Configure Modules and Enable Ports

Modules must be configured and ports enabled before they can be used on the GigaVUE‑HC1-Plus. Use the following procedure to bring up all modules and enable ports before starting to issue commands in the CLI:

1.   Connect to the console port as described in the previous section.
2. Wait at least two minutes after the system prompt appears for the modules to be initialized, and then switch to Configure mode.

The GigaVUE® HC series provides three command entry modes with increasingly powerful rights – Standard, Enable, and Configure. The jump-start script is only available in Configure mode:

a. Type en <Enter> to switch to Enable mode.

The system prompts changes from [hostname] > to [hostname] #.

b. Type config t <Enter> to switch to Configure mode.

The system prompts changes from [hostname] # to [hostname] (config) #.

3. Reset the terminal settings to match the current window with the following command:

(Config) # terminal resize

4. Use the following command to check module status:

(Config) # show cards

5. Verify the following in the show cards output:
o   Box ID is not empty.
o   Config shows yes for all cards.
o   Oper Status shows up (or inserted) for all modules.
6. If Config does not show yes for all modules after two minutes, take the action corresponding to your show cards output as follows:

show cards Output:

Corrective Action

Config does not show yes for any modules (including base chassis)

(config) # chassis box-id <integer>(config) # card all

Config shows yes for base chassis but not one or more modules

(config) # card all

The card all command configures the node for all currently unconfigured modules. However, it can only be used after the node’s box ID has been configured as reported at the top of the show cards command output.

7. Use the show cards command again to verify the output.

The show cards command output for a GigaVUE‑HC1-Plus displays the properly configured modules.


HC1P (config) # show cards
Box ID: 1
Slot  Config    Oper Status   HW Type               Product Code               Serial Num     HW Rev
cc1   yes      up            HC1P-Main-Board          132-00GW                 1GW0-006E      3.1-07
1     yes      up            HC1P-C04X08              132-00GZ                 1GZ0-006E      1.2-7
2     yes      up            PRT-HC1-X12              132-00EK                 1EK0-029C      A3-88
3     yes      up            PRT-HC1-X12              132-00EK                 1EK0-000D      2.0-88
4     yes      up            SMT-HC1A-R               132-00GX                 1GX0-007A      3.1-7
8. Issue a show port command to determine the port numbers that need to be enabled.
9. Use the port command with the admin argument to enable ports on modules as well as ports on the base chassis. For example, the following command enables all ports on the 10Gb ports on the base chassis:

(config) # port 1/1/x1..x8 params admin enable

10. Save your changes so that the cards and ports come up automatically at the next reboot:
(config) # write memory