Install GigaVUE‑FM on OpenStack

To launch the GigaVUE‑FM instance inside the cloud:

  1. Log into Horizon.
  2. From the Horizon GUI, select the appropriate project, and select Compute > Images. The list of existing images is displayed.
  3. Select the GigaVUE‑FM image and click Launch. The Launch Instance dialog box is displayed.
  4. In the Details tab, enter the following information and Click Next.



    Instance Name

    Initial hostname for the instance

    Availability Zone

    Availability zone where the image will be deployed.


    Enter a description.


    Number of instances to be launched

  5. In the Source tab, select No for Create a new Volume as No
  6. Vverify that the selected GigaVUE‑FM image is displayed under Allocated section and click Next.
  7. In the Flavor tab, select a flavor complying the Minimum Compute Requirements and then move the flavor from the Available section to the Allocated section. The selected GigaVUE‑FM flavor is displayed under Allocated and click Next.
  8. In the Networks tab, select the specific network for the GigaVUE‑FM instance from the Available section and then move the Network to the Allocated section. The selected network is displayed under Allocated and Click Next.
  9. In the Network Ports tab, click Next again.
  10. In the Security Groups tab, select the appropriate security group for the GigaVUE‑FM instance from the Available section and then move the Security Group to the Allocated section. For information about the security groups, refer to Security Group for OpenStack . The selected security group is displayed under Allocated. Click Next.
  11. In the Key Pair tab, select the existing key pair from the Available section and then move the Key Pair to the Allocated section. or create a new key pair. For information about the key pairs, refer to Key Pairs. The selected key pair is displayed under Allocated. Click Next.
  12. Click Launch Instance. The GigaVUE‑FM instance takes few minutes to fully initialize.
  13. From the Horizon GUI, navigate to Compute > Instances. You can view the launched instance displayed in the Instances page. During the initial boot-up sequence, click Associate Floating IP. The Manage Floating IP Associations dialog box appears.
  14. In the Manage Floating IP Associations dialog box, enter the following information and click Associate.



    IP Address

    Floating IP address of the instance

    Port to be associated

    Port for the GigaVUE‑FM instance

    The Floating IP is then displayed in the IP Address column of the corresponding Instance.