This section describes the prerequisites the need to be configured when deploying the fabric components using third party orchestration in Azure.
GigaVUE V Series Node must have a minimum of two Networks Interfaces (NIC) attached to it, a management NIC and a data NIC with Accelerated Networking enabled.
When creating a virtual machine for GigaVUE V Series Node using CLI, Management NIC and Data NIC can be attached at the time of the virtual machine creation. However, if you are using Azure GUI to create the virtual machine for GigaVUE V Series Node, then the data NIC can only be attached after creating the virtual machine. Refer to the following topics for more detailed information on how to create GigaVUE V Series Node with Management and Data NIC using CLI or Azure GUI:
- Create GigaVUE V Series Node with Management and Data NIC Attached using CLI
- Create GigaVUE V Series Node with Management and Data NIC Attached using Azure GUI
- Accelerated Networking must be enabled in the Data NIC only when deploying GigaVUE V Series Nodes using Third Party Orchestration.
- Accelerated Networking is not required for Management NIC.
Create GigaVUE V Series Node with Management and Data NIC Attached using CLI
Create management NIC:
az network nic create -g <resource group> --vnet-name <VNet Name> --subnet <Subnet name> -n <Mangement NIC Name>
Create data NIC with Accelerated Networking enabled:
az network nic create -g <resource group> --vnet-name <VNet> --subnet <Subnet> -n <Data NIC> --accelerated-networking true
Create GigaVUE V Series Node virtual machine using the above NICS:
az vm create --resource-group <Resource group> --size <Standard_D4s_v4/Standard_D8S_V4> --name <GigaVUE V Series Node> --admin-username gigamon --generate-ssh-keys --image gigamon-inc:gigamon-gigavue-cloud-suite:vseries-node:6.6.00 --plan-name vseries-node --plan-product gigamon-gigavue-cloud-suite --plan-publisher gigamon-inc --nics <Management NIC and Data NIC>
Create GigaVUE V Series Node with Management and Data NIC Attached using Azure GUI
Enable Management NIC when creating the GigaVUE V Series Node virtual machine. Refer to Create virtual machine topic in Azure Documentation for more detailed information on how to create a virtual machine. Follow the steps given below to attach the data NIC:
- Select the GigaVUE V Series Node virtual machine from the Resources Page.
- Stop the Virtual Machine using the Stop button.
- Navigate to Setting > Networking from the left navigation pane. The Networking page appears.
- In the Networking page, click Attach network interface. Select an existing network interface for Data NIC and click OK.
- To enable accelerated networking, refer to Manage Accelerated Networking through the portal.
- Start the Virtual Machine.
Keep in mind the following when deploying the fabric components using third party orchestration in integrated mode:
- Create Roles and Users in GigaVUE-FM. Refer to Configure Role-Based Access for Third Party Orchestration for more detailed information on how to create users and assign roles to the users.
- When configuring UCT-V Controller, select UCT-V as the Traffic Acquisition Method.
- When you select Customer Orchestrated Source as your Traffic Acquisition Method, UCT-V and UCT-V Controller registration are not applicable.
- When you deploy the fabric components using third party orchestration, you cannot delete the monitoring domain without unregistering the GigaVUE V Series Nodes or UCT-V Controllers.
- Deployment of UCT-V Controller, GigaVUE V Series Node, and GigaVUE V Series Proxy through a third-party orchestrator is supported only on Linux platform.
- Deployment of UCT-V through a third-party orchestrator is supported on Linux and Windows platforms. Refer to Linux UCT-V Installation and Windows UCT-V Installation for detailed information.
Recommended Instance Type
The following table lists the recommended instance type for deploying the fabric components:
Note: Additional instance types are also supported. Refer to Support, Sales, or Professional Services for deployment optimization.
Product |
Instance Type | vCPU | RAM |
GigaVUE V Series Node |
Standard_D4s_v4 |
4 vCPU |
16GB |
Standard_D8S_V4 |
8 vCPU |
32GB |
GigaVUE V Series Proxy |
Standard_B1s |
1 vCPU |
1GB |
UCT-V Controller |
Standard_B1s |
1 vCPU |
1GB |
Keep in mind the following when upgrading the GigaVUE-FM to 6.1.00 or higher version (when using third party orchestration to deploy fabric components):
When upgrading GigaVUE-FM to any version higher than 6.0.00 and if the GigaVUE V Series Nodes version deployed in that GigaVUE-FM are lower than or equal to 6.0.00, then for the seamless flow of traffic, GigaVUE-FM automatically creates Users and Roles in GigaVUE-FM with the required permission. The username would be orchestration and the password would be orchestration123A! for the user created in GigaVUE-FM. Ensure there is no existing user in GigaVUE-FM, with the username orchestration.
It is recommended to change the password in the Users page, once the upgrade is complete. Refer to Configure Role-Based Access for Third Party Orchestration for detailed steps on how to change password in the user page.