
Required Command-Line Mode = Configure
Required User Level = Admin

Use the chassis command to assign the chassis a box ID or other parameters, or migrate an existing configuration to the chassis.

The chassis command has the following syntax:


   box-id <box ID>
      gdp <enable | disable>
      mgmt-intf discovery <cdp | lldp | all>
             mgmt-intf garp
      mode <normal | 100G [left | right]>
      serial-num <serial number> [gdp <enable | disable> | type <hc1 | hc2 | hc2-v2 | hc3 | hc3-v2 | ly2r | itac | tacx | ta200|ta25|ta25a>]
   mgmt-intf garp

                  tag-mode <single | double>

migrate box-id <box ID> [serial-num <serial number>]

The following table describes the arguments for the chassis command:




Configures the buffer for the chassis.

box-id <box ID>

Configures the box ID for the chassis. The box ID identifies the node in the system. The allowable range of box-id is from 1 to 64.

Note:  The box ID must be configured before line cards can be configured and ports enabled.

Unique box IDs are required for each node in a cluster.

For example:

(config) # chassis box-id 2

gdp <enable | disable>

Enables or disables Gigamon discovery on the chassis.

enable—Enables Gigamon discovery (GDP) on the chassis.
disable—Disables Gigamon discovery (GDP) on the chassis.

The default is disable for chassis.

mgmt-intf discovery <cdp | lldp | all>

Enables discovery protocols on the management interface of a device, as follows:

cpd—Enables CDP on the management interface.
lldp—Enables LLDP on the management interface.
all—Enables both CDP and LLDP on the management interface.

For example:

(config) # chassis box-id 1 mgmt-intf discovery cdp

Port discovery is disabled by default.

For more information about the discovery protocols, refer to the “Enable Discovery Protocols” section in the GigaVUE Fabric Management Guide.

mgmt-intf garp

Enables Gratuitous ARP on the management interface of the specified box ID in a cluster.

Gratuitous ARP is disabled by default.


(config) # chassis box-id 2 mgmt-intf garp

For more information about Gratuitous ARP, refer to the “Enable Gratuitous ARP on Management Interface” section in the GigaVUE Fabric Management Guide.

mode <normal | 100G [left | right]>

The mode of the chassis as follows:

normal—Specifies the normal mode. This mode is for all platforms, except GigaVUE‑HC2 nodes equipped with Control Card version 2 (GigaVUE‑HC2 CCv2) and 100Gb modules, PRT-HC0-CO2.
100G—Specifies the 100G mode on both the left and the right columns of the node. This mode is only for GigaVUE‑HC2 nodes equipped with Control Card version 2 (GigaVUE‑HC2 CCv2) and 100Gb modules, PRT-HC0-CO2. Optionally, you can configure the following:
o left—Specifies the 100G mode on the left column only
o right—Specifies the 100G mode on the right column only

The default is normal.

To change the mode, first remove the existing configuration from the chassis, then configure the mode, as follows:

(config) # no chassis box-id 1

(config) # chassis box-id 1 mode 100G


(config) # no chassis box-id 2

(config) # chassis box-id 2 serial-num C0D55 type hc2-v2 mode 100G

When the GigaVUE‑HC2 has a PRT-HC0-CO2 module installed, an error message is displayed if you try to bring the module up in normal mode.

When the GigaVUE‑HC2 has a PRT-HC0-CO2 module installed and the mode is configured to 100G, the port count is limited to 42 ports on the columns of the node. Modules in bays 1 and 2 are the left column, and modules in bays 3 and 4 are the right column. For details, refer to the GigaVUE-HC2 Hardware Installation Guide.

In normal mode, the maximum number of ports on each column is 48.

serial-num <serial number> [gdp <enable | disable> | type <hc1 | hc1p | hct | hc2 |
   hc2-v2 | hc3 | hc3-v2 | ly2r |    ta10 | ta10a | ta40 | hc1 | itac | tacx | ta200|ta25|ta25a>]

Configures the serial number of the node and the type of node. Enables Gigamon discovery on the chassis.

The gdp configuration is as follows:

enable—Enables Gigamon discovery (GDP) on the chassis.
disable—Disables Gigamon discovery (GDP) on the chassis.

The default is disable for chassis.

The node types are as follows:

hc2-v2GigaVUE‑HC2 with Control Card version 2 (HC2 CCv2)
hc3-v2GigaVUE‑HC3 with Control Card version 2 (HC3 CCv2)
ly2r—Certified Traffic Aggregation White Box
ta25- GigaVUE‑TA25

The serial numbers of the node are displaying in the show chassis command.


(config) # chassis box-id 2 serial-num 1C80-1000

(config) # chassis box-id 2 serial-num 1C80-1000 type hc2

tag-mode <single | double>

Configures the VLAN tag mode for the chassis.

Single—Enables single-tag mode and provides visibility only to a single VLAN tag and untagged traffic.
double—Enables double tag mode and provides visibility to double VLAN tag, single VLAN tag, and untagged traffic.


(config) # chassis box-id 1 serial-num T0006 type hc1-v2 gdp enable tag-mode double

migrate box-id <box ID> [serial-num <serial number>]

Moves the configuration in one chassis to a new chassis. Running the chassis migrate box-id <box ID> command copies the packet distribution settings. Make sure you save the newly migrated configuration with write memory when finished and then use reload to reboot the system.

The migrate argument copies over all settings that use the box ID. This includes, card, chassis, port, map, map rule, port-pair, map-passall, tool-mirror, and GigaStream settings—anything that uses a box ID as part of its setting. Settings that do not use the box ID are also stored on the CC1 and come over automatically. This includes IP settings for the Mgmt port, AAA servers, SNMP configuration, and logging settings.

Include the serial-num argument to specify the serial number of the node.


(config) # chassis migrate box-id 2

(config) # chassis migrate box-id 2 serial-num 80386

Related Commands

The following table summarizes other commands related to the chassis command:



Displays configuration and operational status for the chassis.

# show chassis

Displays configuration for all line cards or modules on this box.

# show chassis box-id 1

Displays faceplate numbering on a Certified Traffic Aggregation White Box. This command only applies on a white box.

# show chassis box-id 1 faceplate-numbering

Displays port discovery information on the management interface for the specified box ID.

# show chassis box-id 1 mgmt-intf discovery # show chassis box-id 1 mgmt-intf discovery brief

Displays the Gratuitous ARP configuration information on the management interface of the specified box ID.

# show chassis box-id 1 mgmt-intf garp

Displays Gigamon discovery information for all card.

# show gdp all

Displays Gigamon discovery information for all cards in a specified box.

# show gdp box-id 1

Displays Gigamon discovery information in table format.

# show gdp brief

Displays Gigamon discovery neighbors.

# show gdp neighbor

Displays Gigamon discovery information for a list of ports.

# show gdp port-list 1/1/x1

Displays Gigamon discovery information for a list of ports in table format.

# show gdp port-list 1/1/x1 brief

Displays Gigamon discovery for a card at a specified slot.

# show gdp slot 2

Displays Gigamon discovery for a card at a specified slot in table format.

# show gdp slot 2 brief

Deletes the active configuration on the chassis.

You can also use the no chassis box-id command to remove the chassis configuration. This is useful when moving a control card from one chassis to another—after installing the card in the new chassis, use no chassis box-id to remove the stored configuration. Refer to the Hardware Installation Guide for the detailed procedure.

(config) # no chassis

Deletes the chassis configuration for the specified box ID. Use this command before changing the chassis mode.

(config) # no chassis box-id 1

Disables the port discovery on the management interface of the specified box ID.

(config) # no chassis box-id 1 mgmt-intf discovery

Disables the Gratuitous ARP on the management interface of the specified box ID in a cluster.

(config) # no chassis box-id <boxid> mgmt-intf garp