
Required Command-Line Mode = Admin

Use the inline-serial command to configure inline tools or inline tool groups in a series, in which the traffic from one side of the inline network is guided through the members of the series before it is sent out the other side of the inline network. With inline tools and inline tool groups arranged in a series, the traffic from one inline tool or inline tool group flows to the next, so all tools in the series see the same traffic.

The inline tool ports that make up the inline tools and inline tool groups participating in the series are always in pairs, running at the same speed, on the same medium (fiber or copper). All inline tool and inline tool group ports of the series must be on the same GigaVUE‑HC3, GigaVUE‑HC2, or GigaVUE‑HC1 node. The inline tool and inline tool group ports must also be on the same GigaVUE‑HC3, GigaVUE‑HC2 or GigaVUE‑HC1 node as the inline network ports.

This command is only applied to GigaVUE HC Series nodes. In a cluster environment, this command is only applied to GigaVUE HC Series nodes through the cluster leader. The inline constructs must all be configured on one GigaVUE‑HC3, GigaVUE‑HC2, or GigaVUE‑HC1 node, not across nodes, even if the nodes are in a cluster.

This command is used in the inline bypass solutions described in the “Configuring Inline Bypass Solutions” section in the GigaVUE Fabric Management Guide.

The inline-serial command has the following syntax:

inline-serial alias <alias>
   comment <comment>
   failover-action <tool-bypass | tool-drop | network-bypass | network-drop | network-port-forced-down |       per-tool>
   inline-tool-list <list of inline tools and inline tool groups>
<reverse | forward>

The following table describes the arguments for the inline-serial command.



alias <alias>

Specifies the name of the inline tool series. The alias must be unique and can contain up to 128 characters. Aliases are case-sensitive.

For example:

(config) # inline-serial alias inSer

(config inline-serial alias inSer) #

comment <comment>

Specifies a unique text string that describes the inline tool series. Comments can be up to 128 characters. Comments longer than one word must be enclosed in double quotation marks.

For example:

(config inline-serial alias inSer) # comment “Inline serial inSer”


Enables or disables the inline tool series. Use enable to put the inline tool series into service.

Disable the inline tool series to simulate a failure or to take the inline tool series offline for maintenance purposes.

The default is disabled.

For example, to enable:

(config inline-serial alias inSer) # enable

For example, to disable:

(config inline-serial alias inSer) # no enable

failover-action <tool-bypass | tool-drop |    network-bypass | network-drop |    network-port-forced-down | per-tool>

Specifies the failover action taken in response to a failure of an inline tool series as a whole. An inline tool series is declared to be in a failure condition as soon as any of its member inline tools goes into a failure condition. An inline tool series recovers from a failure condition after all the member inline tools recover from their failure conditions. The failover-action attributes of the individual inline tools participating in an inline tool series are ignored. Instead, the failover-action configured for the inline tool series is respected. The values are as follows:

tool-bypass—Specifies that when the inline tool series fails, the traffic that normally was directed to the inline tool is redirected to the bypass path. Use this failover action for configurations involving an inline tool series that is associated with an inline network using rule-based maps. For configurations using map passalls, tool-bypass is the same as network-bypass.
tool-drop—Specifies that when the inline tool series fails, the, the traffic that normally was directed to the inline tool is dropped. Use this failover action for configurations involving an inline tool series that is associated with an inline network using rule-based maps. For configurations using map passalls, tool-drop is the same as network-drop.
network-bypass—Specifies that when the inline tool series fails, all traffic that would not have been dropped when the inline network or networks had a NORMAL forwarding state is directed to the bypass path. That is, all such traffic arriving at the side A inline network port or ports is forwarded to the side B inline network port or ports and all traffic arriving at the side B inline network port or ports is forwarded to the side A inline network port or ports.
network-drop—Specifies that when the inline tool series fails, all traffic coming to the respective inline network (or inline network group) is dropped.
network-port-forced-down—Specifies that when the inline tool series fails, the inline network ports of the respective inline network are forced down.
per-tool—Specifies that when an individual inline tool in the series fails, the action depends on the failover action of the individual inline tool, as configured with the inline-tool failover-action command. Each inline tool in a series can have its own failover action. For example, if the failover action of the inline series is configured as per-tool and the failover action of an individual inline tool in the series is configured as tool-bypass, when that tool in the series fails, the traffic will skip over the failed tool.

Note:  The per-tool failover-action is not supported for SSL Decryption for inline tools.

The default is tool-bypass.

For example:

(config inline-serial alias inSer) # failover-action tool-drop

Note:  Before changing the failover action, enable the inline tool series using the enable command.

Refer to the “Inline Tool Series Global Failover Action” and “Inline Tool Series Local Failover Action” in the GigaVUE Fabric Management Guide for details.

<list of inline tools and inline tool groups>

Specifies the list of aliases of inline tools and inline tool groups participating in the inline tool series.

Note:  Specify the inline tools and inline tool groups in the inline tool list in the order of your configuration. To change the order, override the existing list with a new one.

Separate each alias with a comma. For example:

(config inline-serial alias inSer) # inline-tool-list IT_001,ITG_002,IT_003,ITG_004

The number of inline tools and inline tool groups in the inline series is limited only by the number of ports available for creating the inline networks and inline tools participating in the inline bypass solution.

When an inline tool group is included as a member of an inline series, the following applies:

a spare inline tool can be configured on the inline tool group
inline maps to individual members of an inline tool group are not supported
asymmetrical hashing is not supported, which means that the hash options, a-srcip-b-dstip and b-srcip-a-dstip, are not allowed on the inline tool group

per-direction-order <reverse | forward>

Specifies the per-direction order of the side B traffic of the inline tool series. This parameter configures the traffic direction order of side B traffic with respect to the inline tool list order as follows:

reverse—Specifies that the traffic from network B is to flow through the inline tool list in reverse order, for example, from the third tool, to the second tool, to the first tool.
forward—Specifies that the traffic from network B is to flow through the inline tool list in the order it which it is defined, for example, from the first tool, to the second tool, to the third tool.
The default is reverse.

For example:

(config inline-serial alias inSer) # per-direction-order forward

Note:  Traffic from network A to network B for both reverse and forward flows from the first tool, to the second tool, to the third tool. Refer to the “Inline Tool Series Per-Direction Order” section in the GigaVUE Fabric Management Guide for details.

Related Commands

The following table summarizes other commands related to the inline-serial command:



Displays inline tool series.

# show inline-serial

Displays a specified inline tool series.

# show inline-serial alias inSer

Displays all inline tool series.

# show inline-serial all

Displays the Rx and Tx statistics for either all the inline serials or a specified inline serial alias that are part of the inline flow deployment.

# show inline-serial traffic-rate {all | alias <serial_name>}

Deletes a specified inline tool series.

(config) # no inline-serial alias inSer

Deletes the comment for this inline tool series.

(config) # no inline-serial alias inSer comment

Disables a specified inline tool series.

(config) # no inline-serial alias inSer enable

Deletes the inline tool list for the specified inline series.

(config) # no inline-serial alias inSer inline-tool-list

Deletes all inline tool series.

(config) # no inline-serial all