GCB Diameter Traffic Processing

This feature allows Gigamon Containerized Broker (GCB) to process Service Based Interface Application (SBI) and Diameter traffic from the Pcapper.

GigaVUE-FM also supports a new traffic type parameter with SBI or Diameter values. With the introduction of Diameter Traffic, there are independent traffic policies for SBI Traffic and Diameter Traffic. Each monitoring domain now supports two traffic policies. You can configure one traffic policy with metadata filter rules for SBI traffic and another with metadata filter rules for Diameter Traffic.

You can enable or disable the following features (as shown in the table) for SBI and Diameter traffic:




Reorder packets Supported Supported
Transaction Logging Supported Supported
Service Identification Supported Supported

To configure Diameter Traffic Processing, refer to Configuration of GCB Diameter Traffic Processing

This section also describes about:

■   Service Identification
■   Pod Status
■   Upgrade

Service Identification

In GigaVUE-FM, you can enable or disable service identification for SBI and Diameter Traffic for GCB.

Pod Status

GigaVUE-FM supports a new pod status called Terminated. The status and the conditions are explained in the following table:




GCB de-register with GigaVUE-FM.


GCB lost heartbeat with GigaVUE-FM for more than 10 minutes, but less than 15 minutes.


GCB lost heartbeat with GigaVUE-FM for more than 15 minutes..


If GCB is not in the status mentioned in the previous rows, then GigaVUE-FM set it as connected.


You must upgrade both GCB controller and GCB HTTP pod to same version. It is not recommended to use different controller and GCB versions.