
A user role defines permission for users to perform any task or operation in GigaVUE‑FM or on the managed device. You can associate a role with user.

Create Roles

This section describes the steps for creating roles and assigning user(s) to those roles.

GigaVUE‑FM has the following default roles:

■   fm_super_admin — Allows a user to do everything in GigaVUE‑FM fabric manager, including adding or modifying users and configuring all AAA settings in the RADIUS, TACACS+, and LDAP tabs. Can change password for all users.
■   fm_admin — Allows a user to do everything in GigaVUE‑FM fabric manager except add or modify users and change AAA settings. Can only change own password.
■   fm_user — Allows a user to view everything in GigaVUE‑FM fabric manager, including AAA settings, but cannot make any changes.

Note:  If you are a user with read-only access you will be restricted from performing any configurations on the screen. The menus and action buttons in the UI pages will be disabled appropriately.

To create a role

1.   On the left navigation pane, click and select Authentication> GigaVUE-FM User Management >Roles.
2. Click New Role.

3. In the New Role page, select or enter the following details:
  • Role Name: Name of the role.
  • Description: Description of the role.
  • Select Permission: For Third Party Orchestration from the Resources, select Write from the Permissions drop-down menu.
4. Click Apply to save the configuration.