Edit Cluster

The Edit Cluster action supports the following types of changes:

■   Leader preferences can be changed for each device.
■   Multiple devices can be added to the existing cluster in a single update operation.
■   Stack links can be created only from a new device that is being added.
■   Stack link alias and GigaStream alias can be edited for newly created links.
■   Nodes can be removed from an existing cluster, one at a time.
■   You can edit the tag id and tag values associated to nodes and clusters:
■   To edit a configured tag ID and tag value of a node/cluster, you must be an admin user with read and write access.
■   If you replace a single-valued tag value associated to a node, a confirmation message pops-up before replacing the tag value.
■   Stacking mode can be changed from Legacy to Default and vice versa.
  • You cannot change the stacking mode and also add or remove a device simultaneously. Only one task can be performed at a time.

The following options are not supported by the Edit Cluster action:

■   There is no option to remove existing stack links through the cluster wizard.
■   There is no option to create links in existing devices.
■   Addition and deletion of devices in a single update operation is not supported and is not recommended. If you attempt to add and delete devices in a single update operation, you may get unexpected results.
■   There is no option to edit the existing stack link alias and GigaStream alias.
■   There is no option to rename a cluster directly from GigaVUE-FM. If you rename a cluster using the GigaVUE-OS CLI, the rename does not reflect in the GigaVUE‑FM. To rename a cluster that is managed from GigaVUE-FM:
  1. Remove the cluster from GigaVUE-FM.
  2. Take a backup/log session. Run the show run and show diag detail commands from the leader node.
  3. Disable cluster on all nodes using the command no cluster enable. Start with the member nodes and disable the leader node at the end.
  4. From leader node, in configure mode, run the command cluster id <new-cluster-id> to change the cluster name.
  5. Enable the cluster on all nodes. Start with the leader by running the command cluster enable. Leader node will push the new cluster name to all the nodes.
  6. Once the cluster is up and running, add the cluster back to GigaVUE-FM.


You must clear all configurations on a node before adding it to a cluster.

Edit options:

■   Add Nodes to a Cluster
■   Remove Nodes from a Cluster
■   Edit Cluster Parameters