Connecting to the GigaVUE HC Series Node from GigaVUE-FM

Use the following procedure to connect to a GigaVUE HC Series node using GigaVUE-FM.

Note:  You can configure whether the GigaVUE HC Series node redirects all incoming HTTP connections to the HTTPS port with the web http redirect command.

1.   Open a supported browser. Refer to the GigaVUE Fabric Management Guide.
2. Enter one of the following URLs:

https://<GigaVUE HC Series Node IP Address>http://<GigaVUE HC Series Node IP Address>

3. The first time you connect to GigaVUE-FM, your browser will prompt you regarding an invalid security certificate. Depending on the browser you are using, you can avoid these warnings either by installing a certificate or adding an exception. The following table has the details:


Add Exception?

Install Certificate?

Mozilla Firefox



Windows Internet Explorer



Note:  Gigamon provides the GigaVUE HC Series with self-signed certificates for use with GigaVUE-FM; you can also create and install a third-party certificate on these nodes.

Add an exception in Firefox as follows:

a. Click the Or you can add an exception link.
b. Click the Add Exception button.
c. Click the Get Certificate button.
d. Click the Confirm Security Exception button.

The GigaVUE-FM login page appears.

4. Enter a valid user name and password and click Login.

Configuring Internet Explorer for Use with GigaVUE-FM

GigaVUE-FM works best in Internet Explorer when the browser is configured to check for newer versions of stored pages every time pages are visited. Enable this option as follows:

1.   Open Internet Explorer.
2. Select the Tools > Internet Options command.
3. In the General tab, locate the Browsing history section and click its Settings button.
4. Set the Check for newer version of stored pages: option to Every time I visit the webpage.
5. Click OK on the Temporary Internet Files and History Settings dialog.
6. Click OK on the Internet Options dialog.

Next Steps?

Refer to the online help for details on configuring and operating the GigaVUE‑HC1 from the GigaVUE-FM interface. Keep in mind that each of the initial configuration settings described in the rest of this chapter can also be set in GigaVUE-FM.