Enable Advanced Fabric Hashing

The Enable Fabric Hash option is used to enable advanced fabric hashing on a specified card and slot. Advanced fabric hashing is supported on all GigaVUE HC Series devices and GigaVUE TA Series devices.

Advanced Fabric Hash can only be enabled or disabled while in Chassis Table View. To enable or disable Advanced Fabric Hashing, do the following:

1.   Select Chassis in the main navigation pane.
2. Switch the Chassis page to Table View.
3. Under Cards, find the line card on which you want to enable fabric hash and select the card. The Fabric Hash field for the card indicates the current state of fabric hash. In Enable Advanced Fabric Hashing, fabric hash is disabled on the selected line card.
4. Select Actions
o   If the fabric hash is currently disabled, the Actions menu shows Enable Fabric Hash. Click on the menu selection to enable.
o   If the fabric hash is currently enabled, the Actions menu shows Disable Fabric Hash. Click on the menu selection to disable.