Example 7—Protected Flexible Inline, Out-of-Band Copy

Example 7 demonstrates a flexible inline map with OOB copy configuration as follows:

■   an example of the source as a protected inline network and the destination as a hybrid port
■   an example of the source as a tool member in the a-to-b list and the destination as a regular tool port
■   an example of the source as a tool member in the a-to-b list and the destination as a GigaStream

Use the following steps to configure Example 7:





Configure inline tool ports, port type (inline-tool), and administratively enable inline tool ports.

(config) # port 1/3/x1..x4 type inline-tool

(config) # port 1/3/x1..x4 params admin enable


Configure inline tools, specify that the inline tool is going to be shared by different sources, specify heart-beat, and enable inline tools.

(config) # inline-tool alias it1 pair tool-a 1/3/x1 and tool-b 1/3/x2

(config) # inline-tool alias it1 shared true

(config) # inline-tool alias it1 heart-beat

(config) # inline-tool alias it1 enable

(config) # inline-tool alias it2 pair tool-a 1/3/x3 and tool-b 1/3/x4

(config) # inline-tool alias it2 shared true

(config) # inline-tool alias it2 heart-beat

(config) # inline-tool alias it2 enable


Configure hybrid port, port type (hybrid), and administratively enable hybrid port. The flexible inline map will configure out-of-band (OOB) traffic to this hybrid port.

(config) # port 1/3/x19 type hybrid

(config) # port 1/3/x19 params admin enable


Configure regular tool ports, port type (tool), and administratively enable tool ports. The flexible inline map will configure out-of-band (OOB) traffic to a regular tool port. Two other tool ports will be used in a GigaStream.

(config) # port 1/3/x20..x22 type tool

(config) # port 1/3/x20..x22 params admin enable


Create a GigaStream using two of the regular tool ports.

(config) # gigastream alias gs1 port-list 1/3/x21,1/3/x22


Configure the flexible inline map from the default inline network to inline tools in both directions, specify a rule, and a user-defined tag. Then configure out-of-band traffic as follows:

■   from a protected inline network to a hybrid port using the same VLAN tag as the flexible inline map
■   from the first tool member in the a-to-b list to a regular tool port without a VLAN tag. The tag can be configured to none, because traffic goes to a different destination, it1.
■   from the second tool member in the a-to-b list to a GigaStream using the same VLAN tag as the flexible inline map

Finally, enable the map.

(config) # map alias FLEX1

(config map alias FLEX1) # type flexInline byRule

(config map alias FLEX1) # from default_inline_net_1_4_1

(config map alias FLEX1) # rule add pass vlan 500

(config map alias FLEX1) # a-to-b it1,it2

(config map alias FLEX1) # b-to-a same

(config map alias FLEX1) # tag 11

(config map alias FLEX1) # oob-copy from default_inline_net_1_4_1 to 1/3/x19 tag as-inline

(config map alias FLEX1) # oob-copy from it1 to 1/3/x20 tag none

(config map alias FLEX1) # oob-copy from it2 to gs1 tag as-inline

(config map alias FLEX1) # enable

(config map alias FLEX1) # exit

(config) #


Configure the path of the traffic to inline tools.

(config) # inline-network alias default_inline_net_1_4_1 traffic-path to-inline-tool


Disable physical bypass on the default inline network.

(config) # inline-network alias default_inline_net_1_4_1 physical-bypass disable

Note:  Starting in software version 6.4, you can use the tool/hybrid port which is part of a regular byRule or passall map with ingress VLAN tag enabled on the network port as an OOB-copy port of flexible inline maps as well. This update is compatible with all the GigaVUE HC Series, as well as the GigaVUE TA Series nodes GigaVUE‑TA25 and GigaVUE‑TA200, which support flexible inline solution.