Create a Monitoring Domain

This chapter describes how to create a monitoring domain for deploying GigaVUE V Series Nodes and GigaVUE V Series Proxy in Prism environment through GigaVUE-FM. You must establish a connection between GigaVUE-FM and Prism. Creating a monitoring domain in GigaVUE-FM allows you to establish a connection between your environment and GigaVUE-FM.

GigaVUE-FM provides you the flexibility to connect to multiple clusters.

Note:  To configure the monitoring domain and launch the fabric components in Nutanix Prism, you must be a user with Admin role or a user with write access to the Cluster Management category.

To create a Monitoring Domain:

  1. Go to Inventory > VIRTUAL > Nutanix and then click Monitoring Domain. The Monitoring Domain page appears.
  2. On the Monitoring Domain page, click the New button. The Monitoring Domain Configuration page appears.
  3. Enter or select the appropriate information as shown in the following table.



    Monitoring Domain

    Enter a monitoring domain name.

    Connection Alias

    An alias used to identify the monitoring domain.

    Use Legacy V Series ModeBy default, V Series 2 is enabled. Enable this option, if you want to use the legacy V Series Mode

    Nutanix Prism Central IP

    Enter the Nutanix Prism Central IP address.

    Nutanix Prism Central Username

    Enter the Prism Central username.

    Note:  Ensure Prism Element is accessible using the same login credentials.

    Nutanix Prism Central Password

    Enter the Prism Central password.

    Note:  Ensure Prism Element is accessible using the same login credentials.


    Select the cluster where the GigaVUE V Series Proxy and GigaVUE® V Series Node are to be deployed.

    Traffic Acquisition tunnel MTU

    The Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) is the maximum size of each packet that the tunnel endpoint can carry from the tunnel to the GigaVUE V Series node. The default value is 1500.

  4. Click Save. The Monitoring Domain is created and the Nutanix Fabric Launch Configuration page appears. Refer to Configure GigaVUE Fabric Components in GigaVUE-FM for more detailed information on how to deploy GigaVUE V Series Node and GigaVUE V Series Proxy using GigaVUE-FM.