Gigamon License Portal

The Gigamon License Portal is a web-based application that allows you to view the license entitlements for your purchased software. You can activate the licenses from the portal, as required.

The portal lists licenses of all the product/features that you have paid for and are available in your entitlement. These features are listed as Stock Keeping Units (SKUs).

The licensing portal consists of the following tabs:

All Lists all the licenses
Activated Lists the licenses activated
Not Activated Lists only the licenses that have not been activated
Search Use to search the portal and fetch the results

The licenses in the portal consists of the following fields:

Field Description
Activation Date the license got activated
Device Locked To
  • Device ID for node-locked licenses
  • MAC Address for floating licenses
Customer Customer who purchased the license
Description Detailed description of the license
Order Type Order type
SKU SKU of the license
Type Type of license, either floating or node locked
Eid Entitlement Id of the license
License Start Date License start date
License End Date License end date
Activation ID Activation id for the license
Quantity Number of licenses. This is displayed as a ratio of the activated verses total number of licenses.
Status Status of licenses, whether activated or not-activated
Lic.key License key. For inactive licenses, link to Activation is provided.
Revoke (button) Indicated as revoked for revoked licenses.

The last three columns listed below are fixed. They will always be visible even when you resize the page:

  • Quantity
  • Status
  • License Key

Activate Licenses from the Portal

You can activate both Node-locked and Floating licenses from the portal:

Activate Floating Licenses

Prior to activating the licenses, ensure that you have the following information:

  • Entitlement IDs: Locate the email sent to you by Gigamon containing the licensing information for your installation. This email contains one or more EID (Entitlement ID) values. You will use these EIDs to generate License Keys on the Gigamon Licensing Website.
  • Challenge MAC Address: Locate the Challenge MAC address of the virtual network adapter associated with the GigaVUE‑FM installation.
  • Fabric Inventory File: Download the Fabric Inventory JSON file and save it in your local folder.

To activate a floating license:

  1. Identify and select the license(s) that you want to activate from the list of available licenses.
  2. Click Activate. The Activation Method page appears.
  3. In the Do you use GigaVUE-FM to manage your environment option, select Yes.
  4. Choose the Fabric Inventory File downloaded from GigaVUE-FM and click Continue.
  5. Select the required quantity of the licenses. Click Review.
  6. After reviewing the license details, click Activate to activate the license.
  7. The Activation Results page appears with the following details:

    • Details of the SKU
    • Device to which the license is locked to
    • License file that can be downloaded.
  8. Click Download to download the license file.
  9. Note:  License files downloaded from the portal have unique names. However, if you try to download the same license file again without deleting the already downloaded file, the file name is duplicated with the number 1 surrounded by parenthesis. For example: 'GigamonLic_NL_H2762_f5238c63-0da0-4e16-a613-a81b7d8fa40b (1).lic'. Ensure to delete the number and the parenthesis as GigaVUE-FM does not import file names with parenthesis.

  10. Navigate to GigaVUE-FM GUI and upload the license file.
  • A message prompts up in the GigaVUE-FM GUI to indicate that the license has been successfully activated.
  • Activate Node-locked licenses

    You need the following details for activating node-locked licenses:

    • Chassis Serial Number for the devices
    • Challenge MAC Address for GigaVUE-FM

    To activate a node-locked license:

    1. Identify and select the license that you want to activate.
    2. Click Activate. The Activation Method page appears.
    3. In the "Do you use GigaVUE-FM to manage your environment" option, select No and click Continue. The Activation Quantity page appears.
    4. In the Device Locked To field, enter the serial number of the chassis or the serial number of the card for the devices. For GigaVUE-FM enter the Challenge MAC address of GigaVUE-FM.
    5. Specify the required quantity of the licenses. Click the +/- options under Action column. Click Review.
    6. Review the license you wish to activate. Click Activate to activate the license. The Activation Results page with the License Key is displayed.

    Install the license keys either using the GigaVUE-FM GUI or the license command (for GigaVUE TA Series devices and Port licenses).

    Search for Licenses in the Portal

    Use the filter options in the Gigamon license portal to find the required license. The following search options are available.

    • Navigation Search: Use navigational search to filter the data from the database. You can search based on the following criteria:
      • Device Locked To
      • EID
      • Date Range
    • Grid Search: Use the Grid Search below the column headings to further refine the data fetched from the navigation search.

    The search operation performed from a specific page is applicable only for the items listed in the Grid on that specific page. For example, consider you are on Page 3 of the portal and perform the following searches:

    • Specific EID from the navigation search menu
    • Specific License Start Date from the Grid search.

    Only Page 3 of the portal is updated with the search results. If you navigate to Page 4, it will still list all the items. Apply the search criteria again in each of the individual pages to get the updated results.