Create Fabric Maps

To create Fabric Maps:

  1. On the left navigation pane, click on and under Physical > Orchestrated Flows> Fabric Maps, click Create.

The following table describes the parameters displayed in the fabric map list view.




Alias name of the fabric map.

Note:  GigaVUE-FM does not allow you to configure fabric maps alias to start with _FM_, _FM-, FMAuto-. These prefixes are used in auto-generated fabric map alias.


Indicates if fabric map is enabled – Yes/No


Number of source ports associated with fabric map


Number of destination ports associated with fabric map


Rules for fabric map

GigaSMART Alias

Alias name of the GigaSMART operation


Port type


Health status of the fabric map

1. Click Create.The create map screen is displayed.

2. Enter map parameters as described in the following table:



Basic Info


Alias name of the fabric map


Fabric map description


Toggle option that lets you toggle between:

■   Enable: Traffic passes through the fabric map that is created.
■   Disable: Traffic is temporarily prevented from passing through fabric map if 'Disable' is selected.

Note:  You cannot disable the second-level maps (option is disabled in the UI). Alternatively, you must disable the corresponding first-level map.

Resource Allocation

Displays whether it uses shared or non-shared circuit id resources.


Map type. Options are:

■   Regular
■   First level
■   Second level


Map subtype. Options are:

■   By Rule
■   Pass All
■   Collector


Source port. Use the Search by Node toggle bar to toggle between the following two options

■   Enter the port alias/port id (Respective Cluster Id is displayed for selecting the required ports), or
■   Specify the source node and source ports. Use the +/- icon to add new nodes or remove source ports.

Note:  You cannot use ports already used as source ports in the orchestrated configuration.



Enable Non-Matching Rules for map type ‘Regular’. Use the toggle bar to either Pass all traffic or not.

The following options are available:

■   Quick Editor: To select the port number or numbers to add for a pass or drop rule or both.
■   Import: To import a map template
■   Add a Rule: To add a description and select one or more conditions. Use this option to add rules one at a time. Click the +/- icon to add or delete rules and conditions.
■   You can also associate tags to the map rules.

Note:  When you associate a tag to a rule in Fabric map, GigaVUE-FM associates the same tag to the internally created flow maps. The visualizations displayed in the Map Rule Statistics dashboard is based on the tags associated with the internal flow maps .

Refer to the Add Tags to Map Rules section for more details.

GigaSMART Operation

Select a GigaSMART node and operation.


Destination port. You can either:

■   Enter the port alias/port id, or
■   Specify the destination node and destination ports. Use the +/- icon to add new nodes or remove destination ports.

Use the toggle bar to toggle between these two options. Click the Tool Finder option to search for the available destination ports.

  • You can also use Fabric Port Group as destination for the second level maps to allow load-balanced traffic. You must enter the name of the FPG created. (For details, refer to Fabric Port Group section).

Note:  Starting in software version 5.7, you can also select the Null Port option for the second level maps if you do not want to send the traffic to any physical port. Refer to the “Create Application Filtering Intelligence by Selecting Applications from Dashboard” section for the use of null port in application intelligence solution.


Select the tag key and the tag value to which the Fabric Maps must be associated to.

Note:  The tag key and the associated tag values must be created in advance in GigaVUE- FM. Refer to the "Tags" and "Role Based Access Control" sections in the GigaVUE Administration Guide for more details

You can only view tags that are permitted for your role. Refer to the "Tags" section in the GigaVUE Administration Guide for more details.

3. After you enter all the fabric map parameters, click Create. The new fabric map is added to the list view.

To create a copy of the existing Fabric Map:

  1. Select the required fabric map.
  2. Click the copy icon on the top.

A copy of the selected map is created.