Configure Physical Nodes

The Physical Nodes page displays a list of physical nodes and clusters. It provides information about a device’s cluster ID, role, model, connection status, device status, and many other details.

To access physical nodes attached to an instance of GigaVUE-FM, log into GigaVUE-FM. On the left navigation pane, click on and under Physical, select Nodes to view all the physical nodes and clusters managed by GigaVUE-FM.

The Physical Nodes page displays the following information:



Cluster Id

The name of the cluster. 

Host Name

The host name of the box.

Task Status

The status of the upgrade process. When the upgrade process is in progress, the task status displays the number of steps completed successfully out of the total number of steps to be completed. For example, upgrade: step (2/5) Image Fetch Complete.

Once the upgrade process is complete, the upgrade status is displayed as Upgrade Success or Upgrade Failure.

Note:  To clear the task status of the upgrade process, select the required cluster IDs and choose Actions > Clear Task status option.

Node Address

The IP address of the physical node.

Note:   When assigning an IP address to a device using DHCP, the IP address may change after a reload or device upgrade, resulting in lost connectivity. Previous entries are retained in the node, and stale entries are retained in the GigaVUE-FM database even though the configuration has been deleted from the GigaVUE‑FM end. To resolve this issue, Map the IP address to the Mac address of the node in the DHCP server so that GigaVUE‑FM won't end up in this state due to the IP address change.


The role of the node in the cluster. The role of the node can be one of Leader, Standalone, Member, or Standby.


The type of the GigaVUE HC Series model.

Box Id

The box Identifier of the node.

Serial Number

Serial number of the device.

SW Version

The version number of GigaVUE-FM.


The status of the physical node or Advanced Features license.

Attempted Sync Time

The time and date when the physical node attempted synchronizing with GigaVUE‑FM.

Successful Sync Time

The time and date when the physical node was last synchronized with GigaVUE‑FM.


The current health status of the GigaVUE node or cluster.

To know about how the device health status is computed, refer to Node Health Status.

Note:  You can monitor the health status of the device by enabling the SNMP notifications. For more information on configuring the email notifications, refer to the “Notifications” section in the GigaVUE Administration Guide.


Alarm triggered by the device.



The tag or site name and value associated to the physical node or cluster.

The tag names associated to the physical node or cluster are displayed as separate columns. Under the tag or site name, the respective tag or site value is displayed.


Uboot Version

Uboot version of the device.

Note:  The columns in the Physical Nodes page can be customized based on the type of content you want to view in the table. For customizing the columns, refer to Table View Customization.

Changes made to the cluster through the CLI are reflected in GigaVUE-FM when it synchronizes with the cluster, which is typically every 5 minutes.

If the latest configuration data is not retrieved from the cluster for more than 30 minutes, a warning is displayed in the cluster Overview page indicating the last time GigaVUE-FM successfully synchronized with the cluster.

To view the last synchronized status, click the cluster and view the status at the top of the Overview page.

Node Control Options

Use the following buttons in the Nodes page to perform specific actions:





The Tags drop-down menu button allows you to perform the following actions:

Add: Use to Add tags to standalone nodes and clusters.
Delete: Use to Remove tags from standalone nodes and clusters
Device Level Tagging: Use to associate tags to devices. Refer to the Device Level Tagging section for more details.
Export Tags for Selected: Use to Export tags for the selected nodes.
Export Tag Resources for Selected: Use to Export tag resources for the selected nodes.

Note:  To create tags you must be a fm_super_admin user.


Refer to the Tags section in the GigaVUE Administration Guide for details on how to create, edit, delete tags.


The Actions drop-down menu option allows you to perform the following actions:

Edit: Use to Edit the selected standalone node or cluster.
Image Upgrade: Use to upgrade the image for the selected node or cluster.

Refer to Upgrade Software on a GigaVUE Node or a Cluster from GigaVUE‑FM

Backup: Use to backup the nodes and cluster.
Restore: Use to restore the nodes and cluster.

Refer to the Backup and Restore section for more details.

Reboot: Use to reboot the nodes and cluster.

Refer to the Reboot the Nodes section for more details.

Suppress Alarms: Use to suppress alarms.
Stop Alarm Suppression: Use to stop suppression of alarms.

Refer to Suppressed Alarms section for more details.

Clear Task Status: Use to clear the Task status.

Refer to Admin Tasks for more details.

Rediscover: Use to rediscover the node.
Disconnect Node: Use to disconnect the node from GigaVUE-FM.

Refer to Disconnect Node section for more details.


The Filter button allows you to filter the nodes.


Create Cluster

Use to Create Cluster.

Refer to Create and Manage Clusters section for more details.


Use to Add a physical node to GigaVUE-FM.

Refer to Add New Physical Node or Cluster to GigaVUE‑FM.


Use to Delete a node from GigaVUE-FM.



Use to Import nodes to GigaVUE-FM.

Refer toAdd Nodes From an Excel Spreadsheet section for more details.


Use to Export the nodes from GigaVUE-FM.

Refer to Export Nodes and Clusters section for more details.