Configure GigaVUE Fabric Components using Azure

This section provides step-by-step information on how to register GigaVUE fabric components using Azure Portal or a configuration file.

Recommended Instance Type

The following table lists the recommended instance type for deploying the fabric components:

Note:  Additional instance types are also supported. Refer to Support,  Sales, or Professional Services for deployment optimization.


Instance Type vCPU RAM

GigaVUE V Series Node


4 vCPU

16 GB


8 vCPU

32 GB

GigaVUE V Series Proxy


1 vCPU

1 GB

UCT-V Controller


1 vCPU

1 GB

Keep in mind the following when deploying the fabric components using generic mode:

  • Ensure that the Traffic Acquisition Tunnel MTU is set to the default value of 1450 when using IPv4 tunnels or 1430 when using IPv6 tunnels. To edit the Traffic Acquisition Tunnel MTU, select the monitoring domain and click on the Edit Monitoring Domain option. Enter the Traffic Acquisition Tunnel MTU value and click Save.
  • Before deploying the monitoring session ensure that the appropriate Traffic Acquisition Tunnel MTU value is set. Otherwise, the monitoring session must be un-deployed and deployed again.
  • You can also create a monitoring domain under Third Party Orchestration and provide the monitoring domain name and the connection name as groupName and subGroupName in the registration data. Refer to Create Monitoring Domain for more detailed information on how to create monitoring domain under third party orchestration.
  • You can also upload custom certificates to GigaVUE V Series Nodes, , GigaVUE V Series Proxy, and UCT-V Controller using your own cloud platform when deploying the fabric components. Refer to Install Custom Certificate for more detailed information.
  • When creating virtual machine for deploying the fabric components in Azure, SSH public key must only be used as the Authentication type in Azure.


GigaVUE V Series Node must have a minimum of two Networks Interfaces (NIC) attached to it, a management NIC and a data NIC with Accelerated Networking enabled.

When creating a virtual machine for GigaVUE V Series Node using CLI, Management NIC and Data NIC can be attached at the time of the virtual machine creation. However, if you are using Azure GUI to create the virtual machine for GigaVUE V Series Node, then the data NIC can only be attached after creating the virtual machine. Refer to the following topics for more detailed information on how to create GigaVUE V Series Node with Management and Data NIC using CLI or Azure GUI:


  • Accelerated Networking must be enabled in the Data NIC only when deploying GigaVUE V Series Nodes using Third Party Orchestration.
  • Accelerated Networking is not required for Management NIC.

Create GigaVUE V Series Node with Management and Data NIC Attached using CLI

Create management NIC:

az network nic create -g <resource group> --vnet-name <VNet Name> --subnet <Subnet name> -n <Mangement NIC Name>

Create data NIC with Accelerated Networking enabled:

az network nic create -g <resource group> --vnet-name <VNet> --subnet <Subnet> -n <Data NIC> --accelerated-networking true

Create GigaVUE V Series Node virtual machine using the above NICS:

az vm create --resource-group <Resource group> --size <Standard_D4s_v4/Standard_D8S_V4> --name <GigaVUE V Series Node> --admin-username gigamon --generate-ssh-keys --image gigamon-inc:gigamon-gigavue-cloud-suite:vseries-node:6.8.00 --plan-name vseries-node --plan-product gigamon-gigavue-cloud-suite --plan-publisher gigamon-inc --nics <Management NIC and Data NIC>

Note:  You can use the following command to get all the images published by Gigamon.

az vm image list --all --publisher gigamon-inc

Create GigaVUE V Series Node with Management and Data NIC Attached using Azure GUI

Enable Management NIC when creating the GigaVUE V Series Node virtual machine. Refer to Create virtual machine topic in Azure Documentation for more detailed information on how to create a virtual machine. Follow the steps given below to attach the data NIC:

  1. Select the GigaVUE V Series Node virtual machine from the Resources Page.
  2. Stop the Virtual Machine using the Stop button.
  3. Navigate to Setting > Networking from the left navigation pane. The Networking page appears.
  4. In the Networking page, click Attach network interface. Select an existing network interface for Data NIC and click OK.
  5. To enable accelerated networking, refer to Manage Accelerated Networking through the portal.
  6. Start the Virtual Machine.

In your Azure Portal, you can configure the following GigaVUE fabric components:

Configure UCT-V Controller in Azure

You can configure more than one UCT-V Controller in a monitoring domain.

To register UCT-V Controller in Azure Portal, use any one of the following methods:

Register UCT-V Controller during Virtual Machine Launch

In your Azure portal, to launch the UCT-V Controller init virtual machine and register UCT-V Controller using custom data, follow the steps given below:

  1. In the Virtual machines page of the Azure Portal, select Create then Virtual machine. Then Create a Virtual Machine Page appears. For detailed information, refer to Create virtual machine topic in Azure Documentation.

  2. On the Advanced tab, enter the Custom Data as text in the following format and deploy the virtual machine. The UCT-V Controller uses this custom data to generate config file (/etc/gigamon-cloud.conf) used to register with GigaVUE-FM.


    User Data

    User data without custom certificate

     - path: /etc/gigamon-cloud.conf
       owner: root:root
       permissions: '0644'
       content: |
            groupName: <Monitoring Domain Name>
            subGroupName: <Connection Name>
            user: <Username>
            password: <Password>
            remoteIP: <IP address of the GigaVUE-FM>
            sourceIP: <IP address of UCT-V Controller> (Optional Field)
            remotePort: 443

    User data with custom certificate

     - path: /etc/cntlr-cert.conf
       owner: root:root
       permissions: "0644"
       content: |
          -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
          <certificate content>
          -----END CERTIFICATE-----
     - path: /etc/cntlr-key.conf
       owner: root:root
       permissions: "400"
       content: |
          -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
          <private key content>
          -----END PRIVATE KEY-----
     - path: /etc/gigamon-cloud.conf
       owner: root:root
       permissions: '0644'
       content: |
             groupName: <Monitoring Domain Name>
             subGroupName: <Connection Name>
             user: <Username>
             password: <Password>
             remoteIP: <IP address of the GigaVUE-FM>
             sourceIP: <IP address of UCT-V Controller> (Optional Field)
             remotePort: 443

    Note:  The minimum value for the authentication key encryption length provided during the key generation is 2048.

The UCT-V Controller deployed in your Azure portal appears on the Monitoring Domain page of GigaVUE-FM.

Register UCT-V Controller after Virtual Machine Launch

To register UCT-V Controller after launching a Virtual Machine using a configuration file, follow the steps given below:

  1. Log in to the UCT-V Controller.
  2. Create a local configuration file (/etc/gigamon-cloud.conf) and enter the following custom data.
        groupName: <Monitoring Domain Name>
        subGroupName: <Connection Name>
        user: <Username>
        password: <Password>
        remoteIP: <IP address of the GigaVUE-FM>
        sourceIP: <IP address of UCT-V Controller> (Optional Field)
        remotePort: 443
  3. Restart the UCT-V Controller service.
    $ sudo service uctv-cntlr restart

Assign Static IP address for UCT-V Controller

By default, the UCT-V Controller gets assigned an IP address using DHCP. If you wish to assign a static IP address, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to /etc/netplan/ directory.
  2. Create a new .yaml file. (Other than the default 50-cloud-init.yaml file)
  3. Update the file as shown in the following sample:
            version: 2
            renderer: networkd
                                    - <IP address>
                            gateway: <IP address>
                                    - <IP address>
                            gateway: <IP address>
                                    - <IP address>
                            gateway: <IP address>
  4. Save the file.
  5. Restart theUCT-V Controller service.
    $ sudo service uctv-cntlr restart

The deployed UCT-V Controller registers with the GigaVUE-FM. After successful registration, the UCT-V Controller sends heartbeat messages to GigaVUE-FM every 30 seconds. If one heartbeat is missing, the fabric component status appears as 'Unhealthy'. If more than five heartbeats fail to reach GigaVUE-FM, GigaVUE‑FM tries to reach the UCT-V Controller and if that fails as well then GigaVUE‑FM unregisters the UCT-V Controller and it will be removed from GigaVUE‑FM.

Configure UCT-V in Azure

UCT-V should be registered via the registered UCT-V Controller and communicates through PORT 8891.

Note:  Deployment of UCT-Vs through third-party orchestrator is supported on both Linux and Windows platforms. Refer to Linux UCT-V Installation and Windows UCT-V Installation for detailed information.

To register UCT-V in Azure Portal, use any one of the following methods.

Register UCT-V during Virtual Machine Launch

Note:  Registering UCT-V during Virtual Machine Launch is not applicable for Windows Agents. You can register your Windows Agents after launching the Virtual machine, using a configuration file.

In your Azure portal, to launch the UCT-V init virtual machine and register the UCT-V using custom data, follow the steps given below:

  1. In the Virtual machines page of the Azure Portal, select Create then Virtual machine. Then Create a Virtual Machine Page appears. For detailed information, refer to Create virtual machine topic in Azure Documentation.

  2. On the Advanced tab, enter the Custom Data as text in the following format and deploy the virtual machine. The UCT-V uses this custom data to generate config file (/etc/gigamon-cloud.conf) used to register with GigaVUE-FM.
     - path: /etc/gigamon-cloud.conf
       owner: root:root
       permissions: '0644'
       content: |
             groupName: <Monitoring Domain Name>
             subGroupName: <Connection Name>
             user: <Username>
             password: <Password>
             remoteIP: <IP address of the UCT-V Controller 1>,<IP address of the UCT-V Controller 2>
             sourceIP: <IP address of UCT-V> (Optional Field)
             remotePort: 8891
    • User and Password must be configured in the User Management page. Refer to Configure Role-Based Access for Third Party Orchestration for more detailed information. Enter the UserName and Password created in the Add Users Section.
    • If you are using multiple interface in UCT-V and UCT-V Controller is not connected to the primary interface, then add the following to the above registration data:
      localInterface:<Interface to which UCT-V Controller is connected>

Register UCT-V after Virtual Machine Launch

Note:  You can configure more than one UCT-V Controller for a UCT-V, so that if one UCT-V Controller goes down, the UCT-V registration will happen through another Controller that is active.

To register UCT-V after launching a Virtual Machine using a configuration file, follow the steps given below:

  1. Install the UCT-V in the Linux or Windows platform. For detailed instructions, refer to Linux UCT-V Installation and Windows UCT-V Installation.

  2. Log in to the UCT-V.
  3. Edit the local configuration file and enter the following custom data.
    • /etc/gigamon-cloud.conf is the local configuration file in Linux platform.
    • C:\ProgramData\uctv\gigamon-cloud.conf is the local configuration file in Windows platform.
        groupName: <Monitoring Domain Name>
        subGroupName: <Connection Name>
        user: <Username>
        password: <Password>
        remoteIP: <IP address of the UCT-V Controller 1>,<IP address of the UCT-V Controller 2>
        sourceIP: <IP address of UCT-V> (Optional Field)
        remotePort: 8891
    • User and Password must be configured in the User Management page. Refer to Configure Role-Based Access for Third Party Orchestration for more detailed information. Enter the UserName and Password created in the Add Users Section.
    • If you are using multiple interface in UCT-V and UCT-V Controller is not connected to the primary interface, then add the following to the above registration data:
      localInterface:<Interface to which UCT-V Controller is connected>
  4. Restart the UCT-V service.
    • Linux platform:
      $ sudo service uctv restart
    • Windows platform: Restart from the Task Manager.

The deployed UCT-V registers with the GigaVUE-FM through the UCT-V Controller. After successful registration, the UCT-V sends heartbeat messages to GigaVUE-FM every 30 seconds. If one heartbeat is missing, UCT-V status appears as 'Unhealthy'. If more than five heartbeats fail to reach GigaVUE-FM, GigaVUE‑FM tries to reach the UCT-V and if that fails as well then GigaVUE‑FM unregisters the UCT-V and it will be removed from GigaVUE‑FM.

Configure GigaVUE V Series Node and GigaVUE V Series Proxy in Azure

Note:  It is not mandatory to register GigaVUE V Series Nodes via V Series proxy however, if there is a large number of nodes connected to GigaVUE-FM or if the user does not wish to reveal the IP addresses of the nodes, then you can register your nodes using GigaVUE V Series Proxy. In this case, GigaVUE-FM communicates with GigaVUE V Series Proxy to manage the GigaVUE V Series Nodes.

To register GigaVUE V Series Node and GigaVUE V Series Proxy in Azure Portal, use any one of the following methods.

Register GigaVUE V Series Node and GigaVUE V Series Proxy during Virtual Machine Launch

To register GigaVUE V Series Node and GigaVUE V Series Proxy using the custom data in Azure Portal, follow the steps given below:

  1. In the Virtual machines page of the Azure Portal, select Create then Virtual machine. Then Create a Virtual Machine Page appears. For detailed information, refer to Create virtual machine topic in Azure Documentation.

  2. On the Advanced tab, enter the Custom Data as text in the following format and deploy the virtual machine. The GigaVUE V Series Node and GigaVUE V Series Proxy uses this custom data to generate config file (/etc/gigamon-cloud.conf) used to register with GigaVUE-FM.


    User Data

    User data without custom certificate

     - path: /etc/gigamon-cloud.conf
       owner: root:root
       permissions: '0644'
       content: |
            groupName: <Monitoring Domain Name>
            subGroupName: <Connection Name>
            user: <Username>
            password: <Password>
            remoteIP: <IP address of the GigaVUE-FM> or <IP address of the Proxy>
            remotePort: 443

    User data with custom certificate

     - path: /etc/cntlr-cert.conf
       owner: root:root
       permissions: "0644"
       content: |
          -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
          <certificate content>
          -----END CERTIFICATE-----
     - path: /etc/cntlr-key.conf
       owner: root:root
       permissions: "400"
       content: |
          -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
          <private key content>
          -----END PRIVATE KEY-----
     - path: /etc/gigamon-cloud.conf
       owner: root:root
       permissions: '0644'
       content: |
             groupName: <Monitoring Domain Name>
             subGroupName: <VPC Name>
             user: <Username>
             password: <Password>
             remoteIP: <IP address of the GigaVUE-FM>
             remotePort: 443

    Note:  The minimum value for the authentication key encryption length provided during the key generation is 2048.

    • You can register your GigaVUE V Series Nodes directly with GigaVUE‑FM or you can use V Series proxy to register your GigaVUE V Series Nodes with GigaVUE‑FM. If you wish to register GigaVUE V Series Nodes directly, enter the remotePort value as 443 and the remoteIP as <IP address of the GigaVUE‑FM> or if you wish to deploy GigaVUE V Series Nodes using V Series proxy then, enter the remotePort value as 8891 and remoteIP as <IP address of the Proxy>.
    • User and Password must be configured in the User Management page. Refer to Configure Role-Based Access for Third Party Orchestration for more detailed information. Enter the UserName and Password created in the Add Users Section.

Register GigaVUE V Series Proxy after Virtual Machine Launch

To register GigaVUE V Series Proxy after launching the virtual machine using a configuration file, follow the steps given below:

  1. Log in to the GigaVUE V Series Proxy.
  2. Create a local configuration file (/etc/gigamon-cloud.conf) and enter the following custom data.

        groupName: <Monitoring Domain Name>
        subGroupName: <Connection Name>
        user: <Username>
        password: <Password>
        remoteIP: <IP address of the GigaVUE-FM> or <IP address of the Proxy>
        remotePort: 443
    • You can register your GigaVUE V Series Nodes directly with GigaVUE‑FM or you can use V Series proxy to register your GigaVUE V Series Nodes with GigaVUE‑FM. If you wish to register GigaVUE V Series Nodes directly, enter the remotePort value as 443 and the remoteIP as <IP address of the GigaVUE‑FM> or if you wish to deploy GigaVUE V Series Nodes using V Series proxy then, enter the remotePort value as 8891 and remoteIP as <IP address of the Proxy>.
    • User and Password must be configured in the User Management page. Refer to Configure Role-Based Access for Third Party Orchestration for more detailed information. Enter the UserName and Password created in the Add Users Section.
  3. Restart the GigaVUE V Series Proxy service. 
    • GigaVUE V Series Node:
      $ sudo service vseries-node restart
    • GigaVUE V Series Proxy:
      $ sudo service vps restart

The deployed GigaVUE V Series proxy registers with the GigaVUE-FM. After successful registration, the GigaVUE V Series proxy sends heartbeat messages to GigaVUE-FM every 30 seconds. If one heartbeat is missing, the fabric component status appears as 'Unhealthy'. If more than five heartbeats fail to reach GigaVUE-FM, GigaVUE‑FM tries to reach theGigaVUE V Series proxy and if that fails as well then GigaVUE‑FM unregisters the GigaVUE V Series proxy and it will be removed from GigaVUE‑FM.

Note:  When the GigaVUE V Series Node is stopped or terminated from the Azure, it does not send any unregistration request and GigaVUE-FM will unregister the V Series Node soon after.

Keep in mind the following when upgrading the GigaVUE-FM to 6.1.00 or higher version (when using third party orchestration to deploy fabric components):

When upgrading GigaVUE-FM to any version higher than 6.0.00 and if the GigaVUE V Series Nodes version deployed in that GigaVUE-FM is lower than or equal to 6.0.00, then for the seamless flow of traffic, GigaVUE-FM automatically creates Users and Roles in GigaVUE-FM with the required permission. The username would be orchestration, and the password would be orchestration123A! for the user created in GigaVUE-FM. Ensure there is no existing user in GigaVUE-FM, with the username orchestration.

Once the upgrade is complete, it is recommended that the password be changed on the Users page. Refer to Configure Role-Based Access for Third Party Orchestration for detailed steps on how to change password in the user page.

Refer Deploying GigaVUE Cloud Suite for Azure using Customer Orchestration for more detailed information.