apps exporter
Use the apps exporter command to configure the exporter.
Note: The exporter configuration must be done on both the CPN and UPN to enable CPN UPN communication for filtering RAN and network slice attributes. If the exporter is not configured on both the CPN and UPN, the UPN will be in the non-CPN mode.
Note: The exporter parameters, such as interface or port, cannot be modified for exporter type "mobility-cups". To modify the parameters of the exporter, delete the exporter and re-configure it.
The apps exporter command has the following syntax:
apps exporter alias <alias>
type <gtp-cups | tunnel | mobility-cups>
port <1-65535>
protocol <tcp | udp>
ttl <1-255>
dscp <0-63>
protocol <ipv4 | ipv6 | auto>
gsgroup <add | delete>
The following table describes the arguments for the apps exporter command:
Argument |
Description |
alias <alias> |
Specifies the exporter alias. |
type <gtp-cups | tunnel | mobility-cups> |
Specifies the type of the exporter as follows:
source <interface <ip-interface> | l4 <port> > |
Configures the following exporter source parameters:
Note: When the exporter type is mobility-cups, the UDP port must be within the ephemeral range (49152 to 65535). |
destination <l3 | l4> |
Configures the following exporter destination parameters:
Note: When the listener type is gtp-cups, the configuration of exporter destination network layer parameters is optional. |
l4< port <1-65535> protocol <tcp | udp>> |
Configures the following transportation layer parameters in the exporter:
l3 <ip <ver6 | ver4 | ttl <1-255>dscp <0-63>> <protocol <ipv4 | ipv6 | auto>> |
Configures the following network layer parameters in the exporter:
gsgroup <add | delete> |
Configures the gsgroup on which the exporter has to be activated or deactivated as follows: