Install UCT-V OVS Agent for OVS Mirroring

This is applicable only if you are using UCT-V OVS agent as the source of acquiring traffic. You must have sudo/root access to edit the UCT-V OVS agent configuration file. Before installing the UCT-V OVS agents, you must have launched the GigaVUE‑FM instance.

Note:  After rebooting your Ubuntu, you must redeploy the respective monitoring sessions to restore the mirror traffic on the respective Ubuntu VM interfaces.

You can install theUCT-V OVS agents either from Debian or RPM packages as follows:

Install the UCT-V OVS Agent from Ubuntu/Debian Package

To install from a Debian package:

  1. Download the latest version of UCT-V OVS Agent Debian (.deb) package from the Gigamon Customer Portal.
  2. Copy this package to OpenStack compute nodes. Install the package with root privileges, for example:

    $ ls gigamon-gigavue-uctv-ovs-agent_6.6.00_amd64.deb

    $ sudo dpkg -i gigamon-gigavue-uctv-ovs-agent_6.6.00_amd64.deb

  3. Once the UCT-V OVS agent package is installed, modify the file /etc/uctv/uctv.conf to configure and grant permission to monitor ingress and egress traffic and to transmit the mirrored packets.

    Note:  Any changes to the UCT-V config file made after the initial setup require an agent restart and an inventory refresh or sync from GigaVUE-FM to pick up the new changes and re-initiate the traffic mirroring. When you have an active, successful monitoring session deployed, modifying the UCT-V config file results in traffic loss until GigaVUE-FM does a periodic sync on its own every 15 minutes.

    # UCT-V Config File
    # Interface registration information
    # Format:
    #   <iface> <perm1> [perm2] ...
    # Valid permission flags:
    #   mirror-dst          (destination iface of mirror)
    #   mirror-src-ingress  (source iface of mirror for ingress monitoring)
    #   mirror-src-egress   (source iface of mirror for egress monitoring)
    # Examples:
    #   0) Grant permission to monitor ingress and egress traffic at iface
    #      'br-int' and use the same iface to transmit the mirrored packets.
    br-int    mirror-dst
    #   1) Grant permission to monitor ingress and egress traffic at iface
    #      'eth0' and use the same iface to transmit the mirrored packets.
    #      eth0    mirror-src-ingress mirror-src-egress mirror-dst
    #   2) Grant permission to monitor ingress and egress traffic at iface
    #      'eth0' and use iface 'eth1' to transmit the mirrored packets.
    #      eth0    mirror-src-ingress mirror-src-egress
    #      eth1    mirror-dst
    #   3) Grant permission to monitor ingress and egress traffic at ifaces
    #      'eth0' and 'eth1' and use iface 'eth1' to transmit the mirrored
    #      packets.
    #      eth0    mirror-src-ingress mirror-src-egress
    #      eth1    mirror-src-ingress mirror-src-egress mirror-dst
    #   4) Grant permission to monitor ingress traffc at iface 'eth0' and
    #      egress traffic at iface 'eth1' and use iface 'eth2' to transmit
    #      the mirrored packets.
    #      eth0    mirror-src-ingress
    #      eth1    mirror-src-egress
    #      eth2    mirror-dst
    # Changes for OVS Mirroring
    # This Value will be used as local Ip in OVS Mirror Config
    # This Value will be used as Next Hop for Tunneled Packets
    # This Value will be used as local Ipv6 in OVS Mirror Config
    #tunnel-src-v6      2001::161
    # This Value will be used as Next Hop ipv6 addr for Tunneled Packets
    #tunnel-gw-v6       2001::1
    # OVS Agent Mode, Values: auto|standard|dpdk|hw-offload
    ovs-agent-mode auto
    # VLAN Tag value (valid: 0-4094)
    ovs-vlan-tag 0
    # Egress Interface for OVS Mirrored Traffic
    ovs-egress-if  enp59


  4. After modifying the UCT-V OVS config file, start the agent service.

    $ sudo service uctv start

  5. The UCT-V OVS agent status will be displayed as running. Check the status using the following command:

    $ sudo service uctv status

    UCT-V is running

Install the UCT-V OVS Agent from RPM package

To install from an RPM (.rpm) package on a Redhat, CentOS, or other RPM-based system:

  1. Download the UCT-V OVS Agent RPM (.rpm) package from the Gigamon Customer Portal.
  2. Copy this package to OpenStack compute nodes. Install the package with root privileges, for example:

    $ ls gigamon-gigavue-uctv-ovs-agent_6.6.00_x86_64.rpm

    $ sudo rpm -ivh gigamon-gigavue-uctv-ovs-agent_6.6.00_x86_64.rpm

  3. Once the OVS agent package is installed, modify the file /etc/uctv/uctv.conf to configure and grant permission to monitor ingress and egress traffic and transmit the mirrored packets.

    Note:  Any changes to the UCT-V config file made after the initial setup require an UCT-V restart and an inventory refresh or sync from GigaVUE-FM to pick up the new changes and re-initiate the traffic mirroring. When you have an active, successful monitoring session deployed, modifying the UCT-V config file results in traffic loss until GigaVUE-FM does a periodic sync on its own every 15 minutes.

    # UCT-V Config File
    # Interface registration information
    # Format:
    #   <iface> <perm1> [perm2] ...
    # Valid permission flags:
    #   mirror-dst          (destination iface of mirror)
    #   mirror-src-ingress  (source iface of mirror for ingress monitoring)
    #   mirror-src-egress   (source iface of mirror for egress monitoring)
    # Examples:
    #   0) Grant permission to monitor ingress and egress traffic at iface
    #      'br-int' and use the same iface to transmit the mirrored packets.
    br-int    mirror-dst
    #   1) Grant permission to monitor ingress and egress traffic at iface
    #      'eth0' and use the same iface to transmit the mirrored packets.
    #      eth0    mirror-src-ingress mirror-src-egress mirror-dst
    #   2) Grant permission to monitor ingress and egress traffic at iface
    #      'eth0' and use iface 'eth1' to transmit the mirrored packets.
    #      eth0    mirror-src-ingress mirror-src-egress
    #      eth1    mirror-dst
    #   3) Grant permission to monitor ingress and egress traffic at ifaces
    #      'eth0' and 'eth1' and use iface 'eth1' to transmit the mirrored
    #      packets.
    #      eth0    mirror-src-ingress mirror-src-egress
    #      eth1    mirror-src-ingress mirror-src-egress mirror-dst
    #   4) Grant permission to monitor ingress traffc at iface 'eth0' and
    #      egress traffic at iface 'eth1' and use iface 'eth2' to transmit
    #      the mirrored packets.
    #      eth0    mirror-src-ingress
    #      eth1    mirror-src-egress
    #      eth2    mirror-dst
    # Changes for OVS Mirroring
    # This Value will be used as local Ip in OVS Mirror Config
    # This Value will be used as Next Hop for Tunneled Packets
    # This Value will be used as local Ipv6 in OVS Mirror Config
    #tunnel-src-v6      2001::161
    # This Value will be used as Next Hop ipv6 addr for Tunneled Packets
    #tunnel-gw-v6       2001::1
    # OVS Agent Mode, Values: auto|standard|dpdk|hw-offload
    ovs-agent-mode auto
    # VLAN Tag value (valid: 0-4094)
    ovs-vlan-tag 0
    # Egress Interface for OVS Mirrored Traffic
    ovs-egress-if  enp59


  4. After modifying the UCT-V OVS config file, start the agent service and verify its status.

    $ systemctl start uctv.service

    $ sudo service uctv status

    UCT-V is running

When you are installing a self-signed RPM package, you must execute the following command to import the signing key into the RPM db.

sudo rpm --import /path/to/YOUR-RPM-GPG-KEY

To upgrade UCT-V OVS agent:

  • You must backup the /etc/uctv/uctv.conf configuration file before upgrading the UCT-V OVS Agent and uninstall the old OVS agents.
  • Follow the same installation procedure to upgrade the UCT-V OVS agents.
  • After upgrading the UCT-V OVS Agent, copy and modify the uctv.conf file, stop the agent, and start the agent. Redeploy the Monitoring Session if required.
    service uctv stop
    service uctv start