Configure GigaVUE Fabric Components using VMware vCenter

This section provides step-by-step instructions on how to deploy the fabric components using VMware vCenter.

GigaVUE Cloud Suite for VMware ESXi uses port mirroring for traffic acquisition method. However you can also use UCT-V for traffic acquisition. The traffic from the workload virtual machines can be acquired using UCT-V. The traffic acquired from the workload VMs is sent to the GigaVUE V Series Nodes for processing.

Recommended Instance Type

The following table lists the recommended instance type for deploying the fabric components:

Compute Instances



Disk Space

GigaVUE V Series Node




UCT-V Controller




Refer to the following topics for more details on how to register the fabric components with GigaVUE-FM after deploying the fabric components using VMware vCenter on the host server:

Register UCT-V Controller

Deploy UCT-V Controller through VMware vCenter on the host server.

To register UCT-V Controller after launching a Virtual Machine using a configuration file, follow the steps given below:

  1. Log in to the UCT-V Controller.
  2. Create a local configuration file (/etc/gigamon-cloud.conf) and enter the following user data.
        groupName: <Monitoring Domain Name>
        subGroupName: <Connection Name>
        user: <Username>
        password: <Password>
        remoteIP: <IP address of the GigaVUE-FM>
        sourceIP: <IP address of UCT-V Controller> (Optional Field)
        remotePort: 443
  3. Restart the UCT-V Controller service.
    $ sudo service uctv-cntlr restart

Assign Static IP address for UCT-V Controller

By default, the UCT-V Controller gets assigned an IP address using DHCP. If you wish to assign a static IP address, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to /etc/netplan/ directory.
  2. Create a new .yaml file. (Other than the default 50-cloud-init.yaml file)
  3. Update the file as shown in the following sample:
            version: 2
            renderer: networkd
                                    - <IP address>
                            gateway: <IP address>
                                    - <IP address>
                            gateway: <IP address>
                                    - <IP address>
                            gateway: <IP address>
  4. Save the file.
  5. Restart theUCT-V Controller service.

    $ sudo service uctv-cntlr restart

The deployed UCT-V Controller registers with the GigaVUE-FM. After successful registration the UCT-V Controller sends heartbeat messages to GigaVUE-FM every 30 seconds. If one heartbeat is missing, the fabric component status appears as 'Unhealthy'. If more than five heartbeats fail to reach GigaVUE-FM, GigaVUE‑FM tries to reach the UCT-V Controller and if that fails as well then GigaVUE‑FM unregisters the UCT-V Controller and it will be removed from GigaVUE‑FM.

Register UCT-V

To register UCT-V after launching a Virtual Machine using a configuration file, follow the steps given below:

  1. Install the UCT-V in the Linux or Windows platform. For detailed instructions, refer to Linux UCT-V Installation and Windows UCT-V Installation.

  2. Log in to the UCT-V.
  3. Create a local configuration file and enter the following user data.

    • /etc/gigamon-cloud.conf is the local configuration file in Linux platform.
    • C:\ProgramData\uctv\gigamon-cloud.conf is the local configuration file in Windows platform.
    • When creating C:\ProgramData\uctv\gigamon-cloud.conf file, ensure that the file name extension is .conf. To view the file name extension in Windows, follow the steps given below:
      1. Go to File Explorer and open the File Location.
      2. On the top navigation bar, click View.
      3. In the View tab, enable the File name extensions check box.
        groupName: <Monitoring Domain Name>
        subGroupName: <Connection Name>
        user: <Username>
        password: <Password>
        remoteIP: <IP address of the UCT-V Controller 1>, <IP address of the UCT-V Controller 2>
        sourceIP: <IP address of UCT-V> (Optional Field)
        remotePort: 8891
    • User and Password must be configured in the User Management page. Refer to Configure Role-Based Access for Third Party Orchestration for more detailed information. Enter the UserName and Password created in the Add Users Section.
    • If you are using multiple interface in UCT-V and UCT-V Controller is not connected to the primary interface, then add the following to the above registration data:
      localInterface:<Interface to which UCT-V Controller is connected>
  4. Restart the UCT-V service.

    Note:  Before restarting the UCT-V service, update the /etc/uctv/uctv.conf file with network interface information to tap traffic and outgoing interface of tapped traffic.

    • Linux platform:
      $ sudo service uctv restart
    • Windows platform: Restart from the Task Manager.

Register GigaVUE V Series Node

Note:  When registering GigaVUE V Series Nodes in GigaVUE‑FM, the connection name under each monitoring domain must be unique.

  1. Log in to the VMware vCenter web interface.
  2. Right-click the ESXi Host, Cluster, or data center on which you want to deploy the GigaVUE V Series Node and then select Deploy OVF Template.
  3. Provide a name for the Virtual machine. Upload OVF file and VMDK files based on the below table.

    File Name

    Form Factor


    Supported Ports


    Small (2vCPU, 4GB Memory, and 8GB Disk space)

    Use these files when deploying GigaVUE V Series Node via VMware vCenter.

    Mgmt Port, Tool Port, and 8 Network Ports


    Medium (4vCPU, 8GB Memory, and 8GB Disk space)


    Large (8vCPU, 16GB Memory, and 8GB Disk space)


    Small (2vCPU, 4GB Memory, and 8GB Disk space)

    Use these when deploying GigaVUE V Series Node via VMware NSX-T Manager.

    Mgmt Port , Data Port, and Tool Port


    Medium (4vCPU, 8GB Memory, and 8GB Disk space)


    Large (8vCPU, 16GB Memory, and 8GB Disk space)


    Small (2vCPU, 4GB Memory, and 8GB Disk space)

    Use these files when deploying GigaVUE V Series Node via VMware ESXi without vCenter.

    Mgmt Port, Tool Port, and 8 Network Ports


    Medium (4vCPU, 8GB Memory, and 8GB Disk space)


    Large (8vCPU, 16GB Memory, and 8GB Disk space)


    Larger (8vCPU, 16GB Memory, and 80GB Disk space)

    Use these files when deploying GigaVUE V Series Node via VMware vCenter and if you wish to configure AMX application.

    Mgmt Port , Data Port, and Tool Port


    Larger (8vCPU, 16GB Memory, and 80GB Disk space)

    Use these files when deploying GigaVUE V Series Node via VMware ESXi without vCenter and if you wish to configure AMX application

    Mgmt Port , Data Port, and Tool Port



    minipc - Virtual Small Form Factor

    Mgmt Port, Tool Port, and 2 Network Ports

  4. Click Next and complete the Virtual machine launch. Refer VMware Documentation for more detailed information.

  5. Log in to the GigaVUE V Series Node.
  6. Create a local configuration file (/etc/gigamon-cloud.conf) and enter the following user data.
        groupName: <Monitoring Domain Name>
        subGroupName: <Connection Name>
        user: <Username>
        password: <Password>
        remoteIP: <IP address of the GigaVUE-FM>
        remotePort: 443

    Note:  User and Password provided in the registration data must be configured in the User Management page. Refer to Configure Role-Based Access for Third Party Orchestration for more detailed information. Enter the UserName and Password created in the Add Users Section.

  7. Restart the GigaVUE V Series Node or Proxy service. 
    • GigaVUE V Series node:
      $ sudo service vseries-node restart
    • GigaVUE V Series proxy:
      $ sudo service vps restart
  8. Review the setting selection in the Ready to Complete page, then click Finish.

The GigaVUE V Series Node deployed in VMware vCenter host appears in Third-party Orchestration Monitoring Domain page of GigaVUE‑FM.

Keep in mind the following when upgrading the GigaVUE-FM to 6.1.00 or higher version (when using third party orchestration to deploy fabric components):

When upgrading GigaVUE-FM to any version higher than 6.0.00 and if the GigaVUE V Series Nodes version deployed in that GigaVUE-FM are lower than or equal to 6.0.00, then for the seamless flow of traffic, GigaVUE-FM automatically creates Users and Roles in GigaVUE-FM with the required permission. The username would be orchestration and the password would be orchestration123A! for the user created in GigaVUE-FM. Ensure there is no existing user in GigaVUE-FM, with the username orchestration.

It is recommended to change the password in the Users page, once the upgrade is complete. Refer to Configure Role-Based Access for Third Party Orchestration for detailed steps on how to change password in the user page.