Create Application Metadata Intelligence for Physical Environment

You can create an Application Metadata Intelligence session in GigaVUE‑FM by selecting the applications available from the Total Applications displayed on the Application Intelligence (AMI) dashboard.

To create an Application Metadata Intelligence session, follow these steps:

1.   On the left navigation pane, click Traffic , select Solutions > App Intelligence. .
2. In the Application Intelligence Session , click Application Metadata.

You must configure Application Intelligence session to monitor the application on the network and to display them on the Total Applications. To create Application Intelligence session refer to Application Intelligence Session.

3. From the navigation pane, click App Intelligence. Select the applications from the Total Applications in the right pane of the Application Intelligence dashboard.
4. Click Operations and select App Metadata from the drop-down list.

You can view the list of applications selected in the Selected Applications section.

Application Metadata Intelligence generates more than 5000 attributes for more than 3200 applications without impacting the users, devices, applications, or the network appliances. The feature identifies applications even when the traffic is encrypted.

5. Expand the application and select the attributes to be extracted.

Note:   You can select the attributes only if the application has attributes. If Application Filtering Intelligence License is available, you must create Application Filtering to create Application Metadata Intelligence. For more information, refer to Create Application Filtering Intelligence by Selecting Applications from Dashboard.

Note:  The attributes IP source and IP destination cannot be configured to be extracted from the App Editor section. To export, them utilize the Advanced Settings > Collects section.

6. In the Destination Traffic section, you can attach five exporters to a GigaSMART group. To add an exporter, click + Add New and enter the following information:
a. Tool Name - Enter the name of the tool to which you want to export the application-specific metadata.
b. Tool IP Address - Enter the IP address of the tool to which you want to export the application-specific metadata. You can provide either IPv4 or IPv6 address.
c. IP Interface - Select the IP interface through which the GigaVUE‑FM needs to export the application-specific metadata to the tools. You can select either IPv4 or IPv6 interface. Provide IPv4 address as the destination address for IPv4 interface and provide IPv6 address as the destination address for IPv6 interface. You can also choose to create a new IP Interface.
d. Tool Template - Select the tool template containing the list of applications and attributes that needs to be exported. Click the Save option to save the template as a new template.

When editing the exporter template, if you change any of the non-editable fields (Format, Record Type, NetFlow Version), the solution fails.

Note:  When you create a session with flow-behaviour as bi-directional, GigaVUE‑FM allows you to select Netflow v5 and v9 templates. When you edit the same session, you cannot select the Netflow v5, and v9 templates.

e. Enter the L4 Source Port, and the L4 Destination Port details.

Note:  If the export format is CEF, the default value for L4 destination port is 514. If the export format is NetFlow, the default value for L4 destination port is 2055.

f. Select the Format as CEF or NetFlow from the Format drop-down list.
g. Select the Record/Template type as either of the following:
•   Segregated - The application-specific attributes and the generic attributes will be exported as an individual record to the tool.
•   Cohesive- The application-specific attributes and the generic attributes will be combined as a single record and exported to the tool.
h. Enter the Active Timeout, InActive Timeout and Template Refresh time interval.

Note:  The format and the record/template type get selected automatically, after selecting the Tool Template.

7. In the Advanced Settings > Collects section, you can select the following packet attributes:
o   Counter - Select the Bytes, and Packets.
o   IPv4 - Select the required attributes. By default, Source Address, Destination Address, and Protocol are enabled.
o   IPv6 - Select the required attributes. By default, Source Address, Destination Address, and Next Header are enabled.
o   Transport -Select the required attributes. By default, Source Port, Destination Port are enabled.

By default, the above collect types are displayed. Click to add the following collect types:

•   Data Link - Select any one of the parameters such as Source Mac, Destination Mac and VLAN.
•   Timestamp - Select the required timestamp such as System Uptime First, Flow Start, System Uptime Last, and Flow End.
•   Flow - Select the parameter as End Reason if required.
•   Interface - Select any one of the parameter such as Input Physical, Output Physical and Input Name.
8. In the Application Metadata Settings section:
a. Select the Flow Behavior as any one of the following:
•   Uni-Directional
•   Bi-Directional. The default value is Bi-Directional.
b. Enter the Timeout and Cache Size. The cache size range allowed for different platform is given in the following table:


Range in million







c. You can enable or disable the Multi-Collect option to perform the following:
•   Enable — Enables the multi-collect of attributes within a given Metadata Store cache which means that if a configured attributes is seen in multiple packets within the same flow, each of these information is collected. By default, when a new cache is created, multi-collect is enabled. When upgraded from an older release, the multi-collect option is enabled.
•   Disable — Disables the multi-collect of attributes within a given Metadata Store cache.
d. You can use the toggle button to enable or disable the Aggregate Mode, which is disabled by default. You need to delete the existing solution and recreate the solution to enable the Aggregate Mode. The Aggregate Mode option is applicable only for Gen 3 devices. Only one exporter is supported with the Aggregate Mode enabled.

Note:  You need to enable the Aggregate Mode option to export the minimum, maximum, and mean of RTT values for the following list of supported protocols and attributes and also the aggregate of TCP Lost byte values collected per export time interval.

Protocol Name Attribute
http rtt
icmp rtt
icmp6 rtt
ssh rtt
tcp rtt
tcp rtt_app
telnet rtt
wsp connect_rtt
wsp query_rtt
e. You can enable or disable the Advance Hash option to perform the following:
•   Enable — Configures metadata cache advance-hash for encapsulated flows . This feature improves the efficiency of scheduling the distribution of encapsulated flows. It also improves the distribution of flows in service provider deployment cases. By default, when a new cache is created, advance hash is enabled. When upgraded from an older release, the advance hash is enabled.
•   Disable — Disables the metadata cache advance-hash for flows.
f. If you want to include the VLAN ID along with the 5-tuple to identify the traffic flow, select the Data Link and enable the
g. VLAN option.
h. In the Observation Domain ID field, enter a value to identify the source from where the metadata is collected. The range is from 0 to 255.

For example: If you enter 5 in this field, then the observation domain ID is calculated as follows:


Observation Domain ID (4-Bytes)

Byte 1


Byte 2


Byte 3

GS engine slot (for e.g. 2 if 1/2/e1)

Byte 4

User defined (for e.g. 5). Default : 0.

The calculated value of Observation Domain Id in Hexadecimal is 00 01 02 05, and in Decimal is 66053.

9. In the Selected Applications section, select Export and click Export To for the applications that needs to be exported to the destination tool.
10. Click Save.