GigaVUE® Fabric Management Events
This section provides the consolidated list of Events along with their descriptions.

The following table lists all the events related to Alarms.
GigaVUE-FM Event |
Description |
AlarmCreateEvent | Alarm Created Event |
AlarmUpdateEvent | Alarm Updated Event |
AlarmDeleteEvent | Alarm Deleted Event |

The following table provides the list of all the events that are generated for the various GigaVUE Cloud Suite platforms.
GigaVUE-FM Event |
Description |
VmmVcenterAdded | vCenter Added |
VmmVcenterDeleted | vCenter Deleted |
VmmVcenterConnectionStateChanged | vCenter Connection State Changed |
VmmVcenterConnected | vCenter Connected |
VmmVcenterDisconnected | vCenter Disconnected |
VmmVcenterInventoryCompleted | vCenter Inventory Completed |
VmmVmPoweredOn | VM powered on |
VmmVmPoweredOff | VM powered off |
VmmHostPoweredOn | Host powered on |
VmmHostPoweredOff | Host powered off |
VmmHostAdded | Host added |
VmmHostRemoved | Host removed |
VmmHostMultiGvm | Host has Multiple Gvms |
VmmHostNetworkConfiged | Host Network reconfiged |
VMMHostMoveInCluster | Host Moved In Cluster |
VmmVmDisconnected | VM disconnected |
VmmVmConnected | VM connected |
VmmVmRemoved | VM removed |
VmmVmCreated | VM created |
VmmVmRenamed | VM renamed |
VmmVmResetting | VM resetting |
VmmVmSuspended | VM suspended |
VmmVmGuestShutdown | VM Guest shutdown |
VmmVmGuestReboot | VM Guest rebooted |
VmmVmStartMigrating | vMotion started |
VmmVmMigrated | vMotion completed |
VmmPortAdded | vNIC added |
VmmPortEdited | vNIC configuration changed |
VmmPortRemoved | vNIC removed |
VmmDvsPortLinkDown | DVS Port Link Down |
VmmDvsPortLinkUp | DVS Port Link Up |
VmmGvmNoIp | GigaVUE-VM does not have an IP |
VmmGvmPinToHost | GigaVUE-VM pinned to host |
VmmGvmUnPinFromHost | GigaVUE-VM unpinned from host |
VmmError | Vmm error |
OpenStackConnectionStateChanged | Openstack Connection State Changed |
OpenStackInventoryUpdateStarted | OpenStack Inventory Update Started |
OpenStackInventoryUpdateCompleted | OpenStack Inventory Update Completed |
OpenStackInstanceInventoryUpdateFailed | OpenStack Instance Inventory Update Failed |
deviceHealthChanged | OpenStack Fabric Deployment Inventory Update Failed |
OpenStackConnectionTriggeredInventoryUpdateStarted | OpenStack Connection Triggered Inventory Update Started |
OpenStackConnectionTriggeredInventoryUpdateCompleted | OpenStack Connection Triggered Inventory Update Completed |
OpenStackConnectionTriggeredInventoryUpdateFailed | OpenStack Connection Triggered Inventory Update Failed |
OpenStackProjectLimitExceeded | OpenStack Project Limit Exceeded |
VmmUctVControllerInstallStarted | UCT-V Controller VM install started |
VmmUctVControllerInstallComplete | UCT-V Controller VM install completed |
VmmUctVControllerCameOnline | UCT-V Controller VM came online |
VmmUctVControllerrInstallFailed | UCT-V Controller VM Install Failed |
VmmVSeriesControllerInstallStarted | V Series Controller VM install started |
VmmVSeriesControllerInstallComplete | V Series Controller VM install completed |
VmmVSeriesControllerInstallFailed | V Series Controller VM install failed |
VmmVSeriesNodeInstallStarted | V Series Node VM install started |
VmmVSeriesNodeInstallFailed | V Series Node VM install failed |
VmmVSeriesNodeInstallComplete | V Series Node VM install completed |
VmmUctVControllerUpgradeStarted | UCT-V Controller upgrade started |
VmmUctVControllerUpgradeComplete | UCT-V Controller upgrade completed |
VmmUctVControllerUpgradeFailed | UCT-V Controller upgrade failed |
VmmVSeriesControllerUpgradeStarted | V Series Controller upgrade started |
VmmVSeriesControllerUpgradeComplete | V Series Controller upgrade completed |
VmmVSeriesControllerUpgradeFailed | V Series Controller upgrade failed |
VmmVSeriesNodeUpgradeStarted | V Series Node upgrade started |
VmmVSeriesNodeUpgradeFailed | V Series Node upgrade failed |
VmmVSeriesNodeUpgradeComplete | V Series Node upgrade completed |
VmmNsxvAgentUpdated | NSX-V Agent Created/Updated |
VmmNsxvAgentDeleted | NSX-V Agent Deleted |
VmmNsxvProfileUpdated | NSX-V Profile Created/Updated |
VmmNsxvProfileDeleted | NSX-V Profile Deleted |
VmmNsxvServiceInstanceCreated | NSX-V Service Instance Created |
VmmNsxvServiceInstanceDeleted | NSX-V Service Instance Deleted |
NsxtLicenseExpire | VMware NSX-T License Has Expired |
AwsConnectionStateChanged | AWS Connection Status Changed |
AwsInventoryUpdateStarted | AWS Inventory Update Started |
AwsInventoryUpdateCompleted | AWS Inventory Update Completed |
AwsInstanceInventoryUpdateFailed | AWS Instance Inventory Update Failed |
AwsConnectionTriggeredInventoryUpdateStarted | Aws Connection Triggered Inventory Update Started |
AwsConnectionTriggeredInventoryUpdateCompleted | Aws Connection Triggered Inventory Update Completed |
AwsConnectionTriggeredInventoryUpdateFailed | Aws Connection Triggered Inventory Update Failed |
AwsFabricDeploymentInventoryUpdateFailed | AWS Fabric Deployment Inventory Update Failed |
AwsLicenseExpire | AWS License Has Expired |
AzureConnectionStateChanged | Azure Connection Status Changed |
AzureInventoryUpdateStarted | Azure Inventory Update Started |
AzureInventoryUpdateCompleted | Azure Inventory Update Completed |
AzureVMInventoryUpdateFailed | Azure VM Inventory Update Failed |
AzureFabricDeploymentInventoryUpdateFailed | Azure Fabric Deployment Inventory Update Failed |
AzureLicenseExpire | Azure License Has Expired |
AzureConnResGrpLimitExceeded | Azure Connection Resource Group Limit Exceeded |
AzureConnectionTriggeredInventoryUpdateStarted | Azure Connection Triggered Inventory Update Started |
AzureConnectionTriggeredInventoryUpdateCompleted | Azure Connection Triggered Inventory Update Completed |
AzureConnectionTriggeredInventoryUpdateFailed | Azure Connection Triggered Inventory Update Failed |
AnyCloudInventoryUpdateStarted | AnyCloud Inventory Update started |
AnyCloudInventoryUpdateCompleted | AnyCloud Inventory Update Completed |
KubernetesConnectionStateChanged | Kubernetes Connection Status Changed |
KubernetesConnTriggeredInvUpdateStarted | Kubernetes Connection Triggered Inventory Update Started |
KubernetesConnTriggeredInvUpdateCompleted | Kubernetes Connection Triggered Inventory Update Completed |
KubernetesConnTriggeredInvUpdateFailed | Kubernetes Connection Triggered Inventory Update Failed |
NutanixConnectionStateChanged | Nutanix Connection Status Changed |
NutanixConnTriggeredInvUpdateStarted | Nutanix Connection Triggered Inventory Update Started |
NutanixConnTriggeredInvUpdateCompleted | Nutanix Connection Triggered Inventory Update Completed |
NutanixConnTriggeredInvUpdateFailed | Nutanix Connection Triggered Inventory Update Failed |
NutanixInventoryUpdateStarted | Nutanix Inventory Update started |
NutanixInventoryUpdateCompleted | Nutanix Inventory Update Completed |
VcenterConnectionStateChanged | vCenter Connection Status Changed |
VmwareConnectionTriggeredInventoryUpdateCompleted | VMware Connection Triggered Inventory Update Completed |
VmwareConnectionTriggeredInventoryUpdateFailed | VMware Connection Triggered Inventory Update Failed |
VmwareInventoryUpdateCompleted | VMware Inventory Update Completed |
VmwareVmInventoryUpdateFailed | VMware VM Inventory Update Failed |
VmwareFabricDeploymentInventoryUpdateFailed | VMware Fabric Deployment Inventory Update Failed |
VmwareVmPinToHost | GigaVUE-VM pinned to host |
VmwareVmUnPinFromHost | GigaVUE-VM unpinned from host |
VmwareNsxtNodeDeploymentStarted | VMware NSX-T Node Deployment started |
VmwareNsxtNodeDeploymentSuccess | VMware NSX-T Node Deployment successful |
VmwareNsxtNodeDeploymentFailed | VMware NSX-T Node Deployment failed |
VmwareNsxtNodeDeploymentCompleted | VMware NSX-T Node Deployment completed |
VmwareNsxtNodeUndeploymentStarted | VMware NSX-T Node Undeployment started |
VmwareNsxtNodeUndeploymentSuccess | VMware NSX-T Node Undeployment successful |
VmwareNsxtNodeUndeploymentFailed | VMware NSX-T Node Undeployment failed |
VmwareNsxtNodeUndeploymentCompleted | VMware NSX-T Node Undeployment completed |
UctVInventoryUpdateCompleted | UCT-V Inventory Update Completed |
NoCompatibleUctVController | No compatible UCT-V Controller exists for UCT-V version |
GcbRegistered | GCB Registered |
GcbDeregistered | GCB Deregistered |
InstanceRunning | VM Instance Running |
InstanceStopped | VM Instance Stopped |
InstanceTerminated | VM Instance Terminated |
NodeAdded | GigaVUE V Series Node Added |
NodeRemoved | GigaVUE V Series Node Removed |
FabricNodeRegistered | GigaVUE V Series Node deployed using Third party orchestration registered |
FabricNodeUnRegistered | GigaVUE V Series Node deployed using Third party orchestration unregistered |
FabricNodeHeartBeat | Fabric Node Heart Beat |
FabricNodeRegistered | Fabric Node Registered |
FabricNodeUnRegistered | Fabric Node UnRegistered |
VmwareVseriesNodeRediscoveryEvent | GigaVUE V Series Node Rediscovery for VMware |
VmwareVseriesNodeRediscoverySummaryEvent | GigaVUE V Series Node Rediscovery Summary for VMware |
VmmVSeriesNodeInstallEvent | GigaVUE V Series Node Install Event |
VmmVSeriesNodeUpdateFailed | GigaVUE V Series Node Update Failed |
VSeriesNodeUpdateComplete | GigaVUE V Series Node Update Completed |
NodeDown |
GigaVUE V Series Node Down |
NodeUnreachable |
GigaVUE V Series Node Unreachable |
NodeUp |
GigaVUE V Series Node Up |
NodeRebootFailed | GigaVUE V Series Node Reboot Failed |
NodeRebooted | GigaVUE V Series Node Rebooted |
NodeReplacementLaunchFailed | GigaVUE V Series Node Replacement Launch Failed |
NodeReplacementLaunched | GigaVUE V Series Node Replacement Launched |
NodeRestartFailed | GigaVUE V Series Node Restart Failed |
NodeRestarted | GigaVUE V Series Node Restarted |
NodeDeleted | GigaVUE V Series Node Deleted |
NodeUnrecoverable | GigaVUE V Series Node Unrecoverable |

The following table provides the list of all the cluster-related events.
GigaVUE-FM Event |
Description |
ClusterCreationStarted | Cluster creation started |
ClusterCreationCompleted | Cluster creation completed |
AddClusterMembersCompleted | Add members completed |
AddClusterMembersFailed | Add members failed |
ClusterCreationFailed | Cluster creation failed |
NodeJoinedToCluster | Node joined to cluster |
NodeFailedToJoinCluster | Node failed to join cluster |
NodeRemovedFromCluster | Node removed from cluster |
ClusterNodeUpdated | Cluster node updated |
NodeFailedToRemoveFromCluster | Node failed to remove from cluster |

The following table provides the list of events related to device upgrade, device discovery, and device configuration.
GigaVUE-FM Event |
Description |
DiscoveryStarted | Device discovery started |
DiscoveryFinished | Device discovery finished |
DiscoveryFailed | Device discovery failed |
DeviceImageDownloadStarted | Device image download started |
DeviceImageDownloadFinished | Device image download finished |
DeviceImageDownloadFailed | Device image download failed |
DeviceImageInstallStarted | Device image install started |
DeviceImageInstallFinished | Device image install finished |
DeviceImageInstallFailed | Device image install failed |
DeviceConfigSaveStarted | Device configuration save started |
ClusterImageInstallStarted | Cluster image install started |
PostDeviceUpgradeVerificationStarted | Post Device Upgrade Verification Started |
PostDeviceUpgradeVerificationFinished | Post Device Upgrade Verification Finished |
PostDeviceUpgradeVerificationFailed | Post Device Upgrade Verification Failed |
DeviceRebootStarted | Device reboot started |
DeviceRebootFinished | Device reboot finished |
DeviceRebootFailed | Device reboot failed |
DeviceBuildVerificationStarted | Device build verification started |
DeviceBuildVerificationFinished | Device build verification finished |
DeviceBuildVerificationFailed | Device build verification failed |
DeviceFirmwareUpgradeStarted | Device firmware upgrade started |
DeviceFirmwareUpgradeFinished | Device firmware upgrade finished |
DeviceFirmwareUpgradeFailed | Device firmware upgrade failed |
DeviceConfigBackedUp | Device configuration backed up |
DeviceConfigDeleted | Device configuration deleted |
DeviceConfigRestored | Device configuration restored |
ApplyDeviceConfig | Apply device configuration |
ClusterRebootStarted | Cluster reboot started |
ClusterRebootFinished | Cluster reboot finished |
FMMetadataTemplateConfigTypeCompleted | GigaVUE-FM Metadata Template Configuration Type Completed |

The following table provides the list of Fabric Maps-related events.
GigaVUE-FM Event |
Description |
FabricPathUnusedSrcPorts | Un-utilized source ports in fabric path |
FabricPathMultipleClusterTermination | Fabric path has multiple source or destination cluster termination |
FabricMapFailover | Fabric Map tunnel end-point change as response to path status |

The following table lists the events related to GigaVUE-FM backup and restore, image upgrade, health, topology, and High Availability.
GigaVUE-FM Event |
Description |
FMServerConfigBackup | FM Server config backup |
FMServerConfigRestore | FM Server config restore |
FMImageUpgradeStarted | FM Image Upgrade Started |
FMImageUpgradeCompleted | FM Image Upgrade Completed |
FMImageUpgradeFailed | FM Image Upgrade Failed |
FMImageInstallFinished | FM image install Finished |
FMImageRollback | FM Image Rollback Status |
FMRebootStarted | FM reboot started |
FMRebootFinished | FM reboot finished |
FMConfigSaveStarted | FM config save started |
DeviceAdded | Node added |
DeviceDeleted | Node removed |
DeviceStateChanged | Node state changed |
ManualNodeAdded | Manual node added |
ManualNodeDeleted | Manual node removed |
ManualNodeUpdated | Manual node updated |
ManualLinkAdded | Manual link added |
ManualLinkDeleted | Manual link removed |
StatsCollectionFailed | Stats Collection Failed |
LinkUp | Link Up |
LinkDown | Link Down |
FlowHealthStateChanged | Flow health state changed |
FlowComputationErrorEvent | Error while computing flow |
FMHaEvent | GigaVUE-FM High Availability configured |
FMHealthQueueInfo |
FM Health Queue Information |

The following table lists the events related to G-TAP A Series 2.
GigaVUE-FM Event |
Description |
BatteryTestStartFailedEvent | Battery Test Failed to Start |
BatteryTestStartedEvent | Battery Test Started |
BatteryTestInProgressEvent | Battery Test is In-Progress |
BatteryTestCompletedEvent | Battery Test Completed |
BatteryTestNotExecutedEvent | Battery Test not executed |
BatteryTestAbortedEvent | Battery Test Aborted |
BatteryTestAbortedFailedEvent | Battery Test Aborted Failed |

The following table lists the events related to GigaVUE-FM Licensing.
GigaVUE-FM Event |
Description |
FloatingLicenseAssignFailed | Floating license assign failed when start time reached |
FloatingLicenseUnassignFailed | Floating license un-assign failed when renewal succeeded |
VolumeUsageAlertThresholdExceeded | Volume Usage alert threshold exceeded |
VolumeUsageReportEmailSendFailed | Volume Usage report email send failed |
LicensesinGrace (applicable for floating and node-locked licenses) | Licenses in grace period (licenses for which grace period is applicable) |
LicensesExpired (applicable for floating and node-locked licenses) | Licenses expired |

The following table lists all the events related to SNMP throttle.
GigaVUE-FM Event |
Description |
SnmpThrottleConfigSaveFailed | SnmpThrottleConfigSaveFailed |
SnmpVersionNotSupported | Snmp version is not supported |
SnmpThrottleUpdated | Snmp Throttle updated |
FMTemplatesSnmpTrapEnforced | FM Templates SNMP TRAP Enforced |
FMTemplatesSnmpTrapConfigTypeCompleted | FM Templates SNMP TRAP Config Type Completed |
SnmpV3MigrationActionRequired | Snmpv3 migration action required |

The following table lists all the events related to ACME.
GigaVUE-FM Event |
Description |
FMAcmeCertificateIssueSuccess | ACME certificate issue succeeded |
FMAcmeCertificateRenewSuccess | ACME certificate renewal succeeded |
FMAcmeCertificateRevokeSuccess | ACME certificate revoke succeeded |
FMTemplateAcmeGlobalCompleted | ACME global configuration of devices completed |
FMAcmeCertificateClearFailed | ACME certificate clear failed |
FMAcmeCertificateIssueFailed | ACME certificate issue failed |
FMAcmeCertificateRenewFailed | ACME certificate renewal failed |
FMAcmeCertificateRevokeFailed | ACME certificate revoke failed |
FMAcmeCertificateClearStarted | ACME certificate clear started |
FMAcmeCertificateRenewStarted | ACME certificate renew started |
FMAcmeCertificateRevokeStarted | ACME certificate revoke started |
TrapAcmeReqStatusNotification | ACME Trap request status notification |
FMAcmeCertificateClearSuccess | ACME Certificate Clear Success |

The following table lists the events related to Traffic Drop Identification.
GigaVUE-FM Event |
Description |
TrafficDropThresholdExceeded | This event is triggered when traffic drop is detected and the computed traffic drop value exceeds the configured threshold for a given entity. |
TrafficDropAlertPolicyDeleted | This event is triggered when traffic drop identification alert policy is deleted for a given entity. |
TrafficDropAlertPolicyUpdated | This event is triggered when traffic drop identification alert policy is updated for a given entity |

The following table lists the events related to Traffic Drop Identification.
GigaVUE-FM Event |
Description |
ClusterMemberOnline | This event is triggered when GigaVUE-FM sends a notification to the external servers when a not-reachable member in a device cluster becomes online. |
ClusterMemberNotReachable | This event is triggered when GigaVUE-FM sends a notification to the external servers when one of the members in a device cluster goes not-reachable from the cluster. |

GigaVUE‑FM generates and sends a list of SNMP traps and GigaVUE-FM events to the external servers. The following table list the SNMP traps and GigaVUE‑FM with the respective Object Identifier and description:
SNMP Traps |
Object Identifier (MIB) |
GigaVUE-FM Event |
Description |
gigamonFMServerConfigBackupCompletionStatusNotification |
. |
FMServerConfigBackupCompletionStatus |
GigaVUE-FM sends a notification to the external servers whenever the server backup configuration operation is completed. |
gigamonFMServerConfigRestoreCompletionStatusNotification |
. |
ServerConfigRestoreCompletionStatus |
GigaVUE-FM sends a notification to the external servers when the server restoration is complete. |
gigamonFMImageUpgradeStartedNotification |
. |
ImageUpgradeStarted |
GigaVUE-FM sends a notification to the external servers if GigaVUE-FM image upgrade process is started. |
gigamonFMImageUpgradeCompletedNotification |
. |
ImageUpgradeCompleted |
GigaVUE-FM sends a notification to the external server if GigaVUE-FM image upgrade process is complete. |
gigamonFMImageUpgradeFailedNotification |
. |
ImageUpgradeFailed |
GigaVUE-FM sends a notification to the external server if GigaVUE-FM image upgrade is failed. |
gigamonFMImageInstallFinishedNotification |
. |
ImageInstallFinished |
GigaVUE-FM sends a notification to the external server if the GigaVUE-FM image installation is complete. |
gigamonFMSLicenseExpiryEmailSendFailedNotification |
. |
LicenseExpiryEmailSend |
GigaVUE-FM sends a notification to the external server if the email sent on the event of License expiry is failed. |
gigamonFMLicensesExpiringIn90DaysNotification |
. |
LicensesExpiringIn90Days |
GigaVUE-FM sends a notification to the external server if the GigaVUE-FMs license is about to expire in about 90 days. |
gigamonFMLicensesExpiredNotification |
. |
LicensesExpiringSoon |
GigaVUE-FM sends a notification to the external server if the GigaVUE-FMs license is about to expire soon. This notification is generated when the GigaVUE-FMs license is about to expire in 15 days. |
gigamonFMLicensesExpiredNotification |
. |
LicensesExpired |
GigaVUE-FM sends a notification to the external server if GigaVUE-FM license is expired. |
gigamonFMDeviceAddedNotification |
. |
DeviceAdded |
GigaVUE-FM sends a notification to the external server when a new device is added to GigaVUE-FM. |
gigamonFMDeviceDeletedNotification |
. |
DeviceDeleted |
GigaVUE-FM sends a notification to the external server when a device is deleted from GigaVUE-FM. |
gigamonFMSnmpThrottleConfigSaveFailedNotification |
. |
SnmpThrottleConfigSaveFailed |
GigaVUE-FM sends a notification to the external server when SNMP Throttle configuration push to devices is failed. |
gigamonFMVolumeUsageAlertThresholdExceededNotification |
. |
VolumeUsageAlertThresholdExceeded |
GigaVUE-FM sends a notification to the external server when the traffic flow volume exceeds the license limit. This is for both Volume Based License (VBL) and other device licenses. In case of VBL if add-on package are added, then the notification is sent once the volume usage exceeds the volume allowance of the base bundle as well as the add-on packages volume allowance. |
gigamonFMVolumeUsageReportEmailSendFailedNotification |
. |
VolumeUsageReportEmailSendFailed |
GigaVUE-FM sends a notification to the external server when the email for the traffic flow volume usage report is failed to send. |
gigamonFMFlowComputationErrorEventNotification |
. |
FlowComputationErrorEvent |
GigaVUE-FM sends a notification to the external server when any unexpected error occurs while computing the flow. |
igamonFMSFlowHealthStateChangedNotification |
. |
FlowHealthStateChanged |
GigaVUE-FM sends a notification to the external server whenever there is a change in the health status. |
gigamonFMSyslogOverThresholdNotification |
. |
SyslogOverThreshold |
GigaVUE-FM sends a notification to the external servers when the number of syslog per minute exceeds the threshold limit. The threshold limit for the respective memory is as follows: For 16GB- 100 logs per minute For 32GB- 1000 logs per minute For more than 32GB- 5000 logs per minute |
gigamonSnmpNotifHsmGroupAlias |
HSMGroupAlias |
GigaVUE-FM sends a notification for the HSM group Alias that has registered. |
gigamonSnmpNotifHsmOperationalStatus |
HSMGroupOperationalState |
GigaVUE-FM sends a notification on the operational states of the HSM Group. |
gigamonSnmpHsmGroupOperationalStatusChangeNotification |
HSMGroupOperationalState |
GigaVUE-FM sends a notification when the operational state of a HSM Group changes. |
gigamonFMHighAvailabilityNotification |
. |
HighAvailability |
GigaVUE-FM sends a notification to the external servers when a state change happens in GigaVUE-FM High availability. |
gigamonFMDiskReclaimEventNotification |
. |
DiskReclaimEvent |
GigaVUE-FM sends a notification to the external servers when configuration directory occupies more than 70% of the memory. |
gigamonFMTrafficDropThresholdExceededEventNotification |
. |
TrafficDropThresholdExceeded |
GigaVUE-FM sends a notification to the external servers when an entity's traffic drop is exceeding the configured threshold in the traffic drop policy. |
gigamonFMClusterMemberOnlineEventNotification |
. |
ClusterMemberOnline |
GigaVUE-FM sends a notification to the external servers when a not-reachable member in a device cluster becomes online. |
gigamonFMClusterMemberNotReachableEventNotification |
. |
ClusterMemberNotReachable |
GigaVUE-FM sends a notification to the external servers when one of the members in a device cluster goes not-reachable from the cluster. |
gigamonFloatingLicensesExpiredEventNotification |
. |
LicensesExpiredPhysical |
Floating Licenses Expired in devices. |
gigamonFloatingLicensesGraceEventNotification |
. |
LicensesInGrace |
Floating Licenses in Grace period. |
gigamonFMStatsRollUpEventNotification |
. |
FMStatsRollUp |
GigaVUE-FM Stats RollUp happens. |
gigamonAddFeatureVolumeAllowanceDifferentEventNotification |
. |
AddFeatureVolumeAllowanceDifferent |
Add feature volume allowance differs from base bundle allowance. |
gigamonFMDiskSpaceEventNotification |
. |
FMDiskSpaceEvent |
GigaVUE-FM Disk Usage has reached it's threshold level. |
gigamonMonitoringSessionConfigUnhealthyNotification |
. |
MonitoringSessionConfigUnhealthy |
GigaVUE-FM sends a notification to the external servers when the Monitoring Session configuration is failed to sync in GigaVUE V Series Node. |
gigamonMonitoringSessionTrafficUnhealthyNotification |
. |
MonitoringSessionTrafficUnhealthy |
GigaVUE-FM sends a notification to the external servers when the Applications/Tunnel End Points/Raw End Points traffic breaches the threshold in the Monitoring Session. |
gigamonMonitoringSessionConfigHealthyNotification |
. |
MonitoringSessionConfigHealthy |
GigaVUE-FM sends a notification to the external servers when the Monitoring Session configuration is in sync in GigaVUE V Series Node. |
gigamonMonitoringSessionTrafficHealthyNotification |
. |
MonitoringSessionTrafficHealthy |
GigaVUE-FM sends a notification to the external servers when the Applications/Tunnel End Points/Raw End Points traffic comes below the threshold in the Monitoring Session. |
gigamonFabricNodeUnreachableNotification |
. |
NodeUnreachable |
GigaVUE-FM sends a notification to the external servers when the cloud fabric node is down or unreachable. |
gigamonFabricNodeUpNotification |
. |
NodeUp |
GigaVUE-FM sends a notification to the external servers when the cloud fabric node is running ok. |
gigamonFabricNodeDeletedNotification |
. |
NodeDeleted |
GigaVUE-FM sends a notification to the external servers when the cloud fabric node is deleted from the Monitoring Domain. |
gigamonFabricNodeRestartFailedNotification |
. |
NodeRestartFailed |
GigaVUE-FM sends a notification to the external servers when the cloud fabric node restart is failed. |
gigamonFabricNodeRebootFailedNotification |
. |
NodeRebootFailed |
GigaVUE-FM sends a notification to the external servers when the cloud fabric node reboot is failed. |
gigamonFabricNodeUnrecoverableNotification |
. |
NodeUnrecoverable |
GigaVUE-FM sends a notification to the external servers when the cloud fabric node is unrecoverable after mutiple reboots. |
gigamonFabricNodeRegisteredNotification |
. |
FabricNodeRegistered |
GigaVUE-FM sends a notification to the external servers when the cloud fabric node registration event is raised in Third Party Orchestration. |
gigamonFabricNodeUnRegisteredNotification |
. |
FabricNodeUnRegistered |
GigaVUE-FM sends a notification to the external servers when the cloud fabric node deregistration event is raised in Third Party Orchestration. |
gigamonFabricNodeHeartbeatNotification |
. |
FabricNodeHeartbeat |
GigaVUE-FM sends a notification to the external servers when the cloud fabric node heartbeat event raised in Third Party Orchestration. |
gigamonVSeriesOperationalUnhealthyNotification |
. |
VSeriesNodeOperationalUnhealthy |
GigaVUE-FM sends a notification to the external servers when the GigaSMART Applications service is crashed or hanged in GigaVUE V Series Node. |
gigamonVSeriesOperationalHealthyNotification |
. |
VSeriesNodeOperationalHealthy |
GigaVUE-FM sends a notification to the external servers when the GigaSMART Applications service is recovered in GigaVUE V Series Node. |