Configure Flow Mapping®

Flow Mapping® is the technology found in GigaVUE nodes that takes line-rate traffic at 1Gb, 10Gb, 40Gb, or 100Gb from a network TAP or a SPAN/mirror port (physical or virtual) and sends it through a set of user-defined map rules to the tools and applications that secure, monitor, and analyze IT infrastructure.

The configuration examples for Flow Mapping is described in the following sections:

■   How to Create Maps
■   Configure Shared Collector Maps
■   Map Priority
■   Adjust Map Priority
■   Packets Matching Multiple Rules in Same Map Example
■   How to Add Comments to Map Rules
■   Mixing Pass and Drop Rules
■   Port Aliases
■   User-Defined Pattern Match Examples
■   How to Handle Overlaps when Sending VLANs and Subnets to Different Tools
■   How to Create Map Rules for RTP Traffic
■   IPv4 Criteria with GigaSMART Operation
■   MAC Address Criteria with GigaStream
■   IPv6 Criteria

Related Topics

■   Refer to the “Managing Maps” section in the GigaVUE Fabric Management Guide for information about creating and managing a map.
■   Refer to the map in the reference section for details on the syntax of the flow map CLI command.