UC APL Compliance

GigaVUE HC Series products are compliant with Unified Capabilities Approved Products List (UC APL). The products include the GigaVUE‑HC2, as well as the GigaVUE-TA10 and GigaVUE-TA40.

UC APL certification ensures that the GigaVUE HC Series products comply with Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) standards on Internet Protocol (IP) devices. The UC APL certification verifies that the GigaVUE HC Series products comply with and are configured to be consistent with the DISA Field Security Office (FSO) Security Technical Implementation Guides (STIG).

Certified equipment is listed on the US Department of Defense (DoD) UC APL list.

UC APL requires the GigaVUE HC Series products run the most current version of the Apache branch to ensure the most secure version is used. The component versions of Apache on GigaVUE HC Series products are as follows:

■   httpd 2.4.54
■   apr 1.6.3
■   apr-util 1.6.1
■   pcre 7.8