Appendix - Casa vTap Statistics
This section provides the stats details for GVHTTP2 and 5G-Cloud applications. For more information on counter details, refer to the respective application on the GigaVUE API Reference page.
Note: Currently, the following stats are not supported in GigaVUE‑FM. You should login to the corresponding V Series Node to execute the commands.

The following table provides information on the counter details and their usage for the GVHTTP2 application:
S.No |
Counter Name |
Counter Description |
1 |
http2TransactionsSuccessful |
Total HTTP2 Transaction successes that occurred in the GVHTTP2 Server. |
2 |
http2StreamInitializeCount |
Total HTTP2 New Streams that have been observed by the GVHTTP2 Server. |
3 |
http2StreamCloseCount |
Total HTTP2 Streams that have been successfully completed by the GVHTTP2 Server. |
4 |
http2StreamPrepareResponseCount |
Total calls to ask GVHTTP2 to prepare a response for inbound stream transactions. |
5 |
http2StreamOnHeaderCount |
Total calls to GVHTTP2 when a header value for a given stream has been observed. |
6 |
http2StreamOnDataChunkCount |
Total calls to GVHTTP2 when a data chunk for a given stream has been observed. |
7 |
http2StreamOnRecvFrameCount |
Total calls to GVHTTP2 when Receive Frame has occurred for any HTTP2 frame. |
8 |
http2StreamOnRecvFrameEndStreamCount |
Total calls to GVHTTP2 when the last HTTP2 Frame has been received indicating that the end of the stream has occurred. |
9 |
http2GETRequests |
Total HTTP2 GET Requests received by the GVHTTP2 Server. |
10 |
http2POSTRequests |
Total HTTP2 POST Requests received by the GVHTTP2 Server. |
11 |
http2PUTRequests |
Total HTTP2 PUT Requests received by the GVHTTP2 Server. |
12 |
http2OtherRequests |
Total HTTP2 Requests not GET, POST, or PUT received by the GVHTTP2 Server. |
13 |
http2ValidURI |
Total HTTP2 Requests that have valid PATH for the current GVHTTP2 Mode. |
14 |
http2NewSessions |
Total TCP Sessions newly initiated by Client applications connecting to the GVHTTP2 Server. |
15 |
http2TerminateSessions |
Total TCP Sessions that have been terminated by the Client applications connecting to the GVHTTP2 Server. |
16 |
http2OpenSessions |
Total TCP Open / Accept Sessions received by Client Applications connecting to the GVHTTP2 Server. |
17 |
http2CloseSessions |
Total TCP Sessions that have closed either by Client Applications or GVHTTP2 Server. |
18 |
vxlanTXPackets |
Total number of packets that have been successfully transmitted to the VXLAN TX Tunnel. |
19 |
vxlanTXBytes |
Total number of bytes that have been successfully transmitted to the VXLAN TX Tunnel. |
20 |
vxlanThreadCount |
Total number of thread cycles that occurred during the interval. |
21 |
http2TransactionsFailed |
Total HTTP2 Transaction failures that occurred in the GVHTTP2 Server. |
22 |
http2StreamTimeouts |
Total times when the start of a new HTTP2 Stream has occurred but is not completed within the predefined timeout. |
23 |
http2StreamHeaderOverflows |
Total events where header has been received, but there is no space in the GVHTTP2 server code to accept the Header Value. |
24 |
http2StreamBufferOverflows |
Total events where data frames have been received, but there is no space in the GVHTTP2 server code to accept the data frame. |
25 |
http2InvalidURI |
Total HTTP2 Requests that have invalid PATH for the current GVHTTP2 Mode. |
26 |
http2SSLConnectionFailures |
Total SSL Connection Failures that occur when the GVHTTP2 Server receives a TCP Connection but fails SSL negotiation. |
27 |
http2SocketFailures |
Total Socket Failures either in mTLS or Clear Text mode. |
28 |
vxlanTXSocketSendErrors |
Total number of packets that could not be transmitted to the VXLAN TX Tunnel because of socket error. |
29 |
vxlanTXSocketSizeErrors |
Total number of packets that could not be transmitted to the VXLAN TX Tunnel because the size of the packet is too large. |
30 |
vxlanThreadTimeouts |
Total number of calls to select that timed out waiting for received data. This is not an error. |
31 |
vxlanRXPackets |
Total number of RX Packets received from inbound HTTP2 Stream transactions received by the GVHTTP2 server from the Client VTAP that have been created in the VXLAN thread. |
32 |
vxlanRXBytes |
Total number of RX Bytes received from inbound HTTP2 Stream transactions received by the GVHTTP2 server from the Client VTAP that have been created in the VXLAN thread. |
33 |
vxlanRXDrops |
Total number of RX Packets received from inbound HTTP2 Stream transactions received by the GVHTTP2 server from the Client VTAP that have been dropped by the VXLAN thread because there are no more RX descriptors in the ingress queue of the VXLAN thread. |
34 |
vxlanRXOversized |
Total number of RX Packets received from inbound HTTP2 Stream transactions received by the GVHTTP2 server from the Client VTAP that the VXLAN thread has dropped because the RX message size is too large. |
35 |
vxlanQueueCurrBufferIn |
Buffer index of the queue slot for a current packet to be inserted into the VXLAN Thread RX Queue. |
36 |
vxlanQueueCurrBufferOut |
Buffer index of the queue slot for a current packet to be removed from the VXLAN Thread RX Queue. |
37 |
vxlanQueueNumBuffers |
Total number of buffers in the VXLAN RX Queue. |
38 |
vxlanQueueMaxQueueSize |
Total number of packets that were in the VXLAN RX Queue during the current interval. |
39 |
vxlanQueueBufferSize |
Size of each RX Packet buffer in the VXLAN RX Queue. |
40 |
vxlanQueuePacketsQueuedIn |
Total number of packets that have been put into the VXLAN RX Queue. |
41 |
vxlanQueuePacketsQueuedOut |
Total number of packets that have been removed from the VXLAN RX Queue. |
42 |
vxlanQueuePacketsQueuedFull |
Total number of packets that attempted to be queued when the VXLAN RX Queue was full. |
43 |
nghttp2Errors |
Total errors that occur within the nghttp2 library used by the GVHTTP2 server application. |
44 |
pcapRXPackets |
Total number of RX Packets received from inbound HTTP2 Stream transactions received by the GVHTTP2 server from the Client VTAP that have been created in the PCAP thread. |
45 |
pcapRXBytes |
Total number of RX Bytes received from inbound HTTP2 Stream transactions received by the GVHTTP2 server from the Client VTAP that have been created in the PCAP thread. |
46 |
pcapRXDrops |
Total number of RX Packets received from inbound HTTP2 Stream transactions received by the GVHTTP2 server from the Client VTAP that have been dropped by the PCAP thread because there are no more RX descriptors in the ingress queue of the PCAP thread. |
47 |
pcapRXOverSized |
Total number of RX Packets received from inbound HTTP2 Stream transactions received by the GVHTTP2 server from the Client VTAP that the PCAP thread has dropped because the RX message size is too large. |
48 |
pcapRXErrors |
Total number of RX Packets received from inbound HTTP2 Stream transactions received by the GVHTTP2 server from the Client VTAP that the PCAP thread has dropped because of an error. |
49 |
pcapQueueCurrBufferIn |
Buffer index of the queue slot for a current packet to be inserted into the PCAP Thread RX Queue. |
50 |
pcapQueueCurrBufferOut |
Buffer index of the queue slot for a current packet to be removed from the PCAP Thread RX Queue. |
51 |
pcapQueueNumBuffers |
Total number of buffers in the PCAP RX Queue. |
52 |
pcapQueueMaxQueueSize |
Total number of packets that were in the PCAP RX Queue during the current interval. |
53 |
pcapQueueBufferSize |
Size of each RX Packet buffer in the PCAP RX Queue. |
54 |
pcapQueuePacketsQueuedIn |
Total number of packets that have been put into the PCAP RX Queue. |
55 |
pcapQueuePacketsQueuedOut |
Total number of packets that have been removed from the PCAP RX Queue. |
56 |
pcapQueuePacketsQueuedFull |
Total number of packets that attempted to be queued when the PCAP RX Queue was full. |
57 |
pcapFiles |
Total number of PCAP Files written during this interval. |
58 |
pcapOpenErrors |
Total number of file errors that occurred while trying to create new PCAP Files during this interval. |
59 |
pcapWriteErrors |
Total number of file errors that occurred while trying to write data to PCAP Files during this interval. |
60 |
pcapFlushErrors |
Total number of file errors that occurred while trying to flush cached data to PCAP Files during this interval. |
61 |
pcapCloseErrors |
Total number of file errors that occurred while trying to close PCAP Files during this interval. |
62 |
pcapPackets |
Total number of PCAP Packets written during the interval. |
63 |
pcapBytes |
Total number of PCAP Bytes written during the interval. |
64 |
diskLoggingThreadTimeouts |
Total number of calls to delay waiting to receive data in the PCAP file thread. This is not an error. |
65 |
diskLoggingThreadCount |
Total number of thread cycles that occurred during the interval. |

The following table provides information on the counter details and their usage for the 5G-Cloud application:
S.No |
Counter Name |
Counter Description |
1 |
rxPkts |
Total number of RX Packets / Messages from the GVHTTP2 Application. |
2 |
txPkts |
Total number of packets that have been successfully transmitted to the UDPGRE TX Tunnel. |
3 |
rxPktBytes |
Total number of RX Bytes for messages from the GVHTTP2 Application. |
4 |
txPktBytes |
Total number of bytes that have been successfully transmitted to the UDPGRE TX Tunnel. |
5 |
rxDrops |
Total number of RX Packets received from inbound VXLAN Tunnel by the 5G-Cloud Application from the GVHTTP2 Server APP that have been dropped by the PCAP thread because there are no more RX descriptors in the ingress queue of the PCAP thread. |
6 |
txDrops |
Total number of Tx Packets that have been dropped by the 5G-Cloud APP because there are no more RX descriptors in the egress queue. |
7 |
rxThreadCount |
Total number of receive thread cycles that occurred during the interval. |
8 |
txThreadCount |
Total number of Transmit thread cycles that occurred during the interval. |
9 |
rxSelectTimeouts |
Total number of calls to select that timed out waiting for received data. This is not an error. |
10 |
txThreadTimeout |
Total number of calls to egress Queue (Timed Semaphore wait) that timed out waiting for received data. This is not an error. |
11 |
rxIPv4Pkts |
Total number of IPv4 Packets received by the 5G-Cloud Application (this counter is not used currently). |
12 |
rxIPv6Pkts |
Total number of IPv6 Packets received by the 5G-Cloud Application (this counter is not used currently). |
13 |
rxTcpPkts |
Total number of TCP Packets received by the 5G-Cloud Application (this counter is not used currently). |
14 |
rxNonTcpPkts |
Total number of Non-TCP Packets received by the 5G-Cloud Application (this counter is not used currently). |
15 |
rxVlanPkts |
Total number of VLAN Packets received by the 5G-Cloud Application (this counter is not used currently). |
16 |
rxPktsTooShort |
Total Number of Incomplete Packets received by the 5G-Cloud Application (this counter is not used currently). |
17 |
rxSelectNoEvents |
Total Number of Errors while reading the packet data from the ingress Socket. |
18 |
rxOversizedBuffers |
Total number of RX Packets received by the 5G-Cloud Application from the GVHTTP2 Server that have been dropped because the RX message size is too large. |
19 |
rxRecvFromNonCritical |
Total number of socket timeout (timed out without Receiving any packet) for the ingress Interface. |
20 |
rxErrors |
Total number of Rx Packets dropped by the 5G-Cloud Application because of an error in Processing the Packet. |
21 |
rxProtocolIDErrors |
Total number of Rx Packets dropped by the 5G-Cloud Application because of error in IP Protocol ID (this counter is used only when L2GRE is used as ingress Tunnel Type hence it is not used currently). |
22 |
rxIPProtocolErrors |
Total number of Rx Packets dropped by the 5G-Cloud Application because of an error in IP Protocol (this counter is used only when L2GRE is used as ingress Tunnel Type; hence, it is not used currently). |
23 |
rxIPPayloadLengthErrors |
Total number of Rx Packets dropped by the 5G-Cloud Application because of an error in IP payload length (this counter is not used currently). |
24 |
txSocketErrors |
Total number of packets that could not be transmitted to the UDPGRE TX Tunnel because of socket error. |
25 |
elPkts |
Total number of Packets successfully written into the log files. |
26 |
elFiles |
Total number of files opened successfully to log the packets. |
27 |
elErrors |
Total number of errors while opening the file to write the packets. |