Required Command-Line Mode = Configure
Use the snmp-server command to configure all SNMP-related functionality on the GigaVUE‑OS node, including enabling SNMP generally, adding notification destinations, specifying notification events, adding standard MIB-II contact/location info, and enabling the system’s SNMP server so that management stations can poll the GigaVUE‑OS node remotely using standard SNMP commands (Get, GetNext, Walk, and so on).
Refer to the “Use SNMP” chapter in the GigaVUE Administration Guide for details on configuring SNMP.
The snmp-server command has the following syntax:
community <community string>
contact <string>
enable [communities] [mult-communities] [notify]
host <IPv4 / IPv6 address or Hostname>
informs [community] [port <port number>] [version <2c | 3>]
<engineID <engine ID> <user <username>> <auth | encrypted auth | prompt auth>
<md5 <password> | sha <password> <priv <des <password> | aes-128 <password>> | sha256 <password> <priv <des <password> | aes-128 <password> | aes-256 <password>> | sha384 <password> <priv <des <password> | aes-128 <password> | aes-256 <password>> | sha512 <password> <priv <des <password> | aes-128 <password> | aes-256 <password>>
traps [community] [port <port number>] [version <1 | 2c | 3>]
<user <username>> <auth | encrypted auth | prompt auth>
<md5 <password> | sha <password> <priv <des <password> | aes-128 <password>> | sha256 <password> <priv <des <password> | aes-128 <password> | aes-256 <password>> | sha384 <password> <priv <des <password> | aes-128 <password> | aes-256 <password>> | sha512 <password> <priv <des <password> | aes-128 <password> | aes-256 <password>>
location <string>
community <string>
event [systemreset] [configsave] [modulechange] [linkspeedstatuschange] [unexpectedshutdown] [userauthfail] [firmwarechange] [packetdrop] [gspacketdrop] [tunnelstatus] [tunneldeststatus] [bufferoverusage] [rxtxerror] [powerchange] [fanchange] [portutilization] [lowportutilization] [ibstatechange] [gscpuutilization] [gsportutilz] [gsportlowutilz] [evallicensereminder] [watchdogreset] [inlinetoolrecovery] [gdpupdate] [opticstemp] [exhausttemp] [switchcputemp] [cputemp] [2ndflashboot] [operationmode] [gigasmartcputemp] [eporttemp] [policytrigger] [process-cpu-threshold] [process-mem-threshold] [system-cpu-threshold] [system-mem-threshold] [ipgatewaystatus] [gsproxyserverconnectionstatus] [all]
port <port number>
port <port number>
user <username | admin> v3 <auth | encrypted auth | prompt auth> <md5 <password> | sha <password>
<priv <des <password> | aes-128 <password>> | sha256 <password> <priv <des <password> | aes-128 <password> | aes-256 <password>> | sha384 <password> <priv <des <password> | aes-128 <password> | aes-256 <password>> | sha512 <password> <priv <des <password> | aes-128 <password> | aes-256 <password>>
event [gsproxyserverconnectionstatus interval <interval in seconds>]
Refer to the following notes about SNMPv3 hosts and SNMPv3 users:
- On upgrading GigaVUE‑OS devices from software version 6.3.00 to 6.4.00: SNMPv3 host requires SNMPv3 users to be created in the system. If SNMPv3 users are not already created in software version 6.300 or lower, then on upgrading to software version 6.4.00, the users will be created by the system based on SNMPv3 host configuration.
- From software version 6.4 and higher (fresh installations): Before configuring SNMPv3 host, you must create SNMPv3 users. Otherwise, traps will not be sent. It is recommended to configure the same authentication parameters for users as well as the SNMP hosts to avoid using wrong credentials for encryption.
The following table describes the arguments for the snmp-server command.
Argument |
Description |
community <community string> |
Specifies the read-only community string used to connect to this node using SNMP. The default value is public. If you enable the mult-communities option, you can specify multiple community strings for the node. Refer to the “Recommendations for Vulnerabilities” section in the GigaVUE Fabric Management Guide for more information. Examples: (config) # snmp-server community secret |
contact <string> |
Specifies the MIB-II contact information for this device (syscontact). For example: (config) # snmp-server contact “John Smith” |
enable |
Specifies different aspects of the system’s SNMP functionality as follows:
Refer to the “Recommendations for Vulnerabilities” section in the GigaVUE Administration Guide for details. |
host |
Adds a destination for SNMP notifications. |
<IPv4 / IPv6 address or Hostname> |
Specifies the IPv4 address, IPv6 address, or the hostname of this destination for SNMP traps. You can specify multiple destinations, each with its own trap version and community string. |
disable |
Temporarily disables the sending of traps to the specified destination. For example, the following command disables traps sent to (config) # snmp-server host disable To re-enable traps for the specified destination: (config) # no snmp-server host disable |
informs [community] [port <port number>] [version <2c | 3>] for version 3 only: <engineID <engine ID> <user <username>> <auth | encrypted auth | prompt auth><md5 <password> | sha <password> <priv <des <password> | aes-128 <password>> | sha256 <password> <priv <des <password> | aes-128 <password> | aes-256 <password>> | sha384 <password> <priv <des <password> | aes-128 <password> | aes-256 <password>> | sha512 <password> <priv <des <password> | aes-128 <password> | aes-256 <password>> |
Specifies whether or not this destination should be used as a destination for SNMP inform events. You can override the default port and community string configured with the snmp-server notify commands using custom strings for this destination. Strings must be supplied in quotation marks. If you supply an empty community string (“”), the global community string specified with the snmp-server notify community <community string> command is used instead. Also specifies the version of SNMP to use. You can specify either version 2c or 3. The default is version 2c. For example: (config) # snmp-server host informs If you specify version 3, you also supply an engine ID, user name, and other settings to be sent with the notification. |
traps [community] [port <port number>] [version <1 | 2c | 3>] for version 3 only: <user <username>> <auth | encrypted auth | prompt auth> <md5 <password> | sha <password> <priv <des <password> | aes-128 <password>> | sha256 <password> <priv <des <password> | aes-128 <password> | aes-256 <password>> | sha384 <password> <priv <des <password> | aes-128 <password> | aes-256 <password>> | sha512 <password> <priv <des <password> | aes-128 <password> | aes-256 <password>> |
Specifies whether this destination should be used as a destination for SNMP trap events. You can override the default port and community string configured with the snmp-server notify commands using custom strings for this destination. Strings must be supplied in quotation marks. If you supply an empty community string (“”), the global community string specified with the snmp-server notify community <community string> command is used instead. Also specifies the version of SNMP to use. You can specify either version 2c or 3. The default is version 2c. For example: (config) # snmp-server host traps If you specify 3, you must specify user name and other settings to be sent with the notification. Refer to the Notes section for SNMPv3 hosts and SNMPv3 user configuration details during upgrade from 6.3.00 to higher versions and for fresh installation of GigaVUE‑OS nodes. |
location <string> |
Specifies the location of the system (syslocation). For example: (config) # snmp-server location “2nd Floor” |
notify community <community string> |
Specifies the default community string to be sent with SNMP notifications. If a destination has its own community string configured with snmp-server host, that string takes precedence over this one. However, if a destination does not have a string configured, this value is used. For example: (config) # snmp-server notify community public |
notify event |
Enables each of the events available for SNMP notifications, as follows. For example: (config) # snmp-server notify event all |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations each time the system starts up, either as a result of cycling the power or a soft reset initiated by the reload command. |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations each time the configuration is saved to local storage (for example, by using the write memory command). |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations when it detects a change in line card type from the last polling interval. This typically happens when a line card is removed from a slot or inserted in an empty slot. |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations in the following situations:
Note: The portlinkchange trap is not sent when the Management port’s link status changes. Note: The link state polling interval is 1 second. If a link state change is detected during the poll, an SNMP notification is generated. |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations when the system is shut down unexpectedly (for example, because power was lost and subsequently restored). |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations each time a user login fails. |
firmwarechange |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations when there is a firmware change. |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations when it detects packets being dropped on a port for 30 consecutive seconds. |
acmeReqStatus |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations for the status of ACME request, the valid ACME requests are acme issue, acme renew and acme revoke. |
gsappcrashnotification |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations when an GIgaSMART application crashes. |
gsdumpstatus |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations requesting for the GigaSMART dump status. |
gspacketdrop |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations when there are packet drops on a port in the GigaSMART card for 30 consecutive seconds. The notification will include the following information:
gsproxyserverconnectionstatus |
Sends a SNMP notification to all configured destinations requesting for the proxy-server connection status. |
gsisslresourceutilization |
Sends a SNMP notification to all configured destinations when there is an Inline SSL resource utilization overload in the GigaSMART. |
tunnelstatus |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations each time the tunnel gateway status changes, either from Resolved to Not Resolved or from Not Resolved to Resolved. The status might change for example, if there is an ARP failure or if a destination is not reachable. |
tunneldeststatus |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations each time the tunnel destination or tunnel endpoint status changes, either from Up to Down or from Down to Up. |
bufferoverusage |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations each time buffer usage has exceeded its configured threshold. Refer to the “Configure Alarm Buffer Thresholds” section in the GigaVUE Fabric Management Guide. |
rxtxerror |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations each time there is a packet receive (RX) or transmit (TX) error. |
powerchange |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations each time the power supply status changes. Note: On the GigaVUE-HB1, this trap is not supported. When power is lost on all power module(s), the GigaVUE-HB1 is unpowered. |
fanchange |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations each time the fan status changes. |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured trap destinations when the percentage utilization on a port rises above the high threshold configured with the port <port list> alarm high-utilization-threshold <percentage> command. Utilization alarms are written to syslog and forwarded to all SNMP management stations configured as trap destinations. Note: Network ports always use an Rx threshold; tool ports always use Tx. Refer to the “Working with Port Utilization Measurements” section in the GigaVUE Fabric Management Guide for more information. |
lowportutilization |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured trap destinations when the percentage utilization on a port falls below the low threshold configured with the port <port list> alarm low-utilization-threshold <percentage> command. Utilization alarms are written to syslog and forwarded to all SNMP management stations configured as trap destinations. Refer to the “Working with Port Utilization Measurements” section in the GigaVUE Fabric Management Guide for more information. |
ibstatechange |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations each time there is an inline bypass forwarding state change. |
gscpuutilization |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations when CPU utilization on the GigaSMART engine exceeds the configured upper (rising) threshold. Refer to the “GigaSMART CPU Utilization Statistics” section in the GigaVUE Fabric Management Guide for details. |
gsportutilz |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations when the GigaSMART engine port utilization reaches the high threshold value configured for the engine port. |
gsportlowutilz |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations when the GigaSMART engine port utilization reaches the low threshold value configured for the engine port. |
evallicensereminder |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations when an evaluation license is about to expire. This trap is sent when there are 30, 15, 10, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1 days remaining on the 45-day license period. Refer to the “GigaSMART Evaluation Licenses” section in the GigaVUE Fabric Management Guide for details. |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations each time the watchdog monitor has to reset a failed process on the system. |
inlinenetforwardingstatechange |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations each time there is an inline forwarding status change. |
inlinenetlagforwardingstatechange |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations each time there is a change in the inline network lag forwarding status. |
inlinetoolgroupoperstatechange |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations each time there is a change in the Inline group tool operational status. |
inlinetoolhbchange |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations each time an inline tool heartbeat status changes across INIT (initializing), NORMAL, LOST, RECOVERING states. |
inlinetooloperstatechange |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations each time there is a change in the Inline tool operational status. |
inlinetoolrecovery |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations each time an inline tool has recovered. The user can then manually put the inline tool back into service. |
gdpupdate |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations each time a new Gigamon discovery neighbor is discovered or Gigamon discovery information for an existing neighbor is changed or expired. |
opticstemp * |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations each time the temperature of the GigaVUE‑HC1, GigaVUE‑HC1-Plus, GigaVUE‑HC3,GigaVUE‑TA25,GigaVUE‑TA25E, GigaVUE-TA100, , GigaVUE‑TA200, or GigaVUE‑TA200E optics (transceivers) reach warning, alert, and critical thresholds. Refer to the device Hardware Installation Guide for details. |
exhausttemp * |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations each time theGigaVUE‑HC1, GigaVUE‑HC1-Plus, GigaVUE‑HC3,GigaVUE‑TA25,GigaVUE‑TA25E, GigaVUE-TA100, , GigaVUE‑TA200, or GigaVUE‑TA200E ambient temperature reaches warning, alert, and critical thresholds. Refer to the device Hardware Installation Guide for details. |
netflowoutofresource |
Sends an SNMP notification to all the configured destinations each time when the resource allocation fails in the NetFlow application. |
switchcputemp * |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations each time the temperature of the GigaVUE‑HC1, GigaVUE‑HC1-Plus, GigaVUE‑HC3,GigaVUE‑TA25,GigaVUE‑TA25E, GigaVUE-TA100, , GigaVUE‑TA200, or GigaVUE‑TA200E switch CPU reaches warning, alert, and critical thresholds.. Refer to the device Hardware Installation Guide for details. |
cputemp * |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations each time the temperature of the GigaVUE‑HC1, GigaVUE‑HC1-Plus, GigaVUE‑HC3,GigaVUE‑TA25,GigaVUE‑TA25E, GigaVUE-TA100, , GigaVUE‑TA200, or GigaVUE‑TA200E system boots from the second flash. Refer to the device Hardware Installation Guide for details. |
2ndflashboot * |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations each time theGigaVUE‑HC1, GigaVUE‑HC1-Plus, GigaVUE‑HC3,GigaVUE‑TA25,GigaVUE‑TA25E, GigaVUE-TA100, , GigaVUE‑TA200, or GigaVUE‑TA200E system boots from the second flash. Refer to the device Hardware Installation Guide for details. |
operationmode |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations each time a node in a cluster changes from operational mode to safe mode or from operational mode to limited mode. Refer to the “Cluster Safe and Limited Modes” section in the GigaVUE Fabric Management Guide for details. |
gigasmartcputemp |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations each time the temperature of the GigaVUE‑HC1, GigaVUE‑HC1-Plus, GigaVUE‑HC3, GigaSMART engine reaches warning, alert, and critical thresholds. Refer to the device Hardware Installation Guide for details. |
eporttemp * |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations each time the temperature of the GigaVUE‑HC1, GigaVUE‑HC1-Plus, GigaVUE‑HC3 GigaSMART engine ports (e1 and e2) reach warning, alert, and critical thresholds. Refer to the device Hardware Installation Guide for details. |
vportstatechange |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations each time a vport State changes. |
topswitchtemp |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations each time the temperature sensor near the top of the DELL-S4112F-ON's switch board reaches or exceeds the threshold temperature. |
throttle-report |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations each time a throttle reporting is initiated. A throttle report is generated only when the number of traps exceeds or matches the configured threshold count. |
System-fips-test |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations indicateing status of FIPS test executed. |
sfpcagetemp |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations each time the sfp cage board sensor's temperature reaches critical thresholds. |
qsfpcagetemp |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations each time the qsfp cage board sensor's temperature reaches critical thresholds. |
rearpaneltemp |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations each time the rear panel board sensor's temperature reaches critical thresholds. |
nearcputemp |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations each time the cpu board sensor's temperature reaches critical thresholds. |
cpusoctemp |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations each time the temperature of the cpu core that is read from the system files reaches or exceeds the threshold temperature. |
cluster-role-change |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations each time there is a cluster role change event. |
cluster-node-leave |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations each time a node leaves a cluster. |
cluster-node-join |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations each time a node joins a cluster. |
bottomswitchtemp |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations each time the temperature sensor near the bottom of the DELL-S4112F-ON's switch board reaches or exceeds the threshold temperature. |
bcmsoctemp |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations each time the temperature sensor of the hardware reaches or exceeds the threshold temperature. |
Sublicensereminder |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations when a sublicense is about to expire. The notification contains all the details like box, slot, features, and days for the license to expire. |
licensereminder |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations when a license is about to expire or already has expired. The notification contains all the details like box, slot, features, and days for the license to expire. |
Ipgwstatusupdate |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations each time IP Gateway status is updated. |
cluster-join-timeout |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations each time a node tries to join a cluster and fails. |
policytrigger |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations each time a policy is triggered. Refer to the “Configuring Active Visibility” section in the GigaVUE Fabric Management Guide for details. |
process-cpu-threshold * |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations each time the control card memory utilization of GigaVUE‑HC1, GigaVUE‑HC1-Plus, GigaVUE‑HC3,GigaVUE‑TA25,GigaVUE‑TA25E, GigaVUE-TA100, , GigaVUE‑TA200, or GigaVUE‑TA200E exceed the pre-configured process threshold values. Refer to the device Hardware Installation Guide for details. |
process-mem-threshold |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations each time the control card memory utilization exceeds the pre-configured process threshold values. |
system-cpu-threshold |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations each time the control card CPU utilization exceeds the pre-configured system threshold values. |
system-mem-threshold |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations each time the control card memory utilization exceeds the pre-configured system threshold values. |
ipgatewaystatus |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations each time the ARP/NDP status change. |
all |
Specifies that all SNMP notification events be sent. |
psumismatch |
Sends an SNMP notification to all configured destinations each time when the different code PSUs inserts in the same chassis. |
notify port <port number> |
Specifies the default port to which SNMP notification events should be sent. The GigaVUE HC Series node sends SNMP notification events to this port on all configured destinations without an explicit port override configured with the snmp host arguments. For example: (config) # snmp-server notify port 123 |
port <port number> |
Specifies the UDP port to be used for the system’s SNMP server. The default is 161. For example: (config) # snmp-server port 123 Refer to the “Recommendations for Vulnerabilities” section in the GigaVUE Administration Guide. |
event <trap> interval <1 and 86400 > [report-threshold <0 and 2147483647>]
Configures SNMP trap throttling and specifies the trap that has to be throttled as follows:
user <username | admin> v3 |
Configures per-user security parameters for SNMP v3 access to the system, as follows. |
enable |
Enables or disables SNMP v3 access for the specified username. |
<auth | encrypted auth | prompt auth> |
Specifies arguments that work together to configure passwords for SNMP v3 access for the specified user, including the hash algorithm. The order of the arguments after the v3 keyword governs how the passwords are entered, as follows:
Refer to the Notes section for SNMPv3 hosts and SNMPv3 user configuration details during upgrade from 6.3.00 to higher versions and for fresh installation ofGigaVUE‑OS nodes. |
<md5 <password> | sha <password> | sha256 <password> | sha384 <password> | sha512 <password>> |
<priv <des <password> | aes-128 <password> | aes-256 <password>> |
throttle |
gsproxyserverconnectionstatus interval |
Configures SNMP trap throttling time interval for the proxy server configuration status. |
* Though this trap is available to be configured in all the platforms, it works only in the specified hardware platforms.
The traps where no hardware platform is specified work on all platforms.
Related Commands
The following table summarizes other command related to the snmp-server command:
Task |
Command |
Displays SNMP configuration information. |
# show snmp |
Displays the SNMP engine ID for the local system. |
# show snmp engineID |
Displays the events for which SNMP traps will be sent. |
# show snmp events |
Displays SNMP host settings. |
# show snmp hosts |
Displays SNMP throttle |
# show snmp throttle |
Deletes all SNMP communities and reset to the default community (public). |
(config) # no snmp-server community |
Deletes a specified SNMP community. |
(config) # no snmp-server community secret |
Deletes the contact information. |
(config) # no snmp-server contact |
Disables community-based authentication. |
(config) # no snmp-server enable communities |
Allows only a single community to be configured. |
(config) # no snmp-server enable mult-communities |
Disables the sending of SNMP notifications (traps and informs). |
(config) # no snmp-server enable notify |
Deletes this host by its IPv4 or IPv6 address. |
(config) # no snmp-server host |
Re-enables the sending of all notifications to this host. |
(config) # no snmp-server host disable |
Resets the target port for informs to the default value. |
(config) # no snmp-server host informs port |
Resets the target port for traps to the default value. |
(config) # no snmp-server host traps port |
Deletes the location information. |
(config) # no snmp-server location |
Resets the default notification community to the default. |
(config) # no snmp-server notify community |
Specifies that all events are not to be sent as traps. |
(config) # no snmp-server notify event all |
Disables the sending of a trap for a specified event. |
(config) # no snmp-server notify event cputemp |
Disables the throttling for a specified event |
(config) # no snmp-server throttle event |
Disables the SNMP traps notification when the GigaSMART engine port utilization reaches the high threshold value. |
(config) # no snmp-server notify event gsportutilz |
Disables the SNMP traps notification when the GigaSMART engine port utilization reaches the low threshold value. |
(config) # no snmp-server notify event gslowportutilz |
Disables throttling for all traps |
(config) # no snmp-server throttle event all |
Resets the default notifications port number to the default. |
(config) # no snmp-server notify port |
Resets the SNMP agent port to the default (161). |
(config) # no snmp-server port |
Deletes the specified SNMP v3 user. |
(config) # no snmp-server user user1 v3 |
Disables all SNMP v3 access for the specified user. |
(config) # no snmp-server user user1 v3 enable |