,...]}

Use to enable or disable NTP for synchronization of the system's clock.

For example, the following command disables NTP:

fmctl --interface eth1 set ntp disable

You choose to enable NTP and add NTP servers. For example, the following command enables NTP and adds a NTP server:

fmctl --interface eth1 set ntp enable

[options{--help|--interface <interface name>}] set hostname <hostname>

Configures the hostname.

For example:

fmctl --interface eth1 set hostname myfm

Note:  Ensure that you log out and re-login to the GigaVUE-FM to view the changes.

[options{--help|--interface <interface name>}] set domain <domain>

Configures the domain for GigaVUE-FM.

For example:

fmctl --interface eth1 set domain

[options{--help|--interface <interface name>}] set fqdn <hostname> <domain>

Configures the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) for the current GigaVUE-FM.

fmctl --interface eth1 set fqdn myfm

[options{--help|--interface <interface name>}] set/get/show searchdomains [<domain1>[,<domain2>[,...]]]

Displays a list of domains for the current GigaVUE-FM

For example:

fmctl --interface eth1 set searchdomains

fmctl --help get | show searchdomains

[options{--help|--interface <interface name>}] set/get/show nameservers [<dns1>[,<dns2>[,...]]]

Displays a list of name servers for the current GigaVUE-FM

For example:

fmctl --interface eth1 set nameservers

fmctl --help get | show nameservers

[options{--help|--interface <interface name>}] show backup

Displays the configurations that were backed up.

For example:

fmctl --help show backup <absolute path name of backup file>

unlock UI <username>

Unlocks the admin user whose account is locked after the maximum attempt to login is reached.

fmctl --unlock UI <username>

Note:   The command fmctl jump-start is deprecated.

Backing Up Configurations

Configurations that can backed up using fmctl commands are as follows:























Note:  When there are multiple interfaces in GigaVUE-FM, back up files provide the configurations of all the interfaces.