card (GigaVUE® HC Series)

Required Command-Line Mode = Configure
Required User Level = Admin

Use the card command to manage GigaVUE® HC Series line cards. You can configure a card, causing the system to recognize a newly installed card and make it available for use, shut down cards in preparation for removal, and show card status.

Note:  You must run the card command to configure all cards as part of the installation of a new system. You must also use the card command to configure a newly installed card. Refer to the Hardware Installation Guide for a description of the initial configuration procedure.

The card command has the following syntax:

card <all [box ID] | slot <slot ID>>
   alarm buffer-threshold <0-100>
   fabric-hash advanced
   filter-template <<filter template alias> | defaults>
   mode <32x | 2q>
   product-code <card product code>
   set buffer alpha <alpha value>

Note:  In a cluster environment, you must enter the <slot id> in the <box ID>/<slot ID> format. For example, card 13/8 configures the card in slot 8 on box ID 13.

The following table describes the arguments for the card command:



<all [box ID] | slot <slot ID>>

Configures the card(s) at the specified slot(s) or on the specified node, preparing them for use. When you issue this command, the system reads the card type and hardware information, allowing the card(s) to be recognized by the system. This command is often used during the initial configuration of a system.

For example:

(config) # card all

Note:  Reset is triggered in the GigaVUE‑HC1-Plus platform when performing 'card slot <4>' for the rear GigaSMART card or 'card slot <2>' for the front GigaSMART card or 'card slot <3>' for the front GigaSMART card. Since the eport state is still up, the card will appear up until the reset is triggered and the socket connection is lost. This limitation applies to the front GigaSMART card on 'card slot <2>' in the GigaVUE-HCT platform.

alarm buffer-threshold <0-100>

Sets the alarm buffer threshold for a slot, as a percentage from 1 to 100. The default is 0, which disables the threshold.

Buffer usage increases when there is congestion in the chassis. This argument configures the threshold at which an SNMP trap is sent. For example:

(config) # card slot 4/1 alarm buffer-threshold 75

When the threshold reaches 75%, a trap notifies you that the buffer usage has crossed the configured threshold.

Note:  On the GigaVUE‑HC2 and GigaVUE‑HC3, this command configures the same alarm buffer threshold on all the slots in the chassis.

slot <slot ID> down

Shuts down the specified line card and prepares it for removal. Refer to the line card removal procedure in the Hardware Installation Guide for instructions.

slot <slot ID> fabric-hash advanced

Enables advanced fabric hashing on the specified card and slot.

For deployment, contact Technical Support. Refer to Contacting Technical Support on page 733.

For example:

(config) # card slot 3/5 fabric-hash advanced

slot <slot ID> filter-template
<<filter template    alias> | defaults>

Applies a filter template to a specified line card or module. The filter template must have already been created. To create a filter template, refer to filter-template.

For example:

(config) # card slot 1/3 filter-template ipv6+mac

The defaults keyword is a special alias which switches back to the predefined filter templates.

For example:

(config) # card slot 1/3 filter-template defaults

Switching from a user-defined filter template to the predefined filter templates has the following restrictions:

the number of existing rules cannot exceed the rules limitation of the predefined filter templates
the existing rules must match any of the predefined filter template qualifiers

slot <slot ID> mode <32x | 2q>

Sets the operating mode for a PRT-H00-Q02X32 line card. You can only change the mode for the line card if it has been unconfigured using no card <slot id>. The available operating modes are as follows:

2q Mode:

Two 40Gb (QSFP+) ports (q1..q2)
Twenty-four 10Gb/1Gb (SFP+/SFP) ports (x5..x28)

32x Mode:

Thirty-two 10Gb/1Gb (SFP+/SFP) ports (x1..x32)

For example:

(config) # card slot 11/3 mode 32x

Refer to the Hardware Installation Guide for details and examples on changing the mode of the PRT-H00-Q02X32 line card.

For card modes on GigaVUE TA Series nodes, refer to card (GigaVUE®TA Series).

slot <slot ID> product-code <card product    code>

Configures the card with a product code (for offline provisioning).

For example:

(config) # card slot 3/5 product-code 132-00DW

slot <slot ID> set buffer alpha <alpha value>

For GigaVUE-TA1 and GigaVUE-TA10, allows ports to consume a greater percentage of the common shared buffer pool. For deployment, contact Technical Support. Refer to Contacting Technical Support on page 733.

Note:  This command is not supported in a cluster environment.

Related Commands

The following table summarizes other commands related to the card command:



Displays the configuration and status of all cards on the local node.

# show cards

Displays the card details on a specified box.

# show cards box-id 1

Displays the card details on a specified slot.

# show cards slot 2/1

Unconfigures all cards in the chassis.

(config) # no card all

Unconfigures all cards on a specified box ID.

(config) # no card all box-id 1

Unconfigures a specified card at a slot so that it is no longer recognized by the system. You can reenable the card with the card command. This is handy when changing the type of card installed in a slot, permanently removing a card, or changing a system’s box ID.

(config) # no card slot 2

Unconfigures the card alarm buffer threshold.

(config) # no card slot 2 alarm buffer-threshold

Reactivates the card.

(config) # no card slot 2 down

Disables advanced fabric hashing on the specified card and slot.

(config) # no card slot 3/5 fabric-hash advanced

Displays buffer profile current information.

# show profile current buffer all

Displays a minute of buffer profile history information.

# show profile history buffer 2/1/x1 min

Displays buffer usage by box ID.

# show buffer box-id 2

Displays buffer usage by port ID.

# show buffer port 2/1/x1

Displays buffer usage by port ID and direction.

# show buffer port 2/1/x1 rx

Displays buffer usage by slot.

# show buffer slot 2/1

Note: Card mismatch occurs when:

■   a card that has a particular mode is replaced with another card with a different mode or with a card that does not support a mode
■   a configured card is replaced with another card without unconfiguring the initial card. Refer to the Hardware Installation Guides for card replacement procedures.